A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 764 Trap Seal (Bottom)

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

Gradually, an abyss giant python spitting on the core slowly penetrated the nest hole, the hole * *, for the general abyss creature completely invisible of the abyss human panic, with different ways of perceiving, the abyss giant python is the “natural enemy” of the abyss human.

Originally, the lair left behind by the ancient wizards was very safe, but because the former ancient servants chased after Blackfeather Phoenix, the battle waves caused several collapses in the lair, which allowed the python to find the hole and drill in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

In the invisible state of the robe, Green, several swords slaughtered this abyss python and ignored it.

After a while, the nest * * abyss humans smelled blood, accepted the fact that the abyss giant python had died, and tried to find out after a while, they actually crawled over each other and grabbed each other for food.

It is clear that these abyss humans are still omnivorous creatures, and only in this ancient ruins are there so limited prey that they can be hunted that they are forced to consume abyss plants in large numbers to feed themselves.


These abyss humans did not have much suspicion about the supernatural and unusual death of the giant python. In the roar of a clearly abyss human leader, many struggling abyss humans stopped. After this abyss human leader slowly climbed over, he moved a piece of meat directly to Green's side!

Found yourself!?

Green is incredible, self-righteous to walk in the hole * * invisible, turns out to be just a juggling bug in the eyes of these primitive people?

Soon Green sighed in relief.

This is not really climbing towards Green with the head of the Abyss, but in front of Green, the mural with the arms of the Phantom Ancestral, as if it were a tribute, and then turned around and competed with other Abyss humans.


sighed in relief, gleaming in the face of Green Truth, turning out to be here.


Deep hole * *, thick layer of dust.

Several witchcraft are rarely able to distinguish the morphology, one mirror, one bell, one earring and two magic wands, but unfortunately, after so many years, these ancient witchcraft have lost their intrinsic structural essence and decay, leaving only one model.

Disappointed, Green turned around the cave and suddenly stopped, the face of truth gathered on a green oil ring on a skeleton.

The ring still retains its inner structural light without being completely decayed.

Disappointment instantly turned into a surprise, the tip of Green's finger just touched the ring, and the bone of the ring “pounded” broke apart and turned to dust.

There are no witches in the ancient wizards who have evolved in the direction of refining their bodies, so the remains have been turned into solid green gray and have collapsed everywhere.

With this ring in his hand, Green respected the ancient wizard in his heart and respected his courtesy.

“Phantom Ring! ”

The purpose of this ring is to give the wearer the ability to feel the relative space boundaries, to make space warp jumps and to cross the relative space boundaries, jumping from the real world to the shadow void world.

Extraordinary ability, some extraordinary circumstances can even make a comeback.

Unfortunately, Green's four covert witchcraft skills have been fully mastered and some in-depth development has taken place, and this ring may or may not be available to Green.

“It may be possible to trade with the female knight and not know what the strange oil lamp she acquired was capable of. ”

The ancient oil lamp obtained by the lady knight has a personal seal without the ancient demon. It needs to be cracked by the ancient demon or professional wizard, while Green's ring of void is an immediate-usable wizard, and the knight should choose to exchange it.

“By the way, the last time she told her name... Peacock Cheung Taj Berry? ”


Time passes, ten years later.

Goo, goo, goo...

In a mysterious atmosphere, Green held his breath and did not dare to have any pools. The soup agent that emitted a strange smell was Green's only small amount of all the extra-blood material used to study the stained eye. The concentration was simply unimaginable.

For the past decade, apart from focusing daily on ‘Rafi Beautiful Time Memory Self-Sealing' and Extreme Abyss Magic Cane Printing, this is a means of imagining the Lord of the World class creature as an enemy study.

Once lost in the fantasy of the Rock Mountains, Green's greatest harvest, besides the rays of awakening light, was the blood of these stained eyes, and under the guidance of Hachi, the Hell's Claw Cat Eye Stone was refined.

Only as Green now faces stronger and stronger enemies, it is clear that the once-degree claw cat eyestone has gradually begun to lose its strength.

In order not to waste these bloodstained eyes, Green decided to refine a consumable that could really pose a threat to the Lord's class creature of the world, the Lotus of Hell!

Half the hourglass time later.

Green held this evil unknown cat's eye stone, his eyes concentrated and gazed quietly.

This hellish claw cat eyestone is enough to pose a lethal threat to any creature below the Lord's rank in the world, dragging it to that half-realistic, half-visionary lava giant mountain illusion, but by the nature of the lava giant mountain illusion, a cat eyestone can never pose any real threat to the Lord of the world, because that half-visionary world will not accept the Lord's rank biological invasion of the world.

Otherwise, if it is the master who awakens the mirage mystery of a truly illusory world...

However, while this hellish claw cat eyestone will not drag the Lord of the world into the fantasy of a lava giant mountain, it will definitely be able to use the mysterious power of a huge lava giant mountain. Green will be able to accomplish a lot of things before the lava giant mountain discerns that it is absorbed into the Lord of the World.

For example…

Green slowly placed this Hell's Claw Cat Eye Stone over a bloody lotus.

Originally, the blood ghost tried to seal the Ancient Unknown Demon with this blood lotus. Although the will of the remaining abyss in the body failed and became the slave of the Ancient Unknown Demon, the threat of this blood lotus to the Ancient Unknown Demon was real.

Now that the two have been combined, the Lotus of Hell is done!

First, launch the Hell's claw cat eyestone to create the enemy's trap, then seal it with blood lotus. If this Hell's lotus really tries to seal the Lord of the world, Green will not dare to judge the chances of success, but if it is the enemy of the Lord of the world, I'm afraid it will inevitably die one lifetime, and the threat level will be on the front of the nucleus of the metamagnetic star.


Exhaled, rejoicing that Chung-green placed Hell's Lotus in his left hand, gradually turned into a lotus tattoo in the palm of his palm, and the center of the bloody lotus lay quietly a demonic cat eyestone.

Satisfied with a smile, he stashed away the two bright and dark peacocks, and Green took out the Book of Truth through the magic light to complete the final part of Rafi's wonderful time memory self-sealing technique.

This witchcraft, Green, based on the original, has made some modifications to the original design by drawing on Taggy Berry's self-sealing technique.