A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1177: Grandmother Wolf Without Tooth Braces

“Ok, I know, sparkling crystal, full of little stars...”

The flower mushroom hummed a strange song, stretched out a tentacle, grabbed a little girl, raised the outside of the basket, followed by a "punch through" sound, seemed to be the splash of splash, followed by the little girl struggling to scream in the water.

However, flower mushrooms don't care, just like Green doesn't know how many times to cook mushroom soup, he never cares about the feeling of mushrooms, which is the evolutionary rule of an endless world.

“Hanging in the sky flashing, humming, humming...”

Still humming the song, the flower mushroom stretched the tentacles in again, this time everyone was afraid, desperately hiding, screaming, crying.


Lifetime light eh, mushroom tentacles tied Green up and lifted, looked in front of him, Green blinked, no will to communicate with and struggle with the flower mushroom.

After a while, the flower mushroom shouted to the other side: "Grandma, is this little girl dead? ”

Green followed the eye of the flower mushroom and was actually a thin giant wolf hundreds of meters tall in old clothes, just * * * * * *, two wolf claws with metal brazing, knitted sweater.

After hearing the flower mushroom, Grandma Wolf's eyes moved away from the sweater and looked at Green on the flower mushroom's tentacles.

“Hmm? Let me see. ”

The flower mushrooms jumped and handed Green to the wolf grandmother. Green was pinched by the furry wolf claws. Apart from constantly looking at this wolf grandmother, there was no other movement, which was weird.

Grandma Wolf kept flipping. On the other side, the flower mushrooms jumped back in front of the basket again. All she heard was "Putong”, “Putong”, “Putong” and "Putong” continuously falling into the water. This time, she burst into despair and screamed and cried. The flower mushrooms didn't even look at the basket anymore. One hand poured all these little girls into the soup pot!

Green could feel his heart pounding and pounding. Even if he tried to restrain himself from moving and not thinking wildly, he could hear the desperate struggle screaming of the little girls in the boiling water pot and still tremble.

“It's really strange, why don't you cry and struggle, but he's still alive, you can see his eyelids are still blinking, hmm... but don't cook soup together, I don't know if it will affect the taste. ”

I couldn't help but relieve myself and rejoice when I heard Grandma Wolf say that.


Either way, I've lived longer than the other little girls, damn Hachi, how come I haven't arrived yet!

Meanwhile, Green looked forward to staring at Grandma Wolf's mouth, just waiting for her to say "throw it away”, or "leave it alone" or something like that, staring dead at its mouth type, Green never felt when, time passed so slowly.

“Forget it, or...”

Green looked at Grandma Wolf's mouth, his heart almost growled, say throw it away, say leave it, say it! Say it!

“Let's eat it raw! ”

Huge blow, Green stiff body staring, in incredible fear, in that disgusting breath, Green body every cell is screaming fear, struggling desperately, yet obstructing the dimensional gap rule, even in the field of the genetic field of the spoon of life, at this time Green is struggling, wild instincts slightly breakthrough, closer to the legendary seventh layer of human transformation, so what!?

In this dimensional gap, it's still just a little girl. Until the achievement dominates the all-powerful soul, all abilities are in the power system inside the infinite world box.

In the dimensional gap, within the gap between dimensional dimensions, there is no effect!

Wet heat, bad breath, and a “ah” mouthpiece deep in Grandma Wolf's throat, drooling all over Green's body.

Are you going to die?

Is there no hope?

The last moment of Eight?

However, Green disappointed, Xiao Ha did not show up, watching his mouth rapidly converging above, and that creeping tongue wrapped around himself, Green imagined the mushroom soup he had drunk, swallowed the beautiful shell in Bissell City, in silent peace, waiting to die.

Is this the end of your witch's path?

Indeed, like those of his predecessors, he pursued treasures in deep illusions, but buried them here as treasures in the eyes of future generations.

Too bad, I still have too many things to do, too much knowledge to explore, I haven't seen the victory of the Third Civilization Battle of the Wizard World, I haven't finished my Wizard ancestor plan, I haven't saved the Wizard World from the Wizard Expedition, I haven't tried to challenge the fate outside the box...

Large mouths closed, Green felt the creep of his tongue, imagining that he was a fresh mushroom in his mouth, as the rules of balance say, he could eat mushrooms, and mushrooms could eat themselves, which is fair.

At this moment, you are going to be chewed into rotten mud, then swallowed into your stomach, and finally pulled out...

“Hmm!? ”

Chewed twice, although a little uncomfortable, Green was not chewed into rotten mud, then opened his mouth wide, and a wolf claw took Green out of his mouth.

“Little Red Riding Hood, where's my braces? ”

Granny Wolf slipped on the tip of her fingernails, smudged with saliva, Green was nauseous to her stomach, at this time Green was staring at Granny Wolf, who was opening her mouth.

Tooth braces!?

The old wolf fell out of his teeth and his mouth was bare!

The flowers and mushrooms jumped and came over, surprised: “Granny, you haven't used your braces for years. I've been cooking these little girls into paste. I don't remember where you put your braces, or should I find them for you? ”

Green's heart was about to mention his voice, waiting quietly for Grandma Wolf's answer.

“Oh well, forget it, you don't need to find it... here you go! ”

Grandma Wolf threw Green at the flower mushroom.

Green had just relieved herself when she heard there was no need to look, but as Grandma Wolf threw herself at the flower mushrooms again, Green suddenly shocked.

This sometimes fearful, sometimes soothing sensation of excitement, this feeling of helplessness, is a torture!

“I'm not eating a little girl with a grandmother's saliva. ”

Green was “hooked” and thrown in the trash can by the fire.


Even in the trash can, Green felt incredibly satisfied and finally safe for the time being.

“Your child, who wastes nature's food gifts, will be punished by the Mother of the Forest. It may take thousands or tens of thousands of years for these little girls to grow up. We must cherish the hard-won food and wash her thoroughly and dry her into mushrooms. ”

Grandma Wolf stepped forward and looked at Green, who had just relieved herself in the trash can.