A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 705: Spring Guardian

“Is there no way to stop it? ”

Magic disorder, the amount of internal magic that Green can manipulate is rapidly decreasing. This is the result of the forced destruction of Green's Forgotten Truth space-time sealing technique by external forces. Magic is backphasing!

Through the indirect handover sensation of the giant tongue, Green Hidden has sensed the other half of the fictional odor world of the space-time node, a powerful ancient odor creature is gazing at the wizard world, and a vast and invisible body is gazing at the other end of the space node with the intention of dyeing this wonderful real-world full of odors.

The more distant the illusory world is, the more likely it is to be to create an illusory dominion with the magical ability to connect with the rules of the illusory world. As for the semi-unifictional world, it is a world in transition between reality and illusion, with the ability to travel between reality and illusion.

Strictly speaking, the world of nightmares can't be described as a half-imagical world, but it's a little more illusory than the world of smells.


Yellow stinky liquid diffusion, as the influence of phantom rules on the wizard world increases, a powerful atmosphere emerges in the space-time node, this powerful odor creature can finally break the gap between reality and phantom and descend into the wizard world.


A sigh of sigh, while the wizard world will certainly not be afraid of any world outside the civilized world community, but if such a powerful creature comes, this small piece of eastern coral island...


It's not right.

Green finally sensed something was wrong and thought of the reason why East Coral Island had not yet seen a guardian of the world!

The eastern coral island is the dark well of the port of Lato, but the eye of the wizard world, where the will of the Spring Guardian is separated, so that the entire eastern coral island and even the surrounding maritime areas naturally no longer require the surveillance of other world guardians.

But for a strong world guardian like Spring Guardian, the invasion of a weak odor creature below the Lord of these worlds, I'm afraid, is like flying over a mosquito next to a normal human being. It's hard to detect, so that more than a day passes before this disaster can be unresponsive.

In other words, if the disaster spreads any further here, I'm afraid the Spring Guardian will soon realize that the rules here are abnormal and will then come down to explore them personally.

In that case...

Green could not help but use his hunting nose to cautiously sense the anomaly of the space-time node, silently awaiting the arrival of this horrible and powerful half-visionary odor creature, and forcibly stopped himself from escaping the impulse here by sharing his gift with Xiao Ha's space-time.

The Magic Regurgitation is intensifying, and there are fewer and fewer Magic powers that can be mobilized in Green. This time, Green's Magic Regurgitation is definitely not light!

Two or three hundred years less, five or six hundred years more, Green will no longer be able to mobilize magic.

Such a magnificent degree of repetition is powerful for ordinary elemental wizards. After all, the vast majority of wizards generally have a life span of between 4,000 and 8,000 years. Few have 10,000 years to live to the limit of official wizards, equivalent to about one-tenth of the time of a wizard's life. Without magic, they become ordinary humans.

But for a refiner like Green, it's barely acceptable, at least Green won't turn into an ordinary human being at once.

Perhaps Green could take the opportunity to move better into the underground abyss and learn how to practice witchcraft.

Green's reluctance to stay here is due to the fact that Green is waiting for the reparations and rewards he deserves after paying such a heavy price here.

If Green leaves this dangerous place at this time, although he will be safe, he will likely miss an opportunity to meet with the Spring Guardian.

As time passed, less and less magic was available in Green's body, and his face began to harden in the face of truth. Even his unconsciousness had diffused a layer of cold sweat. He constantly sensed how much this massive odor creature had reached through the space-time node and descended on the body of the wizard world.

“I can't, it's too late...”

Just as the last piece of magic that could be mobilized in Green's body could only support a remote transmission of witchcraft, all of a sudden, the power of a world full of breath of life spread, and was perceived by Green acutely, slightly stunned and paused, thus missing the last chance of escape.

Boom-Long, Boom-Long, Boom-Long...

Spatial oscillations from far and near, an old witch emerged at an unimaginable rate of emptiness, and it was the will of the Spring Guardian that Green had once seen in the shady shack.

At an altitude of kilometers, Spring Guardian stood alone in the air, stunned to look at the vast area of yellow stinking liquid lake on the ground, his eyes passed on Green, and Green had a feeling that the whole world of witches was spying on him.

Immediately afterwards, the old witch's eyes fell on the invisible, invisible odor creatures that were descending into the world of witches through the Blue Stone Altar.

Within hundreds of miles of the sky, the cloud clusters, inadvertently centered on the will of the guardian of spring, formed a huge oscillation, the violent elements of turbulence mobilized by the forces of the world, desperately converged.

crackle and rattle!

A red and blue staggered thunder arc surrounds, the attack intensity of each thunder arc far exceeds the extinguishing force arc intensity applied by Green at this time. However, at this time, there are more than 10,000 thunder arcs gathered in the sky, but these are only natural phenomena formed after the Spring Guardian induced the power of the wizard world!

Those cloudy eyes filled with indomitable, intelligent and angry eyes fell on the foreign body of the wizard world. Suddenly, the enormous odor creature settled and stuck on the space-time node between reality and illusion.

In time, the chaotic rulespace of Bissell City in the Wizard World became incredibly depressed, strangely quiet, and Green could even hear his breathing voice.


The next moment, however, Green felt like a falling leaf in a torrential rain, a tumultuous sailboat, rolling world forces and forces of nature that could not even control themselves.

A roar, torso fierce muscle stack expansion bulge, rough blonde long hair flying, black wild sweat hair breeding, barbed bone armor and black scales, more than ten meters tall body body body like a ball of bristle, lower body thickness and strength, big roar, Green actually provoked his wild instincts third layer of barbarian giant form!

After this, Green was finally able to stand barely in the air, with his generous and powerful arms covering his head and protecting himself from the doomsday catastrophic sky.

After a long time, the power and element turbulence of the doomsday world stopped. Green opened his big arms to protect his head and looked to the ground in horror. He was stunned and incredible.

The yellow smelly liquid has disappeared, and the odor creature is like a hallucination of Green, all erased and completely disappeared.

Even Bissell City seems to have never existed in the world of witches, and the vast and lush forest replaces everything that was before, lush and prosperous and boundless.