A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 510: The Book of Truth

It's like constantly adding fresh wood to a flame, trying to bring it to life in the dark.


Green roared low, his radiant face gradually began to fill with mulberries, and even by then, he had begun to have the sense of age that most wizards in the world possess.

No matter how much vitality Green consumes and the amount of ice element energy that matches it, the amount of ice element, though huge, seems to have added a large amount of wet wood to the flame, which simply cannot allow the flame to flourish one step further, breaking the 100-point limit of self-willed spirituality.

If we go on like this, it's just a blank loss of life and vitality.

Even though it was long ago accurate, it was still disappointing to sigh. Green Reason's forcible control of mental power, unwillingly stopped the leverage prying, and the frost rule nest on all sides gradually dissipated.

This little piece of nightmare world rule is gradually starting to return to normal.

Loss of ice medulla crystal, loss of some vitality, double weakness.

Compared to the past, Green curled up a few more years of his face, like a puppy that shivered on a rainy day, and the pain curled into a small group.

The loss of life force is the price of Green's failed promotion.

Gradually, the infinitely weak Green fell into an instinctive coma.


Wake up again, it's the black full day of the nightmare world.

Green stood up with his horn nightmare magic wand, and the world of nightmares around him was distorted, including Green's Study Notes on the Power of Extinction and Crystal Crystal of Ice Marrowing, which began to distort illusions with the rules of the world of nightmares and emitted intense fog rules of nightmares.

The Book of Green alone has not been affected in any way, demonstrating its extraordinary nature.

Quickly put away the three books and Green took out the Spy Movie Star Meteor, although this would take a short time to find the flight trajectory of the new Tri-Color Pokémon Fairy Tale rule, but for safety's sake, it wouldn't care.

“Creaking”, the Spy Movie Star meteorite door closed and flew away towards the distance.

Inside the Spy Shadow Meteor, slightly weak Green leaned against the seat and faintly looked at the distant blurred and distorted view of the world of nightmares, hoping to be able to imagine some shadows of the world of wizards through these sights.

Failure is the inevitable experience that every wizard has along the way of a wizard.

But it is often remembered that a wizard shows a wonderful gesture after success, as if these wizards are destined to succeed, but do not care how many times every wizard has failed.

Green took out the Book of Green, a gift from the Wizard of the Sacred Marks of Black Sota.

The world of wizards tells the story of Antonio, the mighty true wizard, whose fame had been widely spread among the Holy Mark wizards before he was promoted to the Holy Mark. Many of the Holy Mark wizards knew that it was an infinite potential third-degree great wizard and looked forward to its promotion to the Holy Mark.

Until one day, when Antonio wanted to leave the world of wizards for a voyeuristic journey, an intimate Holy Mark wizard himself stopped and forcibly demanded that the third great wizard leave a legacy of his knowledge for the world of wizards.

Vacancy travel is dangerous for Level 3 Great Sorcerers.

At that time, the ancient world of wizards, which had not had much time since the end of the first civilization war, was at the outbreak of civilization before the darkness and glory of the ancient world, far less powerful than the later world of the ancient and modern wizards.

But Antonio's journey was imminent, and he could not find a suitable heirloom disciple in a short period of time, nor was he willing to make his unique witch knowledge public.

Forced to help, Antonio spent the last three years writing the Book of Destiny for the Endless Years of the World of Earthquake Future Wizards, which allowed him to embark on an endless world journey during his third level of Great Wizards.

The Book of Destiny, written by Antonio at the time, was not understood by the Holy Mark Wizard at all.

It was not until many years later that Antonio forged the Leverage of Destiny with the Book of Destiny, leaving the Wizard World to celebrate history forever, that this Book of Destiny, together with the Leverage of Destiny, was cast on a stone statue to commemorate.

At this moment, Green suddenly took out this blank book in this failed flash, the narrow, long goose wool pen slid with Green's regrettable hand, and the Book of Truth four words appeared.

“The search for truth can only be constantly stepped on that layer of the staircase of the majestic Wizard Tower, accumulated by endless failure and loneliness, to pick the shiniest point above the summit. ”

The goose pen swims fast on the Book of Truth with Green's will.

A precious bottle of Magic Ink floats in the air, and the cap automatically closes after Green is contaminated with a goose pen from time to time, maintaining the Ink Magic property.

Green's memories gradually returned to the unsuccessful journey he had begun over and over again after entering the Black Sota School of Wizards.

First failure?

Green's journey to the Wizard failed for the first time, and with hundreds of years lost and even gradually forgotten by Green himself, memories have become far blurred.

“The first failure should be in a magic potion knowledge class just after entering the college. The wizard picked his college disciples with four contemporaneous wizard apprentices. ”

It's a fuzzy history in the dust.

During the apprenticeship of the Green Wizard, in pursuit of the knowledge of the Hunting Nose and Odor Atlas for the famous phrase "Give me endless knowledge and I will pivot the endless world”, a wizard was briefly favored in the classroom of magic pharmacology.

The reason is the experimental fragrance that was invented early in Green.

Only then was the fragrance, only to use the fragrance of the natural world of flowers to find a fragrance that matched the aesthetic of most human scents, not the love Venus fragrance made by the late Green using heterosexual hormonal ideas.

At that time, Rafi, Yorkriana, Moon Chris and others placed considerable hope in Green, who was also a prominent figure in the Blood Sail Alliance, just one step away from the so-called success of climbing the sky at that time.

But unfortunately, in the end, the sorcerer chose not Green, but another sorcerer apprentice.

Despite its failure, Green was placed in high hopes by the Potty Blood Sail Coalition, where he was placed in a health position at the Nursing College Library under Rafi's strong arrangement, and began the “failure” journey of Green's Wizard Apprentice, a dull and lonely study of the Nasal and Odor Atlas, two years earlier.

Later, there was the invention of the improved love god Venus incense agent, the discovery of life code knowledge, the creation of Green Holy Body Isomerization Great Witchcraft and Green Three Secret Great Witchcraft, at this time, the beginning of the life code crack knowledge of Green planning and research.

“And the second failure...”

Success is only the result of the pursuit of truth, and the path of true wizards accumulates in a single failure!

Unconsciously, it has been the late night of the bloody moon rising nightmare world, Green has long fallen to the ground, put away the Book of Truth just at the beginning of writing, awaiting the appearance of the rule of fairy tales of the three colored elves in the sky.

“Humph, I finally found you...”

The king of dreams with more than ten meters of scarlet tongue appeared 100 meters away from Green.