A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 760: Life and Death!

“True Demon Body! ”

Without ancient demons, any power derives from abyss magic, tracing back to its origins, is abyss moss.

The hydraulic fire element hedge produces extinguishing energy attack, the hollow in the chest has made the Ancient Phantom feel the cold sweat deadly threat, after blowing out the barbarian giant for thousands of meters, while the barbarian giant wound healing, the other two arms raised pure magic balloon, into a torrential infusion into the top of the Ancient Demon.

Bang, bang, bang...

The skeleton of the body was suddenly confused and squeezed, and the crocodile's fangs thrived and burst into flames. A "whoop” sounded, dark as ink eyes caught fire, and a thick scale, one deck at a time, reappeared all over the body.

Looking at the distorted dark hole that tore apart all sides of the light, there was no sign of the ancient demon, suddenly with a punch in the sky, “bursting”, “bursting”, “bursting", the space collapsed out of a series of hundreds of meters, right in the center of the dark hole, regardless of everything.


In the distance, the center of the dark void stopped, seemingly devastated, without any effective counterattack.

Ancient Sha muted: “It is true that, although there are a few methods of close assault, which enhance the close-combat aggressiveness, it is at the expense of the long-range attack capability of the ancient wizard, an incomplete... Well, by the way, the Holy Mark Wizard. ”

The Ancient Monster thought it was speculative and analyzed, and the battle instinct has discovered Green's weakness, which is that at this time, the power of Green's annihilation can only be attacked close and exert its power.

crackle and rattle!

Light and dark interleaved, the force arc of light flashes, collapsed space attack power can be eliminated by the extinguishing arc.

The Ancient Phantom swept away his eyes and had already appeared in a state of inactivity. He was chased by demonized bloodthirsty ghosts and fled to the peacock deep in the sealed space. His mouth revealed a funny laugh and his body turned into a shadow. He actually made a game of cat and mouse catching, surrounded by a barbarian giant who was relatively clumsy and had no more means of attack, playing with it over and over again with remote attacks.

“There's 87 percent more magic left and some more waiting times to save! ”

Green's mind silently calculates the remaining magic state of the mind of magic. Again and again, it responds to the attack of Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient, from all sides. Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Monster seems to have left a difficult residue in Green's eyes. Again and again, the attacker himself is not a creature of the same level. Green can only use the amazing magic stored in the heart of magic to provoke the arc of extinction to deter, passive resistance.

But in this way, in just one hourglass time or so, Green will return to his original state after the mind of magic is exhausted and easily killed by the other party.

No hope of extinction!

There is no retreat, no escape, but no hope of victory.

It is precisely such a desperate state of affairs that Green's mind is mindless, responds to every attack by the Ancient Monster, constantly responds with his instincts derived from every battle of life and death over the years in the abyss of the earth. In the face of such an enemy of terror, Green cannot tolerate any indifference.

“It consumes 67 percent of the magic of the previous attack and can counteract most attacks. The rest of the attack waves are borne by the flesh...”

With a series of space collapse shock waves, the asthmatic barbarian giants gradually stopped waving their magic like they had just begun, causing the forces of annihilation to distort and draw light from all sides.

Instead, he began to try to learn to control his extinction more precisely, and the shadow of the barbarian giant gradually emerged from the distorted black hole of light, becoming the pole of dark interplay of light.

Like the new annihilation of life born in the dark staggering of light, the barbarian giant groaned, using only 67 percent of the previous magic to excite the annihilation power, obviously not enough to offset the ancient demon blow, the remnants of the power can greatly impact the barbarian giant's flesh.


A groan, however, Green persisted.

“More damage to the body of both arms should be done, more attention should be paid to protection, the density of the natural composition of the ribs should be adjusted, the body belongs exclusively to the source of life and vitality of the barbarian giant, hidden beneath the organs of the stomach in large pieces of mysterious body tissue, better use should be made of these mysterious body tissues to strengthen the body's regenerative repair capacity...”

Two hourglass hours later.

