A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1098 Battle of Civilizations (X)

“Knock!” “Knock!” “Knock!” “Knock!” “Knock! ”


With more than 400 meters of open wings, the weather surrounding the three-legged dead crow has now turned into one shrinking three-legged dead crow after another, each about a hundred meters, tens of thousands of meters, the dense numbness “squeaks", seems to be a special means of using the power of permanent collection of death to concentrate the body.

The roaring crow's pointy, dull ears are disturbing and temporarily intertwined with the pursuit of the Crystal Terminator at the cost of the massive depletion of these dead parts.

As the famous and powerful world lord of the distant world community of the surrounding world, this three-legged dead crow is only the peak creature of the fifth level, but these tens of thousands of equivalents of first-, third-, and third-degree biological identities alone are equivalent to carrying with them an astonishing legion of warriors. No wonder they behaved so arrogantly when their summons came.

Ultimately, however, it is only the owner of an indigenous world without knowledge…

Three-metre high pink crystals, which make up the Crystal Terminator's robust and perfect body, indifferent eyes, gently lifting arms, index fingertips, instantly gather a golden yellow energy sphere, like a drop of water beads, seemingly insignificant, as the Crystal Terminator fingers, bombardment, a shock wave of more than 200,000 degrees of energy nearly a hundred dead crows smashed apart.

Left front, right rear, each large group of dead crows burst into each other's crowds, a pair of eyes with black dead tobacco wire, the mouth screaming, passing from the sporadic robot blocking the front, easily disintegrating the legion of robots blocking the front into crushed scrap metal, seems to destroy the whole body of energy conduction device, losing power.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The index finger had hardly ever fallen, as if an infinite energy gun, one energy shock wave after another, had erupted, and those momentous deaths of crows, unable to get near the Crystal Terminator at all, had been wiped out by their impact in crowds.


The three-legged crow of death, the third claw of mutated death, is the source of its power of death and the second essence outside its endocrystalline nucleus.

At this time, only this claw of death energy pounded and tumultuous, like a flame to ignite the black death scent of the bear bear, open the wings of the area more than 400 meters body, but only this giant claw turned into more than 500 meters, the condensation almost materialized, the shady death cold wind almost froze the bone marrow.

This is the Terminator of the Crystal. At this moment, judged, he did not want to bear such a blow. "Pfft” broke up into pink crystal fine sand, avoiding the claw of death after a blow, and regrouped in the distance.

Still so indifferent, still so dead-eyed.

“Where are you from, other galaxies than this world galaxy? ”

The Crystal Terminator has spontaneously tried to communicate with this transboundary creature in Wizard language.

This three-legged dead crow is stunned, obviously does not understand the witch language, the creep terminator is obviously more than unwilling communication ability, accustomed to the Skynet quantum entanglement of the metal-destroyer civilization, the evolutionary way to integrate itself, is completely in self-exploration constantly growing, the growth rate is amazing.

The three-legged dead crow knew nothing about the wizard world system, was threatened by Green, thought only to be a ruler in power, lived in a different dominant relationship, scared to do everything possible to get tangled up with this creep terminator, and had no thoughts of communicating with him.

My heart feels as if it's dripping blood, a tremendous regret!

1500 years ago, why did you go to greed those crystals?

I can't help but chop off my claw grabbing the crystal stone, the three-legged dead crow hates to be releasing itself in a wild battle, in this vast corner of the battlefield, under that hidden dominance, struggling as if it were a pathetic worm, proactively pounding on the crystal terminator.

See this strangely backward indigenous creature so brutal and unbelievable, awakening the self-conscious creep terminator does not hesitate to try to communicate with it again, eyes “tick” “tick” two red light rays, quickly sliding over.


The three-legged dead crow shouted, black feathers flying all over the sky, and his body was cut directly into three segments!

However, it was seen that these scattered black feathers were “pu”, “pu”, “pu” and "pu” turned into a death scent in the sky, and burst into three sections of the body. Immediately after the death scent of these feathers merged, the three-legged dead crow merged again.


The Crystal Terminator opened his mouth and a brilliant wave of light broke through the sky. After the newly assembled three-legged dead crow was submerged, he was tempted to go to the former Green's three-headed, six-armed ancient monster gaze, and finally recovered as he had begun!

“Hiss... this guy, it's all right, he's hiding so much. ”

After sucking in a breath of cold air, the kilometer giant wore a head of truth and looked across the battlefield.

On the four fronts of the battlefield, the first is undoubtedly the strongest, followed by the fourth and twenty-third, the weakest, which exist as a barrier to fish leaking the net and as a buffer.

At this time, the backup wizards of Front 1 and the backup wizards of Front 4 are already halfway there, not for long.

“Well, in that case, I'll leave it to you. If the outcome of the process satisfies me, I'll let you go back after the war. ”

Green smiled low, and after not hurting or itching to encourage words, he turned to fly in the direction of the empty fleet of four different fighters, which made the Great Exhibition God want to obtain Green's affirmation, waiting together to resist the Crystal Terminator's tripod death crow stayed for a while, almost crying!

The Crystal Terminator, the complete Class Six creature, even if this three-legged dead crow has some means, it cannot be its opponent at all. Otherwise, how could the three-person confrontation end up with only one three-legged dead crow today?

“Hey, hey! ”

Behind them came the scream of a three-legged dead crow, ignoring it, the sound of a broken ear, Green turned into a black remnant appeared before the three extinct sources of the splinter. Only in such a short time, a level 5 biological splinter was smashed to pieces, and it was seen that the war was devastating.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several void carrier guns have struck the Green Body and are powerful, but the world of wizards, which is often the dominant side of the world's civil war, has its own reasons for dominance.

In the void, the carrier of the void comes and goes at its massive and ultra-high manoeuvrable speed, but within the world, it is far less deterrent than the Wizard's World Space Fortress.

Among them, the greatest weakness of the Void Carrier lies in the power of mystery.

With mysterious power, low-level wizards can also rely on ingenious means to completely destroy a giant object over 2,000 metres long.