A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 512 King of Terror (II)

When the horror creatures of the nightmare world embark on the journey of trying to absorb the power of terror to achieve the King of Terror, they forget what they call immortality.

Because for these nightmare world horror creatures, the power of dissipation equals constant death!

Green knows nothing about the name, history, background, status, significance of this vast city within the realm of the Holy Tower of the Nightmare World.

But in terms of distortions in the world of nightmares, it is also at least a supercity with a permanent population of more than 10 million, far from the supercity that the general city in the heart of the Seven Circles can compare.

Tens of thousands of tri-colored Pokémon fairy tale rules come and go in high altitude.

These Tri-Color Pokemon Fairy Tale Rules, some of which are the guardian rules that reside in the city, represent the wonderful fantasies of the city's children's dreams, and some of which are the rules of movement of the world of nightmares, revolving around the whole world of nightmares, centered around that wand of judgment, the Holy Mark Wizard.

Green's biggest concern is the floating giant ball at the tallest building in the city centre.

I don't know what the rules are for this giant ball in the city of the Wizard World's Around the Holy Tower, but at this time in the world of nightmares, this giant ball emits an unspeakable strange fluctuation in magnetic fields.

As if approaching this giant ball, the more Green feels weak, or the more powerful the average life around him is?

Of course, there are not many so-called other creatures in the world of nightmares, and the reason Green feels this way is because these buildings inadvertently show up from the world of nightmares.

Until Green walked into a building within 10,000 meters of a floating sphere and saw a world crack of several meters, Green had determined that he felt right.

It seems that the floating circle of the city center within the Four Circles Tower should be some unique system of rules for the Four Circles Tower.

Gradually, as the bloody moon falls in the sky and the black circle rises, the world of nightmares is gradually transformed from depletion, repression and unknown melodies to distort the illusory world, as if Green were the only lonely world.

“Let's first test the power of frightening in the nightmare world to improve your space. ”

Green feels about 2,000 extra scare powers in his body, part of the power to break scares after the King of Peeping Dreams was reborn one time by the Tri-Color Pokemon Fairy Tale Rule.

And what have these two thousand scare forces done to Green in the world of nightmares?

Chen Jingxia, Green was experimenting in one operation, and Green's actions were significantly more powerful than ever before.

Gradually, Green has some simple data.

More than two thousand pieces of frightening power, which is roughly equivalent to enhancing Green's physical appearance by a hundred points, while the most obvious qualitative change is that Green's ability to make a little difference to the world of nightmares can already be made.

Of course, Green's so-called ability to change is by no means the king of spectacles, creating a castle change that has never occurred in the world of nightmares, but rather the ability of Green to cause some meaningless damage to the buildings of the world of wizards that appear in the world of nightmares.

A force of fright is that after an effective nightmare, some intangible loss to a human being in the wizard world after being frightened was collected by the horror creatures of the nightmare world.

“By roughly counting, collecting twenty shocks in the world of nightmares is equivalent to adding a little bit of health? ”

In contemplation, Green muttered to himself.

“Try it tonight to see how many nightmare shadows you can effectively control to gather the power to scare yourself. ”

Destroying the human dream of the wizard world and gathering the power of fright in the shadow of nightmares, Green's such behaviour is morally contrary to the interests of the wizard world.

But because these are not within the rules set by the Santa Claus, and because Green's mentality is changing at this time, the world of nightmares is also part of the world of wizards, and the power of nightmare shadow collection will not really cause much damage to the world of wizards, so not much concern has arisen.

Thinking about it, Green sat down in a fantastically twisted room on the side of the road, took out the Book of Truth, the goose pen, the Magic Guide ink, and started trying to remember his past failures over and over again.

Every failure of the Book of Truth is documented in great detail by Green.

As Green's opening melody of the Book of Truth was laid, the Book of Truth seemed to open or create a door to the world, a door called the Forgotten World.

Some of this forgotten world just fails again and again.

Failure will never be remembered by others, because others will not see the failure of the successful, and only the successful will be able to gradually recall that precious failure from their own success.

