A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 751: Black Mouse

It took a half-hour of sand hourglass, and Green followed the abyss back to a hidden nest * *.

Although these abyss human life traits are stronger than ordinary humans in the wizard world, they are just knightly, pathetically weak, and Green strolls through the nest * * listening to these abyss human languages are much less syllabic than the ancient wizard language and have no connection to modern wizard language.

The nest * * brings together about two hundred abyss humans whose superficial abyss moss is their perfect protective layer.

Perhaps with the loss of human social relations, these abyss have not only failed to embark on the path of wizards, but have also significantly degraded the rich and varied emotional expressions, intellectual thinking and emotional expressions of ordinary human beings in the world of wizards.

Since these lives are so small that there is little way to communicate with the soul, Green did not choose to communicate with these abyss humans, but looked at an already blurred stone mural on the stone wall, hoping to find some clues from these stone paintings and sporadic ancient wizard texts.

The stone paintings are too vague and severely crippled. Green relies on his wisdom to restore them one mural after another. Green can only discreetly judge the desperate emotional manifestations of the ancient wizards.

Using this time, Green also finally expelled all the ancient Abyss magic from his body.

“What is this thing? ”

It seems that all the clues to the stone painting point directly to a brutal giant hand, but without any other hint from this hand, it seems that the achievement of this sealing space is due to this strange hand.

How many monsters are next to this weird hand, judging by obscuring the ancient wizard Wenglin that it should be Ancient Monster, and the horror of this hand is still on how many Ancient Monsters?

hōng lóng lóng lóng lóng lóng...

In the distance beyond the lair, the Exile War caused the shock of the cave * *, which frightened these abyss human beings to shake in the cave and squeeze them into a bunch to hide in the corner.

“From the information depicted on the stone painting, the unseen remains of the ancient demons in this sealed space were indeed collected by the ancient wizards and sealed together under the altars. ”


Green first thought of the half of the damaged altar he was looking to observe when the black rat attacked himself, very similar to the altar depicted on the stone painting.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Battle sounds on the ground ranged from far to near, the shaking of the nest * * became more intense, some places even collapsed, some of the upper paleozoan skeletons of the surface fell into the nest, a crack appeared in the walls of the monuments, and Green's face flew up.

“There's another one! ”

Just as Green flew out of this abyss of human nest, he saw Black Phoenix running away with a golden lamp.

But since this is a sealed space, it is clear that the space capabilities of Black Phoenix are greatly limited.

Behind the Black Phoenix, the Moon Mark Evil Dragon leader and the blood-guys who continue to be like a bloody waterfall, as well as two ancient demon servants in exile on one side, are hunting the Black Phoenix, apparently because of this golden lamp.

Moon Marks Evil Dragon and Blood Ghost found Green under the robe of appearance at the same time, apparently with a very different way of perceiving the outside world than ordinary wizards.

Moonmark Evil Dragon snorted coldly, a giant wing fiercely flapping, as if the shadow of death had struck, four giant claws grabbed at Green.


Such a horrible enemy, Green did not dare to be careless, the first time he roared open the third layer of wild instinct, turned into a violent barbarian giant more than ten meters high, the power ripples oscillated in all directions, after a hard spelling with this moon mark evil dragon, the moon mark evil dragon paused, the barbarian giant escaped with the help of the backlash.

“Shadow of Despair, are you here too? ”

Black Phoenix stares at Green, who opens the third layer of wild transformation, revealing a surprise in his tired voice.

This scene is similar to how the Sha Ghost was hunted down by a large group of mainstream exiles in the mainland. It's just a character twist now. After two identical experiences, dumb people almost smelled the intense conspiracy smell. Green's eyes flashed through the image of a black rat, as if it was the mastermind behind all this.

Shaking some numb arms, the barbarian giants rushed with meteors, trying to steer these exiles away from the abyss of the human lair.

“My Lord Black Phoenix, it is not yet time for a common retreat as stipulated in the contract, and I do not think I am obliged to share the pressure here with you. ”

Without a doubt, through this memory of spelling, Green clearly senses that the power of the Moon Mark Evil Dragon should be over the power of the third layer of wild instinct transformed by himself!

The power of this Blackfeather Phoenix to run after four powerful exiles is horrible, at least not at this time.

Unless... Green activates the mind of Magic.

Whatever Blackfeather Phoenix seemed to want to say, Green jumped a few dozen meters away and ran away from the chase behind Blackfeather Phoenix for a while. These ancient servants obviously didn't mean to chase Green either.


sighed softly.

At the moment of unlocking the third layer of wild instinct, Green suddenly turned back and smiled strangely in the face of truth. A large black mouse wrapped its claws around the strong force of the ancient abyss and had approached Green's chest.


Yuan Magnetic Star nucleus can strike, the rolling light wave floods this black rat, after a breathing time, the light wave stops, leaving a large ditch of hundreds of meters on the ground, just momentarily dispersed by the Abyss Demon cloud from all directions from the new convergence, and that black rat is bombarded by Yuan Magnetic Star nucleus with no residue left.

“No, as if… not the same one? ”

Green seemed to feel a radically different change in divine color, albeit with the same aura, with a momentary change in the state of the former counterpart before the burst out of the nucleus of the former magnetic star.

The intense energy fluctuations here provoked a strong reaction from a wide range of dead and abyssal creatures in the sealed space. Green hurriedly left the place despite his worries.

Two hourglass hours later.

It can be seen that some of the sealing power left over from this half altar has now lapsed for some years and is only a relic of ordinary buildings.

Time passed and Green dug desperately, destroying the only remaining half of the ancient altar and excavating more than thirty meters underground, revealing a huge skull cover.

Phaseless Ancient Demon body, generally more than 30 meters.

Green revealed a delightful smile and worked hard to excavate at high frequencies, digging dozens of meters into the ground, incorporating this complete ancient monster skeleton into the dimensional gap.

“Unfortunately, it is still just a skeleton, with no desired debris, even a little nail or dry skin! And the bones here have lost their vitality, and I'm afraid the Bone Demon world won't be interested either. ”

After rejoicing, the slight disappointment was unsatisfactory, and Green sighed.

Studying the knowledge of genetic information under the crack of life code, if there is a series of experimental reference studies by Phantom free muscle cells, the research effect is not known to progress many times.

“Whimpering, digging up these low-level Ancient Phantom Skeletons, is that the goal of your trip? ”

Green looked up in horror, above the excavated cave, and a big black rat was standing there laughing. It seemed to be watching Green in a similar way to the guardian of the world through abyss magic everywhere, and the robe of appearance did not play an invisible role in the perception of each other.

And what makes Green feel weird is that this should be the black rat that appeared outside the seal, and the first black rat to sneak up on itself.

With that thought just now, Green suddenly had a flash of eyelid.

Another identical black rat appeared, and this black rat dragged a drop of blood, the King of the Golden Pigs!