A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1077: Revitalizing the Small World

Revitalize the world, once a weak, humble world in the front line of the League of Wizards.

Too weak to even qualify as a slave resource in the world d, the status in the League of Wizards is not even as good as in the covenant world without the Lord of the World, such as the Shadow Mystery.

Thus, instead of being recognized in the official fate pact and receiving no protection of interests, membership in the League of Witches has resulted in numerous obligatory clauses and heavy burdens of offering.

This is the sadness of weakness, even if every effort is made to shout and roar for profit with one's loudest voice, it is simply ignored forever, without diplomacy and without dignity.

If so, it is worth mentioning.

Even worse, some wizards have gradually discovered that the world has a strange, activated rule!

Such rules, which allow indigenous organisms to contain the energy to proliferate their cells for long periods of time, can gradually rejuvenate cells, which is an extraterrestrial gospel for some alchemists, passive evolutionary organisms and, in particular, organisms whose physical evolution has slipped from peak stones.

Green, too, tends to sacrifice his long-term potential in order to gain more strength in a short period of time in some battles or experiments, accumulating months and months and gradually becoming more difficult to refine.

And the fungal creatures in this world are a great complement to saving this potential!

With this knowledge, the world of wizards has not ceased to plunder the revitalized world, especially after the war of civilizations began, slightly higher revitalized fungi have been plundered by the higher wizards.

The former fungal mushroom world was renamed the revitalized world by evil wizards, completely ignoring the feelings of the original owners of the world.

Being forced to live with little hope, this world only leads to the Skynet Metal Destroyer World. Although it has long been expected that this may be devastated by the Wizard World, in order to survive, the fungal mushrooms have no choice but to hope that Skynet will prevail over the Wizard.

Metal robots, after all, are not interested in these energized fungal organisms.


The sky had a huge hole, three heads and six arms and a kilometre giant monster spying on everything in the world, and the shadows laughed.

“Humph, ignorant creatures who attempt to betray the will of the great wizard, you will soon pay for your own stupidity, a price that you cannot afford! ”

Three eyes squinted into a seam, with a violent smell. Six pairs of eyes twinkled and twinkled. Weird horror. Then, a black flaming bird's head burst into the back of the hole, causing a stinging eartip.

“Evil Wizard! ”

A Tier 3 peak flower mushroom came up empty, burning all its strength, but even so, the contrast with that horrible creature behind the hollows in the sky is still insignificant.

“We revitalized the world by choosing to compromise and join the League of Wizards, but only to receive the general treatment of slaves, slaughtered, plundered, without hope, without destiny. This is not the future we want, we have to resist! ”

“Rebellion! ”

“Wicked Wizard! ”


mushrooms, golden needle mushrooms, bisporeal mushrooms, grass mushrooms, pyramids, ears, bamboo, sheep belly bacteria...

When countless fungal mushrooms roar and are forced to die, there is no fear anymore, even these terrible enemies, which are simply impossible to defeat, must use their full strength to resist and write a song crying blood tears against history.

With the seemingly endless support of his fellow countrymen behind him, this flower mushroom has gained unprecedented courage and his humble little body looks high up at this horrible giant as if he could crush himself with one finger!

“Now we will not weaken, we will not compromise, we will fight until the last of our people, we will drain the last drop of body blood, and we will resist the will of your wicked and cruel sorcerers! ”

What a bloody declaration of justice, just like all mainstream novels.

After putting on that illusory aura of the protagonist, no matter how powerful and horrible the enemy may seem, it will eventually fall into the glow of justice because of arrogance, arrogance and stupidity.

“Humph! Humph! Drain the last drop of blood? No, I will not allow this to happen because... you will enter my stomach and I will chew your fresh and juicy bodies slowly, slowly tasting every inch of skin and swallowing them with bones! Every creature in the world who dares to resist the will of a wizard, even a rat who is shivering in a rock stitch, if it does not crawl under the will of a great wizard, waiting for him, is doomed! ”

In the roar, the three-headed six-armed troll began to descend to this world. If a bunch of balancing chain rules were hidden, the whole world was struggling to vibrate and resist, the sea, the earth, thunder, hurricanes, roaring boiling.

Faced with the power of extinction emanating from the vast black flame at height, even the rule rebellion of the whole world was completely suppressed, the declaration of rebellion of flower mushrooms only dared to say half, eyes, nose, mouth, ears bloodshed, wiped, flower mushrooms roared.

“You won't succeed, ah…”

Suddenly, above the earth, the light of countless star spots rises, the end of the continent, the fissures of the seabed, the peaks of snow mountains, the depths of the earth, countless energies of life converge, representing a concerted desire for survival throughout the world.

Hundreds of millions of lights gathered, the seven bloody flower mushrooms became unprecedented and powerful, “knock” and "knock” twice, the crystalline transparent energy barrier blocked the attack of two black flamingo birds, stood in a storm and rain, and the madness of flower mushrooms was followed by the determination to live and die.

“Even if the world falls tomorrow, I want you to pay a heavy price today, Seal of Origin! ”

In the roar, the energy of the entire world is gathered to shock the coming horrible giants into the past, infinitely glowing.


outside the activated world.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ”

Through the vulnerabilities peek, several Holy Mark Wizards were slightly surprised. This small world gathered such intensity sealing technique. Although it was said that other Holy Mark Wizards could be rescued even after being sealed, the taste of being forcibly sealed would not be comfortable.


After the bright light passed, the sky was empty of that scary three-headed, six-armed black flame giant figure, laying on the hole of the four holy marks of the wizard's true body, dull and heavy.

Tower of annihilation, is it really sealed?


Like a leaking skin ball, gathered beneath the world's vulnerabilities, the strong fungal mushrooms, all involved in the sealed lower creatures, fell as if they had broken the line from the sky.

Sealing failed energy regurgitation!

Meanwhile, the void sends Green low laughter, non-space-time sealing technique, without forming a hierarchical absolute repression on Green, relying on the talent of space-time connectivity between Green and Little Bar can be easily broken. Once the world of shadow mystery relied on such methods and techniques, but killed many mysteries Amonro.

Seven colored runes circulate, Green has restored his human form, standing next to a few sanctimonious wizards who have opened his true body, insisting on a tiny little bit.

“This side has been solved, the rest is up to you. ”

After a glance at each other, several giants pressed their hearts into surprise and looked at the small world that was no longer resistant.