A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1155 Exploration

ka-cha ka-cha ka-cha ka-cha

Stepping on the skeletal earth, Green's lonely shadow follows in the robe of appearance, the light of hope wraps around the corpse cloth guide, slowly advances in the flow of light back to the world, and through the foot "clicking” and "clicking” echo, confirms the hidden light negative fault crisis around.

Even so, however, the light yin fault crisis persists and some small light yin faults do not echo.

But correspondingly, it would not threaten Green with super regenerative repair capability.


After a slight glimpse, Green pulled the wand floating in front of him pointing in the other direction, raised his hand, and after a gravitational fluctuation, a skeleton that was completely different from the previous foot stepped on it was collected.

Rather than what kind of skeleton it is, it is more like some kind of large insect Kraken wreck, between black, red, and green, so striking in this pale and pale golden blend of seemingly infinite skeletal earth.

It's just a pity that the same years of silence here have been so weathered.

“Was it the remains of another biota? ”

Green thought so, starting with the wreckage of the splitting of this large beetle casing, looking in all directions for possible traces of other black, red, green and tri-colored meth grams.

Unfortunately, Green was not able to find it after a few hours of hourglass time.

At this moment, Green can't help but think of a terrible possibility that, like himself, breaks into or is sealed back into the life of the world.

Picking up a piece of Meg fragment, the three-colored eyes flashed under the face of truth. Too long ago, this crustacean essence was depleted and made fragile, but all the aspects of truth were fully detailed into the microscopic observation, through the signs of residual clues, across the long river of time, and with the witch wisdom, Green gradually deduced to calculate the general picture of the restored crustacean fragment creature.

“It is indeed a Class Six creature, and even in a Class Six creature, it is by no means weak, a defense-oriented crust that, before it was born, thought to bring a terrible defense that ignored any attack below 100,000 degrees. ”

Throw away the crust in your hand and look away at the three colored eyes in the face of Green Truth. Deep in your heart, you can't help but be more cautious about this illusory world.


Unconsciously, two months passed.

It seems that Green's former fears are superfluous, and over the past two months, the skeleton at his feet has gone from the once pale gold skeleton to the seemingly gray white, apparently left behind by a different biota, and for the time being Green has not encountered any living creature.

Is this fantasy world too vast?

Or… is life so relative that the events that two lives encounter become small probability coincidences?

One layer of elemental ripples is incorporated into the body by Green, as one of the advantages of elemental wizards, is to realize the power of nature after becoming a full wizard, can feed on the elements, do not worry about starving to death under extreme conditions.

“Um, new biological debris? ”

Green noticed that the bones under his feet had changed again, turning into some sort of translucent crystalline structure of biological debris, bars, particles, picked up a piece and found it to be incredibly heavy.

“Bang," the translucent crystal pieces in his hand landed on the ground, making a metal collision rubbing sound.

The wizard's acumen of energy made Green perceive a slight fluctuation of energy beneath the ground, cautiously curious, Green was rapidly digging, a moment later, a crystal ball-like crystal stone appeared in Green's hands, brilliant and beautiful.

“Amazing density and hardness! Unfortunately, the energy once contained therein has been depleted. Otherwise, if the energy is alive, its value will inevitably be on the extreme crystal of the Abyss magic wand. ”

It is somewhat regrettable that such artifact precious resources, in the long river of history, have so lost their value, it is truly disingenuous.


Unconsciously, another month passed.

The bones and wreckage at the foot have been replaced twice, and Green has been injured dozens of times by undetectable tiny light Yin fault. For Green today, being injured by these undetectable tiny light Yin fault and the light Yin storm that may be raging from time to time has become part of everyday life, and it is not worth making a big fuss.

In firm footsteps, Green came to the world to dominate the corpse for the light of hope, and as for the mystery guided by the wand of hope, Green was the second goal.

Meanwhile, Green's palm, out of a bracelet made of dozens of strange teeth, has some light and yin power. Unfortunately, it's just like that ancient wall clock, it's just a shallow light and yin, but enough stone to purify the Wise Terminator.

Treasures that can be preserved in this illusory world are more or less bound to be resistant to light erosion.

ka-cha ka-cha ka-cha

Green walked slowly, walking in the direction of the light of hope wrapped around the corpse cloth, while silently studying knowledge of the genetic field of the spoon of life, eliminating the "exile” time not known to last for many years.

In this deeply illusory world, time means nothing to the real world, where it is the edge of an endless world, and where the rules of balance are difficult to influence.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty that Green will carry out the mission of radiating the Great World, preparing the Light Shadow and the Light of Hope wrap with the fleeing rear hand, before leaving the wizard world to tell his three disciples what happened to him.

This is why space-time sealing is so powerful.

Perhaps dozens of eras in deep illusory space-time, for the real world is just a trance, or perhaps just a moment in deep illusory space-time, but for the real world, thousands or centuries have passed, things are human and civilizations have died.

And even when the creatures of space-time sealing escape the illusory world and appear in the infinite world, they may already be hundreds of world communities, and even for infinite domination they are simply not within reach.

In this way, space-time sealing is so powerful for the sealed person, unless the surgeon voluntarily releases it, but if so, there is only one possibility, that is, the surgeon is ready, the surgeon is proactively out of the deep illusion world to the real material world, is also a dead end.

“Hmm!? ”

All the way down to collect the positioning echo forward Green, suddenly disturbed by the noise waves, looked up, stunned


It turns out that Chengshan Chenghai's huge metal mechanical wreckage, some even maintain the original design morphology, although the light and yin let them rot, it is not like those biological skeletons, it has become a debris, it is conceivable that these mechanical armor once had combat capability!

Thousands of meters tall, only one or two meters small, a thousand different shapes, but the most basic design principles are in no way civilized works of war by metal destroyers, but some are similar to the world of witches, designed only for the most primitive collision of iron with fire wars.

“Roar… Food…”

A fast-moving fluctuation in life, roaring from the metal forest, surprised to see no real life form Green for months.