A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 746 Masculine Gathering

Inside the palace, Black Phoenix stood alongside Green, and the distant greedy Hachi was summoned back by Green and fell on his shoulder.

After a distortion of space on the black phoenix wings, the water flashed and a spinning eyeball appeared. The official Cyclops left the coordinates for this black phoenix.

“Bam," this eyeball wrapped Black Phoenix and Green like bubbles, surrounded by space a fantasy, a sudden high squeeze from space, Green and Black Phoenix appeared in a strange space.

“Just in time. ”

The three-metre-tall Abyss Cyclops came over, staring at Green with his huge one-eyed face for a while, and then looked at Black Phoenix again: “Is he all right? ”

The bubbles of the eyeballs broke, and the black phoenix high-pressure posture flew two laps in the air at extremely high speeds. “Don't worry, it's enough to replace the tree fairy position. ”

Black Phoenix slowly landed on a giant unknown beast bone.

On the other hand, looking around Green, the entire palace is like a bone and nail art exhibition hall, with all kinds of strange creatures and bone and nails, seemingly silently complaining about the growth history of this Abyss Cyclops and his achievements.

“Shadow of Despair, see that bone armor over there? ”

As the dark wind pointed out, Green looked at the past, but it was the bone coat of a human wizard, placed in the most prominent position in the lobby, and seemed to have extraordinary significance for Cyclops.

“Five hundred years ago, One-Eyed killed a four-star holy tower mighty man who had just fallen off the throne outside the abyss. After falling on the throne, the king of the abyss came to the abyss to hone himself, martial law against the far-reaching troll clan, besieged by the troll clan, and eventually killed by one-eyed eyes. ”

Has served as the skeleton of the mighty king of the four-star Santa Abyss.

Green's eyes narrowed slightly, and the Cyclops, who already had a very high opinion of his heart, looked higher.

“Well, let me give you a detailed account of this plan of action. After 20 years of preparation, there is nothing wrong with breaking the ancient seal of this relic, and from some of the waves of rules that have inadvertently appeared in it, there are bound to be some ancient witchcraft or even extinct rare material for us to discover. This time our harvest in the ruins depends on each other, only to leave and, at the same time, to take care of each other to prevent being targeted by others, which is a fate pact. ”

When the Cyclops had finished, they looked specifically at Green.

It is not surprising that killings among abyssal exiles are commonly fought for some ceremonial purposes.

“Gaga Gaga, my Young Master's purpose is to seal the bone demon wreckage inside, it is estimated that the ancient demon servants will definitely follow my Young Master. ”

After Green signed the fate contract, Xiao Ba said with a chuckle that Black Phoenix and One-Eyed Giant all looked like they didn't care.

It seems that what the two men are trying to do will also attract a lot of enemies to fight for attention.

“Come, these three concentric grasses, one for each of us, the space inside the seal is confusing, can only be communicated by some special means, it belongs to consumables, it is used during the critical period. ”

Black phoenix wings had three extra hay plants, which looked ordinary, one for each Green and Cyclops, and two bottles of Physical Restorative Agents for two.

After communicating, the three of them left the Cyclops' nest and flew far away.

“Twenty years ago, the ancient demon servants discovered an abyss iron ore vein here and secretly exploited it. After being discovered by our lords here, five people from each side engaged in a covenant to decide where the vein belongs. This time, however, a collision in the original good battle accidentally discovered the ruins of the ancient battlefield seal buried underground, and then ended the battle. About 20 years later, we broke the seal together to explore. ”

Cyclops said, looking at Green's side, “The primitive abyss demon inside is extremely intense, it should seal an extremely powerful ancient demon skeleton, if you want to acquire it, you should compete well with the ancient servants. ”

Green nodded.

Ancient Devil's servants are some of the most intimate and powerful abyssal creatures of the ancient Abyssal Summoning without Ancient Demons.

