A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 673: Implicit (Bottom)

Fly Man World, a division of Dark Night Red Yarn cult organization.

Looking at the pale, unconscious Bikdan, Akdeliz has become a “disaster zone” over the past two months, as more and more information becomes available about the arrival of wizards in the Fly World and the onslaught on the Red Fly killer.

Outside the skeleton hall, a first-degree red flyman ran in.

“Elder Akdeli, this is the intelligence information collected yesterday. ”

Picking up the hide paper, Akdeliz looked at the past, and his face grew ugly and angry, and even his body began to shake. His hand holding the hide paper was so hard that it revealed his blues.


The bone table broke apart after a beating by Akdriz, and the angry Akdriz wrapped an invisible wave around him. The first-class red fly man who handed in intelligence information was cold.

“These Green Flies are wizards' slaves! ”

It has to be said that the sudden arrival of these horrific wizards has severely hampered the original plain development of the Red Fly's silkworm programme and even put the Red Fly in danger of survival.

This time, the Green Flies intend to wipe out all the Red Flies!

Aware of his faults, Akdeliz waved in anger, indicating that the first-class red flyer who had delivered the intelligence message had left, and at this time, the unconscious Biktan woke up and said softly: "Father. ”

“Are you awake? Rest well. Everything is with me here. You need to heal well now and dedicate your life to the Shadow Red Yarn program in the future! ”

Akdeliz comforted Bikdan, and the bony scepter in his other hand gently waved, drawing a hint of the burning blood flame from the Bloodbone Altar into Bikdan's body.

Beckdam groaned softly. After indulging, he passed out again.


In sighing, Akdeliz left the lobby and the bone armor door closed with a "squeak”.

Right in the middle of the lobby, Green's eyes in the twisted light lobby turned toward the Bloodbone Altar, a flame of blood that burned like a candle.

It is not a flame, it is a blood gas energy, it represents killing and cruelty, it should be the power of some kind of combat killer community, and it “lends” to the red fly people under the dark red veil in an unknown way.

There really is an exotic world that dares to break the rules of the League of Wizards and infect this world!?

Though the Shadow Red Yarn cult division is not completely circled here, the size, size and number of Red Flies owned by this division is far from the previous Red Fly tribe, and there is a Grade 3 Red Fly Elder sitting town!

After taking out the crystal ball and looking at the points of the Seven Rings Santa, there was hesitation in the eyes under Green Truth.

At this time, the number one Wizard in the Seven Rings Tower score was only 872 points. If Green could remove this Shadow Red Yarn Division, and even kill the Shadow Red Yarn Elder, the 1,000 points earned instantly would be enough for Green to temporarily be number one in the Seven Rings Tower score.

Not to mention those second-degree red flies.

With Green's strength at this time, it is already difficult for organisms below the Lord of the World to pose too great a threat to Green, at least in the general sense of the tertiary organism.

Ultimately, however, Green, who hesitated to choose for a very long time, sighed in silence, biting his teeth without any further action, but stood still and waited.

Time passes……

Green waits behind Akdelitz every day.

On that day, Green suddenly took out a crystal ball, turning out to be a seven-ring Santa Claus chart that changed dramatically.

Suddenly, a few unknown hunter wizards suddenly surged in points, occupying the top of the list at once and not knowing what happened.

Grimmer put away the crystal ball and remained silent, continuing to follow Elder Akdori of the Shadow Red Yarn cult.

Three months later.

Still a zero-point point, Green put his endurance to the limit, let the seven-ring Santa list change, Green is inactive, following Akdriz every day, listening to his decisions, watching his anger go wild, following his attempts to lure him into hunting and hunting witches!

Everything Green seemed to be non-existent, a shadow attached to Akdelitz, and nothing was done to him.

Just today, Akdri, a powerless man, sighed in despair as he filled his bone nail table with beast leather papers.

“No, these wizards have almost wiped out our forces in the Skomoylo Mountains, and we can't stay here any longer. ”

Akdeliz sighs at Bikdan Road.

“Father, what do you mean? ”

Akdeliz was full of frustration and frustration, and he lowered his voice: "Go to the Bloodbone Shura altar to find the Shadow Red Yarn, and give up everything here. We must hide and avoid the rays of these wizards, who cannot remain in this world forever. ”

In the silent corner, the robe of appearance twisted the light in the pendulum, the light of the elements of the eyes beneath the face of Green truth jumped sharply, and the bear burned.


Meanwhile, Green noticed a word, Bloodbone Shura Altar?

This is what Green learned about the ancient history of the Shadow Mystery during his first expedition to the Shadow Mystery World as a newcomer to the Hunter.

In ancient times, a powerful lava giant ruled the world of crystals because it discovered a world crack connecting the world of Shura, thus launching a world war. After being defeated by the world of Shura, the world crack was sealed with the power of the world, thus causing a shadow mystery catastrophe.

It is also true that the Amonro clan, which used to raise rations as a lava giant, became stronger and stronger after the catastrophe, even superseding the status of a former lava giant, becoming the master of that world and the shadow mystery world.

Thus it can be seen that the ancient era of the strong crystalline world was not lost because of the stronger world of Shura.

Nowadays, this exotic world of shadow red gauze communication could actually be the Huo world that caused the desert of the crystal world to fall?


a month later.

Deep underground trenches, twists and turns, followed by a breathtaking chill from the infinite black water flow.

This is an extreme disaster environment beneath the Flies.

On that accumulating white bone pile of islands, on a 100-meter bloodbone altar, a bloody fire of bears burns, brutally slaughtering the will to sting the bones!

On the throne of the accumulated white bone, an old red fly man opened his eyes and the bloody light crossed Achilles and many red fly men, landing in an empty corner.

“Come out and hide in the shadow of your eyes. ”