A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 750 Abyss Humanity

This black rat attacked herself for no reason, leaving Green feeling a heartbeat uneasy.

Either the way it appears outside the seal, or the ancient Abyss magic that completely blends into it, including Green's instinct, is a warning to himself to be extremely careful with this creature in front of him!

“Hmm? These ancient Abyss magic...”

Green was appalled to discover that, even if temporarily sealed by the cold and fine ice forces of the snow line, the primitive abyss magic in his wound was as if he had his own consciousness, slowly breaking the frost forces surrounding him in an attempt to erode Green's flesh and blood.

At this point Green is in a state of war and clearly does not allow himself to gather all his physical and cellular vitality to expel these abyss magic.

At this moment, Green cannot help but remember his extinction as an elemental wizard.

If magic is restored and all energy and material properties are extinguished with the power of annihilation, even if the ancient abyss magic is more noble, it will take more magic to excite the annihilation to extinguish it, but the ancient abyss magic that invaded the body does not pose a great threat.

But now that magic has backfired, Green has been almost a purely wild alchemist for years, and has indeed felt a lot of inconvenience.

Although wild alchemist is comparable to US dollar vegetarian wizard in strength, after so many years of first-hand experience of Green, this so-called power is only comparable on the surface. The deep knowledge of elemental wizard cognitive activism is superior to pure wild alchemist too many.

“Chirping, in addition to the female wizard, came a male wizard who lost his magic powers and was better suited than the female wizard... so funny, chirping! ”

After making some strange remarks, the black rat “pounded” into abyss magic and disappeared.

“Left!? ”

Uncertain in his eyes, Green was about to excite the third layer of wild instinct from the mouth's metamagnetic nuclear power, but the other party seemed to leave after discovering the identity of Green Elemental Wizard.

After taking a deep breath, Green realized that the level of danger in this sealed space would probably be far greater than he had previously imagined, no longer hesitating, one hand took out the face of truth and put it on, the other hand pulled out the seven-colored neon appearance robe on his body, confirming that the black rat was indeed not nearby, ignoring several abyssal creatures around him, disappeared invisibly.

Flying quietly all the way, Green arrived in an ancient building with a lonely broken wall.

This is a masonry pavilion dozens of meters tall, full of black abyss moss, but only half of it is left behind, and the other half is replaced by a giant four-fingered footprint, which seems to be an incredibly large upper paleontology passing through here and inadvertently flattened one foot.

Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft!

Four bone needles were thrown out of the mouth, accurately killing the four black saffron abyss poisonous spiders in the center of the spider web. The invisible Green slight wheeze sat behind a spider web and looked down at the chest, which had been eroded by the forces of the black ancient abyss by most of the cold ice.

“This is no ordinary means of manipulating the magic of the ancient abyss. Such purity of the ancient abyss is incredible. It is horrible that the King of the Snowworm, the Lord of the World, can not even control the magic of the abyss by using a large number of locust people's vitality and spirits to congeal the ice gyros, and by adding his own high-grade material aids. ”

Over the years, Green has mastered the gas-blood power and cellular power skills of wild alchemist wizards and is constantly using the power of physical instincts to drive away these ancient abyss magic.

“The crack in this sealed space can only be opened for three days, but it is a waste of one day here to expel the ancient abyss magic of these entries. What is the origin and purpose of this black mouse? Why is it so sensitive to the identity of elemental wizards that those refiners are not considered wizards in its eyes? ”

Previously, the female wizard in the mouth of the black mouse, naturally the forest elite Jirmesh, and the exodus of some underground abyss physical wizard is not even a wizard in the mouth of the black mouse.

Five hourglass times later.

Tick-tock, tick-tick, sweat on his forehead, has already expelled nearly half of the abyss magic of Green suddenly opened his eyes, some movement in the quiet abyss environment surrounding him suddenly opened his eyes.

“Pfft," trying to climb into the house, a strange-looking creature filled with abyss moss, was killed by an invisible Green sword.

Green, who was about to kill another strangely strange creature with another sword, suddenly changed his face and his nostrils acutely discovered the unusual smell of the creature.




Following the other creature behind the strange-looking creature killed by Green's sword, he made a low mute cry, unable to accept the fact that the companion in front of him died suddenly and for no reason, his body was broken into two pieces and his viscera flowed out.

At the same time, this creature, looking around in fear, seems to be looking for a terrible monster hiding in the magic of the Dark Abyssal.

In invisibility, Green incredibly squatted down and watched this low-level creature killed by his own sword. His skin was covered with a thick moss of abyss. Such a body structure was almost invisible to many abyss creatures. Degraded limbs were only suitable for crawling. One pair of eyes was not white, and seemed to have great perception of the abyss magic environment.

Human beings, sub-human beings, although they are similar in appearance to humans, are not humans in the life system, neither are they humans from the research point of view of the wizards of each system.

And this crawling creature in front of us, although the physical features are no longer associated with humans, the intrinsic cellular essence is real humans!

Green was shocked by that fact.

This sealed space also breeds human communities and is inherited without a wizard in the evolutionary system of abyssal life?

It was Green's idea that searching for the wreckage of an ancient monster should naturally go to the most intense places in the abyss, as should the ancient servants with other purposes.

But now it looks like Green unexpectedly has another, more reliable way!

Now that the abyss humans have been discovered here, then retrospective history, the ancient period sealed together by the Holy Mark Wizard must have some ancient wizard in addition to the ancient magic, probably because the situation was too urgent to cause all this to happen, the original seal and aftertreatment has not yet begun, the seal wizard accidentally fell, this seal was forgotten in the unknown corner of the underground abyss world.

However, the sealed ancient wizards certainly do not know this, they must be waiting for the Holy Mark Wizards to open the seal from the new to deal with the aftermath, while fighting the ancient servants without the ancient demons within the seal to collect some of the fallen ancient demon remains.

However, this seal has not been opened in the lifetime of the ancient wizards, and the loss of the special social system among the wizards. Their legacy to this day, several years later, generations after generations survive and reproduce, has actually evolved into such abyss human beings...

Unlike some passive evolutionary creatures, if there is no coordination of social systems, no division of labor of research knowledge, no lower level wizards to build the magic source of the wizard tower, no higher wizards will appear.

And without the will of a senior wizard to lead a “greenhouse," if the weak body of ordinary human beings is not extinct, it will evolve from a new to a passive evolutionary creature in order to survive.