A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 343: World's Nest (19)

Nine days away.

After Green had previously robbed the Ming Wizard Squadron Corps from the Three Pepper Ghosts to take over the task, the Green Squad's line of Wizard Hunters had no objection to Green and cooperated fully with Green's mission command.

Sand, sand, sand, sand, sand...

Now, nine days past the Snowline Nest, a Green Squad pedestrian flies over the snowworm ocean to a dark area without floating magic lights.

In the light of the elements, Green travelers discovered a skeletal slope in the distance.

On the back of the giant crab with a thousand eyes, Green's eyes under the face of truth looked at the crystal ball, and Brother Ba also came together to look at it with one side of his eyes that he didn't understand.

A few moments later, a precisely calculated Green nodded in his heart and said for sure: “Here it is. ”

The skeletal stone slope is filled with black and gray six petals with a scented death scent, distanced by the sea of snowworms, and above the skeletal stone slope, there is a huge crack passage of more than 200 meters, more than twice as large as the entrance of the Green pedestrian passage to the snowline nest!

As large as the tunnel entrance is, the disguised illustration is that the number of snow nematodes coming from the upper nest space to the snow line nest is very high, thus inferring a relatively small biota.

“Lord Green, do you want to go up now? ”

The giant crab asked, waiting for Green's order.

“Well, go on. ”

With Green's voice, the giant crab quickly rose after responding to a "good” sound, and flew up the exploration passage of the world's nest marked for the Green team's mission.

Wow, La La La La...

Less than three hourglass hours flew within this expansive passage, and hundreds of thousands of floods of snowworms rushed down and thousands of eyes of giant crabs leaned aside, sparing the snowworm flood.

The snow nematode flood came to an end after a half-hour of hourglass time, and the giant crab carried Green with it and continued to fly up.

Gradually, the space in the tunnel seemed to be much wider, more than 300 metres long, with individual areas particularly severely eroded by snow nematodes, even reaching 500 metres.

So wide, it's not even less than the first miniature unnamed nest space that Green travelers reached after entering the world's nest from the surface ice sheets.

More than a dozen hourglass hours were flown through the nest passage, and Green travelers arrived at the first nest space.

This is a nest space of three or four kilometers in length, small in size, with some traces of intense fighting by enlightened wizards, living in a predatory food species similar to giant dragonflies, with an average life intensity of one degree.

Perhaps this biological community has been caught clean by the extinction of the former Corps of Wizards of the Ming, and Green's people have only found some young bodies as specimens.

Plants on the ground seem to be extremely afraid of light, and even the light of elements triggered by Green's crew keeps making these ice-crystal protected plants sound "hissing”.

After stopping for several hourglass hours in this relatively small nest space and collecting some biological specimens, Green travelers discovered a total of two passageways.

One is over 200 meters in diameter and one is over 100 meters in diameter.

Without hesitation, Green travellers naturally chose the wider nest tunnel of the world by cleaning up their routes in accordance with the previous mission of the Wizard of the Ming.

A month and a half later.

Thus, after nearly two months, Green travelers arrived at the Hive Passage of the World, the Ice Mud Hive, which was once cleaned up by the Legion of the Enlightened Wizard Square.

During this period, a group of people passed through nine nest spaces, large and small, all with obvious signs of clean-up, without encountering any danger.

The nest of ice mud is relatively vast, with no end in sight, about a few hundred kilometers.

This is a group of relatively gentle creatures, a branch of the mud monster, but adaptive evolution of a layer of ice nail due to the cold climate of the nesting world.

Of course, these mud monsters are called mild, only when other creatures are not offended.

It is precisely for this reason that the former Legion of the Wizard of Ming did not clean up these ice creams, saving a great deal of time and energy.

Although mud monsters generally depend on ingesting the energy of nature to sustain their lives, some hunting occurs occasionally.

They hunt by wrapping up the whole organism, slowly assimilating blood cells into one, and then removing non-assimilable debris.

Green took out the crystal ball and looked at it carefully, pointing in one direction: "This way. ”

The whole nest of ice mud floats with a long strip of organism similar to the sea strip, and because the mud monster does not eat the plant, it thrives heavily and the entire nest of ice mud is full of vitality.

These sea-like creatures, some floating hundreds of metres long, actually grow from the ground of the nest space to the top stone walls, while most float about ten metres.

A few hourglass hours later.

While collecting specimens, the group flew to the entrance to the last World's Nest Passage, as pointed out by the Wizard of the Ming.

The cold forest breeze blows from the entrance, brushing the long brown red hair on the back of the giant crab with everyone's generous wizard robe and silk hair.

Just as the crowd tried to get used to flying up and down, the distant insidious rumbling of a strange and rare roar of ice cream gradually came, something big seemed to have happened, causing resistance from all the ice cream monsters under the ground ribbon plants.


Not only Green, but other demon hunters looked too far into the past, but it was just dark and nothing was found.

what's going on

Surprisingly guessing in Green's heart.

On the one hand, out of the ruthless wisdom of the Dark Wizard, Green was told not to go to unprovoked branches, after all, whatever happened there had nothing to do with the task.

On the other hand, because of the witch's desire for knowledge, the desire for knowledge is the most basic motivation for the witch to move forward. Only then will the witch persist, year after year, in the study of dry and odorless experiments, to explore the unknown and wonderful new knowledge in the dark.

Gradually, the wizard's instinctive desire for knowledge overcame Green's ruthless wisdom, and Green glanced at the crowd and said, "Explore it. ”

“Hmm!? ”

Many of the demon hunters in the room made questioning voices, and no one was willing to meddle in business.

Green was stunned that he was the only one who wanted to explore?

Normally, it should be the captain who gives the order, and the other team members unconditionally obey, but at this point Green makes a choice and says faintly: “Well... since neither of you would like to explore it, just wait here. ”

After that, Green didn't say much more and flew fast to the distance.

“Ga? Young Master, we really go...”

Watching Green go away like this, out of the grim reason of the dark sorcerer, no one can understand why Green is born outside the festival.

This is just some stupid bridge section in some horror biography novel!

Clearly something unknown has happened in the dark, normal people choose to shun, but some stupid protagonists prefer to go up and probe, triggering a series of horror stories that would not have happened.

I don't know how many people have read such horrible biographical novels, then insulted the protagonist's stupidity...

Everyone stood indifferently, a posture that would evacuate at any time if something was not right. Only Nai Fall, similarly indifferent eyes watched Green gradually go away, suddenly a wave of waves appeared.

“Why would he be the only one choosing to go through a 'stupid’ probe? Is that why he's different, even beyond himself? ”

Inside, Nai Lu has fully acknowledged Green's power.

“Wait a moment! ”

Nai Fang suddenly shouted, actually flew over, following Green disappeared in the dark, the rest of the demon shaman look at me, let me see you standing in place, nobody moved anymore.

Time runs out little by little, about a lot of hourglass time later.


Ice and mud monster howling closer and closer, accompanied by a dense “buzzing” sound, far away, Green and Nai Fang flew over at full speed, face pale and breathless.

“Run! It's a biota invasion of a powerful nesting space next to it! ”

Green had just finished saying that the Dark Wizards of the Hunters had no stops at all and flew up to the wide tunnel above their heads at full speed.

In Green's hands, an ice-covered, more than ten centimetres ice bee flexed and turned his eyes in the ice.