A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1022 Lord of the Alliance World

Three years later.

After being attacked for the first time by a small group of metal destroyers' civilizations, the underworld represents a world that has officially entered the battle of civilizations. Any situation of war, whether frequent small-scale attacks or targeted large fleet of virtual carriers, or even metal destroyers, space-based star guns, can occur.

While the larger the civilized forces of metal destroyers, the less likely they are to cross the front lines of the war to attack the underworld, even if dominant attacks are only 1% likely to occur, it will be a 100% disaster for the many guardian saint mark wizards of the underworld!

Thus, on four continents, more than twenty Wizards of the Holy Marks of the Second Ring Tower are urging the Legion of Wizards to build stronger warfare, complete a system of interconnected and supportive warfare, and respond to all warfare situations, including the worst of the Corps of Metal Destroyers.

“A new mission has arrived to escort supplies to the Four-Star Real Wizard of the Cologne World. ”

Arc Thundercloud Holy Mark Wizard Low Sink with Task Scroll.

A four-star wizard?

Master Ghost is on a war mission under his auspices, but you can get in touch with him!

Once again, the Green Group of Seven gathered to gaze at several World Legions of the World Alliance of Wizards, which were constantly coming out of the World Teleportation Front.

From time to time, the transmission formation will vibrate and walk out of the Lord of the world, and after a roar, the people's and children's army will gather to bet their eyes on several Holy Mark wizards in Green, waiting for the war to be dispatched.

Time has slowly passed and the world's transmission has been open for almost a month!

Usually, hundreds of people in the World Teleportation Formation charge dozens or hundreds of Witchcraft per person. God knows what amazing profits it contains, plus the cost of leasing a Corps of Witchcraft on the Expedition of the Hunter...

The holy tower institution's financial means are far from equal to those of the Holy Mark Wizard.

It is precisely for this reason that in the battle of civilizations concerning the survival of ethnic civilizations, the world of wizards is able to easily open a world transmission array for such a long period of time, putting supermassive forces at the forefront of the war at the quickest speed, with no consequences for the energy consumed therein.

In such a month's time, this mission material delivery will be delivered as many times as possible.

“Lord of 52 worlds, motherfucker, it doesn't look like the war over there in the Cologne World is going very well, so much needs to be replenished at once! ”

Xiao Ba is the master of a world in the transmission formation, counting one, counting to 52, divided into more than 30 scattered squads, each squadron has no fewer than one million slave corps, and the level of life is above the standard.

During this time, Green made brief contact with a Lord of the World, King of Grade Six Biological Snowworms!

Born in the world of the lair, this strange creature, which spread its will throughout the world in an attempt to achieve domination, was conquered and sealed by the mighty world of flaming souls, then rescued by the world of wizards, during which it had some friendship with Green, who had sent several envoys, including Neil Maza, to visit.

Didn't expect that today the Lord of the World not only restored his peak power, but also promoted him to level 6 before the War of Civilizations!

“With more than 400 million legions, it would seem to be time to take the world's debris corridor at least three times if we were to deliver on the empty route of our seven space fortresses now. ”

Arc Thundercloud was in constant contact with the visitors during the Lord's transmission of these worlds, and now after the transmission was completed, he flew back to discuss the mission plan with several people.

“Three 6th level world lords, eleven 5th level world lords, thirty-eight 4th level world lords, huh, even if there is an ambush in the world debris corridor, just push it all the way. ”

The Flame Grail said, looking at Green, “Tower of Extinction, do you know the Lord of the Sixth Level World? ”

The Fire Grail refers to the king of snowworms, who is burning blue ice flames, powerful and quite peaceful, far from the other two equally six-level creatures of the desert giant creep, the spark elf irritability.

“Well, during the Hunter Expedition, we met as saviors, with some sympathy, a master of a world with considerable potential for progressive domination and a passion for peaceful development. ”

Green said of King Snow Nematode.

“Quiet, too coincidental, I have had dealings with the Crystal Elf, I have been in contact for a long time, the three 6th level world lords we know two, hope this mission goes well. ”

Rainbow medicine said, turning a sugar bean out of a rag bag, “Gasp” chewed it.

Although a Class Six creature, the Crystal Elf is only the size of a palm, a pure and incredible crystal stone in which the will of a pure Flame Elf manifests itself and lives quite uniquely.

As for another six-grade life desert creep, it is a giant intersection of sand and thunder, and as soon as it emerges in the underworld, it is soluble in the land, including its descendants, and invisible.

“Meow, if you follow the route of the World Debris Corridor, especially such a large legion, be careful not to stay in a piece of debris for long, otherwise we don't care if there are no rules of world clothing in those debris to protect against the attacks of virtual carriers and metal robots, but these legions can lose a lot. ”

The Song of the Dumb is responsible for exploring the world's debris corridor route, when a fat cat with a pacifier not only admonishes.


A few days later.

The ocean between the four continents of the underworld, on a lonely mountain cliff, is incredibly smooth and seems to have been cut off by some external force.

This is just a sign that, in the eyes of the higher creatures, the smooth cliff of this mountain is a natural gateway to the world, connecting an unknown world space. Apart from a small number of the weak world lords, most world lords and holy mark wizards have seen no surprise, and only those lower creatures exhibit an incredibly naive and ridiculous look.

“We are on our way from these world debris in the next few months, hoping that we can work together to overcome the difficult and dangerous obstacles and arrive safely in the Great World of Cologne! ”

The electric arc Thundercloud Holy Mark Wizard said, first flying towards the smooth cliff of the mountain peak, the water wave, dissolved in it, no trace, free Dandelion Holy Mark Wizard, Flame Grail Holy Mark Wizard to keep up...

Only after a few hourglass hours did Green enter the World Debris Passage with the Night Shadow Sachi, Rain Dew, and Xiao Ha Ye, accompanied by the Song of Sha Du, as the Lord of the World led the influx of their respective Legion Immortals.