If one day Green succeeds in opening the doors of the world, he will lead others into the illusory world of his own, like the Wizard of the Sacred Marks of Black Sota!

It can even be said that this is a “space-time container” process that creates space-time sealing.


The bloody moon rose.

The moonlight bends like the evil smile of an infinite monster, and the creatures of the world of nightmares come together from one lonely world to the next.

Green put away the Book of Truth, stood up, and came to the streets of the city with a wake-up light.

In the sky, the rules of the fairy tale of the tri-colored elves fly through the sky, and Green thinks about it, keeping a low profile of "invisibility," like a lonely night walker coming to the edge of the city, relatively far from the floating sphere in the sky.

“Creaking," Green pushed open a wooden door.

Looking at the room pattern, this should be a more prosperous family, six houses, three beds, each with one or two world crevice swirls, with even breathing and snoring coming out.

“Making the Shadow of Nightmare...”

The primary condition for the creation of the nightmare shadow is the need for a nightmare induction, that is, some of the strong human obsession in the real world, which brings it into the dream and attempts to compensate for certain experiences in the illusory world.

Like when Green had just fallen into a world of nightmares, the witch apprentice's obsession, or the lure of nightmares, was the child in her stomach that she had knocked out.

Without obsession, there are no dreams and no dreams at all.

In that case, the King of Terror cannot unjustifiably create a so-called nightmare shadow that interferes with a human's sleep.

Luckily, Green found a nightmare guide in this room.

The lure of nightmares is a illusory light spot, but Green's eyes go through this illusory light spot and sees a little boy named Rocky creating a glittering boot for himself in his dreams because he envies his brother's boots.

“Hmm? Dreams are interesting, or 7,000 monsters in the wizard world, humans of all ages. Haven't you had similar dreams when you were a kid? ”

After a while of novelty, Green started trying to create his own nightmare shadow.

Generally speaking, as long as Green stays here long enough, it is only natural that some of the intense nightmares will lead to nightmare shadows on a large scale.

But this efficiency is too slow.

Now, actively creating the shadow of nightmares requires Green to invest a little bit of wisdom in nightmare design camouflage and the power of fright.

First, nightmare design.

Green took this little boy named Rocky's nightmare spot in his hand and swallowed it in his mouth.

The next moment, as Green closed his eyes, the light spot in his mouth stained a layer of frightening force, namely black grey, “vomit," Green spit out this light spot again

“I wonder how this golden slipper nightmare was designed? ”

At this time, only about 1,500 copies of Green's original power of fright remained, which was Green's investment in the power of fright.

If Green's nightmare for Rocky succeeds, after tomorrow, the power of fright will be 5000 copies.

Just a little while later.

Rocky, on the other side of the world's rift, was suddenly breathing, and this six-year-old boy seemed to be struggling, and the sound of a kick in the blanket was constantly coming, making a “whimper” of impatient fear and crying.

A few minutes later, Green found a second nightmare guide in another family.

The bright spot of nightmares is a beautiful woman.

This is a small businessman named Saint who admires a woman named Cabernet Norrie, but this woman is a woman who adores vanity and ignores Saint and marries the city sheriff.

The sheriff was obsessed with gambling, drunk madness, and even scolded Cabernet Norrie, but Cabernet Norrie still looked down on his admirer Saint.

In her eyes, Saint was just a toad lusting after a swan's flesh.

Even though her family life was in distress, Cabernet Franc was proud of her ability to become the Lady of the City Sheriff, a name that seemed to give her meaning in life and was a great achievement.

“Hmm? Is there such love in the world? This guy..."

Green's mood for Saint's love is hard to understand, and if it wasn't for the nightmare, Green couldn't believe there was such a “fool” in the world.

“Still give him a real fear, help him give up, the two of them should not be fit. ”

Thinking about it, gradually, Green swallowed the nightmare that led to the transformation of Caponoli's image, she was no longer that beautiful woman, but... a man.

So, in one night, Green completed four nightmare shadows and invested all of his 2,000 scare points.

If all four nightmares succeed, Green's overnight earnings will be a four-point frightening force, a one-fifth increase in Green's mass in the nightmare world.

Seems a little slow…