A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 874 Meteorological Extinguishing Stars (Bottom)

“Teacher! ”

Looking at the pavilion in front of the lab, Yuli Cappuccino nodded with a smile in front of Green Truth. “Where's Evan? Didn't he come with you? ”

“He is now managing the secondary city of the Tower of Annihilation region for which he is responsible. He has not been seen in years because of his busy focus every day. ”

Cappuccino followed Green and looked curiously at Oliga.

“Oh, bothering him. ”

Green laughed and told Olga to go get the candy from her collection, while looking at her Eternal Extinguishing Energy Observation Recorder version 2.0. Although there was not much time for experimental research, she did not want to waste it.

“Mentor, look at what you said. I'm Dean of the Tower of Annihilation College. Hmm, do a job for my college, and dare say trouble. ”

“Gabba," Cappuccino picked up a green sour fruit and suddenly asked, "Hmm? Where's Eight Nevis? ”

“I went looking for Ye Ye...”


a month later.

Acid melted tungsten, alloy with extremely high melting point density.

At this time, Green had more than a hundred fast acid melting tungsten in his hands. Under the powerful repulsion, these acid melting tungsten lasered to the sky. After a short moment, he heard the breaking voices of "Sex," “Sex,” “Sex,” "Sex,” "Sex," and "Sex," which fluctuated, drawing a flaming light at high altitude in the Second Ring world, continuously falling from high altitude.

In the case of general metals, this would fall very fast from the confusion layer at high altitude, and I'm afraid the melting point has long been touched.

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom...

One dull falling sound after another, these acid-melted tungsten fell on the ground of this earth slope.

One of the acid melted tungsten falling coordinates, Green, was set at a location 300 meters away, at which point the fall point was visually accurate with its previous setting.

In the middle of a seven-eight meter crater, a piece of red tonic acid melted tungsten and lay still.

“Go record all acid melted tungsten falls to the standard and collect them. ”

Green nodded with satisfaction and more anticipation of his imaginary meteorite star sorcery, a massive destructive sorcery that transcended the level 4 holy mark sorcerer should have destroyed!

On the other hand, looking at the destructive power caused by these acid-melting tungstens is an untimely experimental substitute for Green, and Olga, an apprentice of witches, has long been stunned and unbelievable.

A single piece of acid-melting tungsten takes a lot of effort to carry, and this great Green wizard, using his unknown abilities, fires these acid-melting tungsten to high altitude, forming a falling impact!?


Without delay, Oliga ran down to various acid melting tungsten drop points and produced a small book detailing the meteorite coordinates of each acid melting tungsten.

“In this time, let's continue to study the forces of annihilation created by void and material hedging. ”

The shadow was silent and Green flew away to high altitude, breaking through the chaos of the second-ring world until the void.

In your hands, one stone after another of original sin appears, one inside full of Green water and fire extinguishing power, and the other empty.

crackle and rattle!

This stone of original sin, full of the power of water and fire hedging extinction, in the absence of any magic protection of Green, was placed directly into the turbulent stream of void, and immediately followed in Green's eyes, the power of extinction hidden in the stone of original sin, volatilized autonomously, constantly released.

According to the Green study, unlike the extinction force generated by water fire hedging, the force of void is hedged with material energy, and the energy produced is closer to an entirely new energy property, an odd property energy with destruction and simulated amplification.

On the one hand, it has a powerful destructive power, which is identical to the nature of water fire hedging extinction.

On the other hand, it also has some kind of simulated amplification, such as the life breath, energy properties of the organism, which means that it has special properties that simulate the extinct natural substances, energy!

This is a source energy, a "omnipotent" energy, because it can be replicated for perfect amplification!

Green first thought is to try to imitate the power of extinction for perfect amplification. If it is true that it can be done, then the power of extinction is completed in the void, regardless of the amplification, at least one of the properties of one of the water fire hedging elements that made up the power of extinction will be replaced by the force of infinite void, which is less than half the magic consumption.

Secondly, for the amplification of the biomass, can Green be concealed as a higher organism during the lower organism?

Even, based on one's own flesh, simulate flesh, complete super flesh super regeneration like a mystery bird, and even shape a body, an external incarnation!

Ever-changing, bizarre, in the second phase of the experimental study of the power of extinction.

If it saves half of its magic and then uses the stone of original sin to passively amplify the energy of mass transformation, this Green will have a definite chance to complete the "meteorite witchcraft" envisioned at a time in the local world.

Three days later.

Green, who is still studying the second phase of the power of extinction in the void, awakens from the obsession of the experiment.

“Almost. Let's see how the meteorite coordinate-locating experiment goes. This meteorite witchcraft, the first step, is to position the falling coordinates of the meteorite, but if the meteorite coordinates are inaccurately positioned, the attack cannot be accurately mastered, how can it be counted as complete witchcraft. ”

After a brief examination by several second-ring envoys, Green returned to the ground where he had experimented three days earlier.

“How's it going? ”

Olga took the notebook and remembered that three days ago Green did experimental acid melting tungsten fall coordinates.

After grabbing the notebook, Green nodded as he contrasted.

“One hundred and seventy-seven coordinates do exhibit minor deviations and two very large deviations, which appear to require considerable time for grinding. Olga, go back and summarize the experience of the experiment and come back in ten days. ”

Green took the sorcerer apprentice in the direction of the Second Ring Tower.

“Master Green, there are only 21 falling coordinates missing. When are we going to experiment? ”

"The experiment can be perfectly completed each time," said Green Sinking. “The acid melted tungsten falls completely and accurately on the ideal coordinates you want, even if it's done. ”

“Such a powerful witchcraft, if I could learn it, I would...”

Olga had a vision of Green's invention of this sky falling rock witchcraft, but did not know the true purpose of Green's true witchcraft experiment.

The difference in the level of life between the Wizard Apprentice and the Holy Mark Wizard is too great.


Ten years later.

“Thank you, Master Green. ”

Promoted to the official wizard, Olga looked at Green with great gratitude, and Green nodded and lowered his head: “Well, let's go, unfortunately you didn't make it to a good time. ”

“Master means wizarding world-class strategy? ”

Olga looked at the familiar face for more than a decade and nodded calmly. It didn't matter: “With millions of powerful wizards like the master, what region would our wizard world be afraid of? Metal Destroyer Exotic Small World? ”