Unprecedented ancient demons drifting happily, looking at this long-standing barbaric giant who has been wiped out by himself, just feels extremely comfortable, has adapted himself perfectly to a new body composed of the fingers of the demon ancestors.

“Demon Joe, the crack in this sealed space is almost over. Get your coat on and get out of here! ”

In the distance, a black mouse shouted at the Ancient Phantom, and the Ancient Phantom “hummed” sneered, his eyes gloomy towards Green, and a shadow of a huge body washed away.

“Front left, move, move...”

Continuous high-intensity combat, the physically depleted Green maintains the transformed form of the savage giant has begun to become unstable. At this moment, it is obvious that the other party is aware of the attack, but is simply unable to fight back.

This is what Ancient Monster wanted, an undamaged coat that helped him leave Wizard World Watch!

Incredible power came from the waist, the long tail pulled the barbarian giant's bondage before the ancient demon, greedy black eyes looked at this potentially astonishing body, and the faint will of the wizard world, smiling.

“Move it, move it, it's your last chance! Ah...”

With a roar, the savage giant stabilized his third layer of wild instinct to transform the morphology, his arms barely moved for a moment, trying to keep their long tails tied.

Cracked, the mind of magic stopped beating, but in this struggle of life and death, the magic of the body actually recovered some, issued a level 3 wizard strength of extinguishing force attack, but because the attack level is too low, even the long tailless squamous armor defense did not break, just extinguished some abyss magic.

After years of accumulation of life and death struggles in the abyss, this moment of extreme struggle, Green finally made some kind of breakthrough, every cell is in a new life after the limit of muscle exhaustion, cheering for the sparrows, seemingly opening up its own sealed deep memories.


In the roar, the barbarian giant's body began to expand!

Break through!

This is the most exciting moment for wild alchemist witches, opening up deeper self-breakthroughs in wild instincts, a big step forward in the evolution of wild alchemist!

“Oh? Humph hum hum hum hum, worthy of the king's favorite coat, did the mutation evolution alone without the influence of Abyss magic, funny, too funny, really a beautiful coat that I can't help but take off later. ”


Speaking, the black tongue flashed in the mouth of Ancient Phantom, inserting it into the belly of the expanding barbarian giant.

With a string of “mumbling”, “mumbling” and “mumbling” sounds, the black long tongue seems to be constantly sending its own flesh into the belly of the barbarian giant, and the ancient demonic body is shrinking at visible speeds of the naked eye.

The savage giant's eyes clashed, constantly struggling to "woo woo”, but seemed so powerless. On the one hand, the infusion of the Phantom of Ancient Magic drilled in, and on the other hand, he opened the fourth layer of wild instinct evolution himself. Two distinct memories of confusion intermingled in his mind, his head almost exploded, a blank.

His hands and feet trembled and twitched, spitting a lot of foam in his mouth, filled with abyss magic, barbarian giants brutally turned their eyes open and white eyes, and his body gradually began to return to normal human form.

“Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. ”

On the other side, the forest elite Jirmesh similarly twitched his limbs, turning his white eyes open, a black mouse's demonic hair in his mouth, nose and ear, surrounded by pure abyss magic, diligently drilling into Jirmesh's body, hiding in this “garment” that avoids the will of the wizard world to explore.

After half the hourglass time.

After a flip of Gilmesh's white eyes, they suddenly closed tightly and slowly opened, but the original green eyes turned dark and the cold cooled and excited.

Gilmesh turned his head and looked at Green, the clouds of the devil circled, restoring to Green in the form of a human wizard the pitch-black eyes, deep darkness, motionless.

“Demon ancestor? ”

In a probationary greeting, all of a sudden, a “puff” sound, a tiny and delicate cloud of demons surrounded the black thumb stayed in place, while Green for the coat disappeared after an illusion.

“Hmm? This is…”

Between trance, spiritual power plummeted, a pair of glances from illusory greed, transformed from nightmares into reality Green into a shadow to escape deep into sealed space.

“Wild instinct level four, on! ”