Because these abyss creatures have long been under the control of the Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Monster, the will of the Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Monster has been incorporated into the body and passed down from generation to generation by blood inheritance, forming the ancient servant of the world of wizards today.

Green, who once summoned abyss in the world of flaming souls, is also accustomed to surrounding and surrounding powerful abyss creatures as close relatives, which is the source of ancient servants.

Yet these faithful servants of the Phantom Ancient Demon differ from Green's Abyss Summoning Servant.

Apart from some very individual Abyss monsters, the vast majority are Abyss Feilong as close servants. Modern wizards are accustomed to calling these Abyss Feilong, which inherit the will of the ancient demons, Abyss Evil Dragon.

About a half-hour after the hourglass.

Three people fell in a troll camp under the jurisdiction of the Cyclops. Tens of thousands of green and dark skinned trolls surrounded them. After the Cyclops spoke a solemn “wow wow wow” in the language of the trolls, two third-level trolls and twenty second-level trolls came out and followed the three to the distance.

Ten consecutive days later.

The Cyclops pointed to a giant highway in the distance that looked like the top of the mountain had been flattened: “That's it. ”

On the ground, large trenches staggered, sparsely leaving traces of the battle of about ten men 20 years ago. It can be seen that for the sake of this bloody iron ore vein, the native lord and the ancient servants did move Gango, not just the negotiations on his head.

A little while later, on the flattened half of the mountain, a large number of powerful people had gathered around the transmission formation, all of them in different forms of exile from the rules of the Abyss Tower.

“Grunting, one-eyed, even Blackfeather Phoenix was invited by you as reinforcements! ”

Just falling, a five-meter tall golden nail giant pig with a battle axe laughed and said hello, fat head, big body, fat stomach, chewing what in his mouth.

“Be careful, King Golden Pig is the oldest and most powerful lord here, don't say anything more for a while. ”

After the black wind quietly ordered Green to greet these exiles, the majority of the more than twenty random and powerful gathered here knew the black phoenix and greeted him with enthusiasm.

In contrast, Green, a total stranger in exile, was completely ignored.

“Hmm!? ”

All of a sudden, Green and a witch looked at each other and saw the amazement in each other's eyes, which turned out to be Mergish, the essence of the Six-Circle Santa Forest!

The moment the witch saw Green, she was obviously also stunned for a while, before her, an exile witch with a bloody light sword asked what was being said in low and low tone, and immediately caught the similarly astonished gaze of this bloody light sword exile witch.

Cyclops, as one of the five local lords of the original Ten, carry the same number of men as the other four local lords.

And those who are in exile in different identities, obviously, are also the helpers of the local leaders who have come forward with their own means.

“The relic seal has been newly concealed, and only this convoy will be able to enter and exit, so that the ten of us can work together to open a gap in the sealed relic as planned. Patience, wait. The ancient servants should be here soon. ”

The Cyclops explained slightly to Green and Green nodded.

Pfft, Pfft, Pfft, Pfft...

Five hourglass times later.

The distant, massive flapping of the wings appeared, and one huge shadow after another shouted the abyss surface wind, falling on the other side of the mountain, a hidden atmosphere of confrontation was self-evident.

Of the five leaders, the biological form of the two abyss is frightening, the three powerful abyss evil dragon body is more than 30 meters, needless to say, this is the other five who originally represented the ancient demon servant's subordinate party.

Behind these five, in addition to more than a hundred Class II and Class III Abyssal Evil Dragons and Abyssal Demons, a large number of Abyssal Exiles were also assembled.

In fact, the ancient devil's servants, like exiles scattered across the abyss, do not have exactly the same organization, just a bunch of scattered forces scattered across the abyss.

Even the contradictions between ancient servants are numerous. Instead of having a common will, the killing of each other often occurs.

And these five ancient demon servants are supposed to be a scattered collection of abyssal ground ranges between the Samsung Santa and the Knight's Institute of Perseverance.