A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 554 Expedition Original Magnetic World

Green managed to fly the Spy Movie Star meteor towards the Seven Rings Santa's Dark Wizard headquarters, and the three-meter diameter black sphere was perfectly stable in mid-air, flashing away.

“Creaking”, the upper half-cut door of the Spy Movie Star Meteor opened and Green slowly landed on the ground with Xiao Ba on his shoulder, walking towards the Dark Wizard headquarters.

After half the hourglass time.

“In two months there will be a hunter expedition, great. ”

Green again manages the Spy Movie Star Meteor and flies toward Millie's Demon Hunter Castle. He must first settle the Thousand-Eye Crab.

One of the crab clamps of the giant crab is still in the regenerative stage and very fragile, so Green does not intend to take it on a monster expedition. After some experience, Green has become his friend to the giant crab.

Inside the Spy Movie Star meteor, Green looked hot and broke his limb.

For hundreds of years, Green has rarely had to wait for that glittering thunderprint again, as he did when he first discovered the secret of a broken branch.

“Gaga, Young Master, how much time does it take to absorb the thunderprint of this severed branch? ”

Green eyes don't look at the broken limbs, afraid to miss something that seems to shake the head.

“The exact timing is unclear, and if you try your best, there may be a breakthrough in decades! ”


Two months later.

After managing the Spy Movie Meteor, Green flew alone to the hunter's Dark Wizard headquarters and began to gather a large number of Dark Wizard headquarters on the rooftop of Hexagonal Square. A mechanical bee sent Green all the way inside the space fortress above the cloud.

This is a common space fortress measuring 10,000 meters in diameter, nothing special about it.


After Green fell inside the space fortress and stepped on the metal floor to make a "snap” sound, his eyes under the face of truth gazed at the incredibly busy mechanical space inside the space fortress. After a lap, he carried Hachi with his shoulder and walked step by step in the direction of the battle command room with his horn nightmare wand.

Layered magic prohibitions and organ defense are nothing, they are all released to Green.

A squeak opened the back heavy metal door of the Operations Command Room.

Several intelligent mechanical puppets looked over, and a few basins of clouds wrapped around each other towards Green, but after feeling the fluctuations in the original will of the Green Wizard world, they retreated into the past.

Behind Green, the heavy metal gate in the Operations Command Room closed.

At this time, there were about 40 people in the battle command room, the fortress's heart had not been activated, and a document, crystal ball imagery, was being studied, discussed with each other, and a battle plan was being developed.

After looking up at Green, these elite wizards discovered that he was a first-degree wizard with a first-level Medal of Honor, several leading wizards looked at each other, and a beautiful black long-haired wizard came over, seducing a flaming red lip somewhat similar to that of Critia.

This witch is not a deliberate demon of Critia. The witch robe is a layer of elemental clothing, a rare witchcraft, similar to Green's once mysterious witch robe.

“Grandmaster. ”

Green bowed to the third great wizard, and Green's eight little ones on his shoulder were excited: “Gaga, what world is this invasion? ”

The Wizard's red lip reveals a slight curvature, which seems to be a favorite for Hachi.

Turning around, the witch took a crystal ball and thick information from behind, and said to Green, "This mission is a bit hasty, don't be surprised, everyone must hurry at all times to develop a battle plan. ”

After a pause, the witch turned to Xiao Ba: “This trip to the world is called the Yuan-Magnetic World, but our mission is not to plunder the invasion, but to help Yuan-Magnetic, the ruler of the Yuan-Magnetic World, defeat their enemies, a master of the exotic world who broke the ancient seal of the Yuan-Magnetic World and his servants' teeth. ”


Hachi stares at the witch as if he doubts his ears.

Wizarding World to help other worlds!?

This is incredible for an ancient sorcerer, but it will not be possible for the modern world to establish a sorcerer's union.

Modern wizards, for the Devil's Expeditionary World, resort to colonial domination rather than slave plunder by ancient wizards.

In order to strengthen the power of wizard civilization as soon as possible, the wizard world will generally allow local indigenous creatures to continue to dominate the world in invasive worlds, simply by signing a fate pact and joining the wizard coalition, rarely adopting all slavery or genocidal policies.

The Locust Clan of the Flaming Soul World is just one example of the Wizard World Hunter Expedition.

It is in this context that some of the world's creatures take the initiative of contacting the wizard world in a variety of ways, offering certain conditions for entering into a contract, and then joining the Wizard Alliance.

For example... this metamagnetic world!

Obviously, the former magnets must have faced a real racial existential crisis and then somehow contacted the world of wizards to request membership in the League of Wizards.

As for the conditions, it is natural to defeat the enemies that threaten their survival.

Green looked at the crystal ball images and paper data in his hands and gradually lost track of time.

It has to be said that this time from a fairy tale perspective, that is, from the perspective of the innocent victims' metamagnetists, this expedition of the wizard world is indeed a just march.

