A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 506 Dawn Nature Awakening

Two more years later.

Taking advantage of the brief time that the Tri-Color Pokémon appear every night, Green observes, analyzes, and summarizes, following the Tri-Color Pokémon trail every day a little further in the nightmare world, hoping to find the source of these Tri-Color Pokémon rules one day.

There, most likely, is the seat of the Judgment Wand, the Holy Mark Wizard!

And Green is the only one who left the world of nightmares...

“Hmm? Wonderful ability, your nightmare power is covert? ”

Green, who was following the trail of the Tri-colored Pokémon in the night with the awakening light, was surprised by the sudden appearance of a voice, one jumped more than ten meters away, the Horn of the Ark magic wand in the face of truth in a two-coloured light, pointing to the source of the sound.

The sudden appearance of this voice is actually witchcraft.

In Greenfield, the mud gradually drilled out an ugly monkey with red hair, about three meters tall, although much less tall than some of the seven or eight meters and more than ten meters of giant hairy monkeys that Green had seen before, but much taller than little monkeys with generally less than one meter of nightmare shadow.

This horrible creature of the nightmare world wiped the mud off his face and grabbed several disgusting black worms and stuffed them in his mouth.

“This region has never seen new capabilities, coming from the rest of the nightmare world? ”

The nightmare world terror creatures drilled out of the mud ignored Green's state of intense defense, and whoever was in a state of invisibility was suddenly identified by others, probably like Green.

Green in its eyes seems to be the same as Green in the Wizard Apprentice's eyes when Green first arrived in the Wizard World, or, like himself, an ugly monkey with red hair.

It happened suddenly, but Green, as an elite demon hunter and dark wizard, was already thinking in thousands of ways at this moment.

This is the Dark Wizard instinct based on survival as the most basic ability.

Meanwhile, Green's masquerading skills have long been incredibly pure in a subhunter expedition.

“Who are you? ”

Green's words are simple, and the simpler they are, the less likely they are to be exposed.

This horrible creature swayed its body like a wet puppy, throwing all the mud out of its hair and sinking low: “I call it dream-hearing, the power of nightmares is listening, so I can hear you through the mud of nightmares, even though I can't see you. ”

Green pondered, seemingly through each other's language, how to communicate between horrible creatures in a nightmare world.

“I don't like talking to strange faces, and you know, my nightmare power is cover-up, and I think I'm leaving. ”

“Wait a minute! ”

Dream listening suddenly stopped Green, the cold light appeared in Green's eyes, full of fierce light.

“Don't get me wrong, I just want to ask... hum, do you want to be reborn? ”

Green's eyes stared dead into each other's eyes, and for the horrible creatures of the nightmare world, the meaning of rebirth is naturally understood by Green.

Breathe a little, Green asks, "What do you mean? ”

The hairy and ugly monkey grinned, revealing neat white teeth in his mouth, and the scarlet tongue licked his lips and pointed behind him.

“There is a bitter cliff over there, living in the land's most powerful sinker, King of Dreams, with the ability to spy on that dream desire, and is the third waiter of the great Mud of Nightmares King of Terror. And now it's assembling all the sinkers here to Bitter Cliff Mountain, where a wizard from the world of wizards is already showing signs of falling into it. ”

falls into?

Nightmare Shadow Curse Attack?

“Well, what does it matter to me if there's a chance to be reborn, and surely the king of the spectacle you're talking about is reborn? ”

After that, Green wants to leave.

The rebirth of these nightmare creatures is the use of nightmares to influence the human will of the wizard world. In theory, Green, as a member of the horror creatures of the nightmare world, can also use this method to “rebirth”, but this is not what Green wanted.

What Green wants is to leave the world!

Besides, if a wizard is really that easy to be parasitized...

“Humph, the world is getting weaker and weaker now, and the stupid wizards of the wizard world are dragging us to the end! If we do not fight back, we will never have a chance. In up to four more centuries, the world will be destroyed with the destruction of the world of wizards! ”

Four Era!

Green has long known that the heart of the world of witches is continuously crumbling, and because the world of witches coordinates have left the original world coordinates of the infinite world, thereby breaking the rules of equilibrium of this world community and not being supplemented by the rules of equilibrium of the infinite world, a small trauma of the original world heart is constantly growing and tending to collapse.

But Green heard for the first time that the exact time of destruction of the wizard world was actually in the mouth of a horrible creature in the nightmare world at this time.

Four epochs, 40,000 years.

Forty thousand years is too long for even a full wizard.

Although, by rule, the soul of any official wizard cannot bear the loss of 10,000 years without decay, thus naming 10,000 as an era, in practice most official wizards begin to decay after 6,700 years, with few wizards able to reach the limit of 10,000 years.

Forty thousand years?

This is an amazing secret!

The world of wizards did not spread this news because true wizards did not want the powerful world of wizards to lose confidence and panic, but the world of nightmares did not take this into account at all.

Nightmare world rulers fear what demon kings need is a struggle and madness with all nightmare creatures.

Since Green's mind is still a wizard and has yet to truly transform into a nightmare creature, the meaning of the four eras for nightmare creatures cannot be understood.

“Hmm, even if the world of nightmares is about to end in four days, the chance of rebirth is not me, nor will it be you. What does this have to do with you and me? ”

“Of course it matters…”

Dreaming of a mysterious smile, the vagina sinks: “Humph, this dark wizard, has an amazing number of human slaves! As soon as the King of Dreams is reborn, he will transform these slaves into stronger ones using the blood witchcraft possessed by the Wizards, thus widening the rift in the world, then using his ability to spy on dreams, guiding us to find their desire to dream, inspiring them to sink into a world of nightmares and giving us a chance to reborn! ”

Black Wizard!

Human slave!

Inspire the Seal of Sinking, the Shadow of Nightmare!

It was amazing news that, although dangerous, it might be an opportunity to learn more about the rules of the world of nightmares and find a way out of the world of nightmares.

“There is a sorcerer with signs of falling into the world, why would the King of Peeping Dreams gather all the sinners nearby instead of completing his rebirth independently? ”

Green asks.

“Because the King of Peeping Dreams cannot fulfill the desire of this wizard, thus breaking the rules of natural awakening in the world of wizards, leaving her in this world forever and replacing her in order to complete her awakening. ”

Green's vision flickered.

Beyond the protection of spiritual will, do wizards protect the rules of natural resurrection at the dawn of the wizarding world?