A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 777: Instinct Corrosion

“Oh? Funny little guy! ”

Green glittered to retrieve the flesh of the flesh, a little thing that looked like a slug, with extremely flexible hands and climbing fast.

As Green specifies this small creature, the nature begins to capture biospecimens on the beach, with an occasional shock, seemingly marveling at the different evolutions of the world's crustaceans.

Thousand-eyed giant crabs are accustomed to this, waiting patiently.

Every time you reach a different world of rules, searching for local biological specimens to learn about natural rules is the instinct of every wizard, a necessary process for wizards to gather epitomical information to discover the truth.

A few hourglass hours later.

The distant harvest of Green suddenly shouts: "Thousand Eyed Crab, come and see! ”

A patiently awakened thousand eye giant crab, quickly flew to Green, and hundreds of eyes fell into Green's hands, a pocket-sized thousand eye crab with more than a dozen eyes open.

One big and one small and two thousand eye crabs form a strong contrast!

One, already more than thirty meters large, with red hair and scars from wars in different worlds everywhere, the unexpected smell of hundreds of eyes shakes these primitive little creatures Cesar, even without the courage to turn around and flee, horrible.

Green had this thousand-eyed crab, but the size of his fist and his hair didn't even grow, seemed to have been spooked and motionless by the smell emanating from this horrible fellow in front of him.

For this little guy, the Thousand Eyed Crab is probably the birth of a legendary prehistoric horror creature, both of which are already completely different layers of life.

The giant crab shook its head in disappointment: “It has passed out. ”

After all, the giant crab no longer cares, obviously this little guy doesn't really think of himself as his own kind, it is really too weak, there is no possibility of any kind of interaction between the two.

In general, how similar it is to the wizarding world between ordinary human beings and formal wizards.

Green smiled and gently threw the little things in his hand into the waves of the sea, jumping onto the back of the giant crab with a thousand eyes.

“Too close to the space fortress, even the first level of biological trace does not appear, not even the ability to communicate with the soul, keep flying. ”

In Green's hands, a crustacean-like crustacean creature crawls flexibly, but fails to climb out of a space cage made by Green, making a "hissing” scare.

“Got it, Lord Green. ”

Thousand Eyed Crab rose and drove Green further afield.


Seven days later.

Shallow beach waves are influenced by the sky's three-wheel bending moon rule, and the world's internal tides are chaotic, often forming a 'crossover' natural phenomenon when the March tides converge at a certain point of equilibrium.

The so-called intersection of hundreds of episodes means that large waves of ocean space intersect with each other, and weak small organisms are impacted by waves, clustering uncontrolled in small areas.

These small crustacean biota converge and often attract large numbers of powerful creatures from tidal shocks to dine and enjoy the feast.

Above the clouds, Green stood on the back of a thousand eye giant crab, and the eagle of truth stared at the thousands of first-degree biota converging in hundreds of episodes, devouring the dense numbness crustacean creatures of the waves.

“Yes, such rules do contribute to the rapid evolution of more potential organisms, and it seems that the Holy Mark Wizard who controls the shallow beach wave world seems to have used this as a farm, using the Wizard World Rules to artificially evolve this intersecting set of natural rules to cultivate vast slave resources. ”


Suddenly, many first-degree creatures that were already eating cheerfully became confused.

Only a green tortoise was seen pouring out of the mud sand, covered with sand, wrapped around the inky green algae, and the skull with its fangs stretched rapidly forward, swallowing large and weak small crustaceans and several first-degree organisms into the entrance.

This giant tortoise has reached the secondary biological level, more than ten meters large body unmatched, obviously the dominion of this area, sunk over the years in the mud sand of this area.

“Oh? That's it. ”

After that, Green managed to fall from the sky from above the clouds, the massive shadow of the thousand eyes crab dropped horror smell, time to make the original chaotic convergence place strangely quiet, only a large number of uncontrolled crustacean creatures left in the waves converge in the sea “bang”, “bang” instinct struggle.

The giant tortoise, which was eating heavily, shrunk its skull and dived into the sea.

This giant turtle can't resist the horror of the three-stage creature of the Thousand-Eyed Crab!

“Howl! ”

Thousand-eyed giant crabs also burst into the sea water, shallow talk about the tidal world there is no deep sea area, a moment later, the mud sand rolled over, “bombing” a scratchy tortoise was thrown out of the sea.

Large swathes of first-degree organisms fled in terrible waves.

Thousand-eyed giant crab dragged Green slowly to the surface of the sea, gently jumping, and Green landed on this ten-metre tortoise.

“Know where there are more powerful creatures? ”

The tortoise feels the horrible breath of falling down a mountain, gasping, limbs trembling, and there is no doubt that this horrible creature will open its fangs and devour itself at the next moment, a higher level creature, far more powerful than any king of the sea that it has ever seen.

“No... don't eat me! ”

The tortoise panicked and did not develop too much intelligence, it was just a primitive creature, even Green's soul communication only received a confusing response from each other.

Thousand-eyed giant crab revealed disappointment. Green, standing on the giant turtle, shook his head and was about to leave, but suddenly his body shook, seemed to be stimulated by something, his eyes gradually appeared a blood thread, as if the barbarian had become extremely brutal and cold.

“Hungry... so hungry...”

The magic wand of the extreme abyss fell, “bang” sound in the middle of the tortoise shell, a crack appeared, and an iceberg formed on the sea water.

By the extreme deep cold, gravitational relics of Green's own incredible force, just one blow, the giant turtle died, spitting a lot of gut debris in his mouth.


Absolutely, Green's body muscles swelled rapidly.

The wild instinct is the Scale Armor Return, the wild instinct is the second ivory armed, the wild instinct is the third savage giant, the wild instinct is the fourth savage giant every day!

More than fifty meters long and full of bone pricks, the giant ripped the tortoise shattered tortoise shell, his hands severely torn and then stuffed the tortoise pieces with blood into the import, chewed large mouths, the image was brutal and terrible, chewed bite by bite, a moment later the savage giant ate the head of more than ten meters of tortoise and held hands, muttering, the sea water together with the dense hemp crustacean creature in his hand.


“What is going on...”

After waking up, he shook his head, and Green tried to remember everything that had happened before, as if he were a drunk and sober drunk.

“In addition to diminishing the Magic Source of the Wizard Tower by one-tenth, the Second Wizard chooses and cultivates the elements of somatic cell evolution, his absolute intellectual and spiritual will is gradually being killed by the cells and eroded by evolutionary primitive instincts? ”