The first is Crystal Ball Data.

The history of Yuan-magnetic world ruled by Yuan-magnetic people has been far from traceable. There are no sun and moon circles within the world, and there are no four seasons of change. There is only one beautiful ray of yuan-magnetic light in the sky.

In such a world, plants are mainly moss, algae, fern plants of all kinds, floating in the sky with a myriad of ex-magnetic boulders, even ex-magnetic giant mountains, ex-magnetic islands and extremely rich metallic resources.

All in all, this is an exotic world that differs greatly from the rules of the wizard world.

But the internal rules of the world are gentle and do not cause accidental injury and death to human wizards.

Inside the meta-magnetic world, life is an invisible and invisible meta-magnetic creature, a magnetic field energy body, like a ghost that is invisible and untouchable in biographical novels to ordinary humans, but for witches, it is only a heterogeneous element of life.

Any official wizard's natural force sensation clearly “sees” this creature.

And it's not because they're human beings, it's just the inertia of wizards that add up. In fact, they're just an irregularly-shaped creature, but they also have their own social systems and civilizations.

These are not the points.

The point is……

In ancient times, a powerful strange creature of unknown origin was linked by the evil forces of the former magnet and successfully summoned into the former magnetic world with the intention of achieving certain ends.

Since then, the catastrophe of the magnetic world has begun.

This horrific creature of the unknown world possesses the power of extraordinary imagination and is called the Evil Blood Hate the Demon King by the former magnet.

Its body is like the blood of an infinite number of creatures gathered together, without a fixed form, able to travel freely beneath the earth, able to incarnate millions, able to enchant the will of flesh and blood creatures...

All in all, this is a horrible and powerful exotic unknown creature.

After an almost catastrophic catastrophe, the ancient and powerful Yuan-magnetic world sealed the King of Hate and restored temporary peace to the Yuan-magnetic world.

After this battle, the number and variety of flesh and blood organisms in the Yuan-magnetic world dramatically decreased, resulting in the deterioration of plants in the Yuan-magnetic world, which led to the fall from the sky of a floating Yuan-magnetic mountain that reacted with plants, and the Yuan-magnetic world gradually declined due to instability.

And now, the King of Hatred has finally broken the weakening seal of the Upper Ancient Yuan, from the new arrival of the Yuan Magnetic World!

Today's meta-magnetic world can no longer resist the horrific biological pollution and erosion that comes from this unknown world. Hate the Demon King is gradually taking over the world to become the new ‘master’ of the world.

This is an exotic evil god!

In this way, Yuan Magnetic talent learned the information of the wizard world through the powerful creatures of one exotic world after another, thus finding a strong wizard world, voluntarily requesting to join the wizard league and asking the wizard world to save the dying Yuan Magnetic world.

In this way, from the perspective of the victims' meta-magnetic men, this expedition of the wizard world is indeed a just act.

Of course, for that devil hater, the world of wizards is undoubtedly an evil, powerful world that destroys the rules of victory and inferiority of the endless world.

As for the paper material, it mainly describes the characteristics of the flesh and blood creatures that hate the will of the Demon King.

First of all, it must be emphasized that no flesh-food wizard in the former magnetic world can eat it.

Although the wizard's strong spiritual courtesy can well resist the temptation of the will, it is different if he eats food contaminated by the evil blood of the Devil King.

Secondly, the demon hunter of this expedition, no soul slave can carry it, lest he become the servant of the devil hater.

Thirdly, defeat and seal the whole body and subject of the Hate King, and be sure to bring back a part to the wizard world to study whether the will to bewitch belongs to the civilized system.

Fourthly, Yuan Magnets is an important synthetic element in the metal housing of the Fortress of Refined Space. This expedition must reach a contract with the Yuan Magnetic Family to trust each other and invite the Yuan Magnetic Elite to the Sky City of the Wizard World!


On the space fortress comes the Alan Garden Sacred Mark Wizard, the White Wax Sacred Mark Wizard, the Thunder Saw Tooth Sacred Mark Wizard, and the Great Ben Bell Sacred Mark Wizard.

Green was slightly surprised.

These four Sacred Mark Wizards are actually some of the Sacred Mark Wizards in District 19!

During the Regional Academy, Green had dealt with the Wizard Apprentices of the Wizards Academy.

Five days later.

The demon hunters on the fortress simply learned about the plant and animal specimens of the Yuan-magnetic world and quickly ended their understanding.

Among them, the Holy Mark Wizard of the Alan Garden is the leader of this expedition of the Hunter. After the Wizard's proclamation of the Holy Mark Wizard of the Alan Garden "Righteous March, Defeat the Blood of Evil, Hate the Demon King, and Help the Yuan Magnetes Restore World Peace”, the original will of the Wizard World descends on the Space Fortress, activating the heart of the Fortress and the Fortress Wizard's Cover.

Immediately afterwards, without the process of summoning the soul to the sea of slaves, inside the fortress