A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1225 Endless Astrology Chart

“Small meeting place? ”

After the strange Maggie Fantasy World, Grinch straddled the Dimensional Esophageal Skeleton Continent, avoiding the Invisible Light Yin Fault and flying in the direction indicated by the Wand of Hope.

On the way, Green was attracted by a weak light column that gathered in a skeletal tower.

Unless there is a sharp insight into the face of truth, Green is likely to miss this small, inconspicuous building.

“This rule… Astrology Tower! ”

Green was acutely aware of the extraordinary energy rules that converged on this small tower, which was the unique energy fluctuations that Green had invaded before the war of civilizations.

It's just that compared to the weak astrologers Green has seen, the scale of the starlight is far too much.

But even so, Green's eyes at this time are nothing more than a faint light, except in the gathering place of the Gates, the main level of the five peaks to the seven peaks is not worth mentioning.

“Was it that guy? ”

Green suddenly thought of the world of star summoners, a world that had never met but had always been regarded as legendary by other astrologers.

If it were him, the astrologer would have been so powerful, and the invasion of the Sky Summoner world had this powerful astrologer present, the consequences were unimaginable.

As such, Green can no longer suppress his inner curiosity, approaching the past towards this skeletal tower that is only a few dozen meters high.

In the dimensional esophagus, there is no need for Green to conceal anything. As Green approached, over the skeletal tower, a starlight fiction gradually converged, and remotely looked at the fiction in the dark and staggered black hole, his eyes shook.

Striving to be harmless, the illusion of the stars exalted: “The unknown is great, I don't know what I can do for you, or what you need, and this astrological tower is just one of my dwellings, of no value. ”

Soft starlight, this human creature fiction has a highly intelligent appearance.

“Are you the star summoner of the twin stars of the world? ”

Green's voice of will came through the black hole where light and darkness intersect.

Once upon a time, when Green invaded the world of star summoners with holy markings such as free dandelions and the Flame Grail, a great astrologer, named Twin Stars, had been hidden in the air.

After the invasion, Green went to the twin astrological towers himself, and found a pair of footprints on the sky map at the top of his tower, judging that the powerful astrologer, known as the legend, was probably trying to communicate with some of the powerful transverse creatures or phenomena in the shadows of superconducting light, but trapped himself in it.

Nowadays, Green is right, I just didn't expect this astrologer to come to the dimensional esophagus!

and still not digested.

“Are you... are you? ”

The illusion of starlight is incredibly stunned when a horrible creature like an esophagus suddenly calls out its name.

“Oh, once in your world, an astrologer accidentally made a short ditch with me once, very interesting ability, he was looking for your trail, let me think what his name was... right, 8,000 wonders! ”

Green's lying handlers came.

Although this astrological tower is blocked by a layer of starlight and Green cannot perceive the interior, Green is well aware that all astrologers will be extremely vulnerable once they leave the tower, even if the twin stars that are considered legendary are bound to be so.

Besides, these forces are meaningless in front of Green at this moment.

More importantly, Green was able to clearly perceive that the soul of this twin star was already like the final candlelight and could not escape the fate of being digested by the dimensional esophagus.

“Eight thousand? ”

Hearing this fame, the Twin Stars' guard against Green has been completely dispersed, and even then, this guard is already meaningless.

“I dare ask you, a strong man like you, even though I have been trapped here for more than a dozen eras, I have only met you two. ”

As he spoke, the Twin Star fiction made an invitation gesture, and the Skeletal Tower was open.

A dozen times!

Is this the wrong way to distort the light?

And for someone as strong as yourself, there have been two of them, and the dimensional esophagus is truly the deepest and scariest place in an infinitely illusory world.

“Power of Annihilation. ”

Green concealed his witch's name and didn't show up as real. There was no need to argue with such an old man who was about to be digested again.

Moreover, as an intelligent and learned life-form, it has been trapped in the dimensional esophagus for more than a dozen centuries, and should have its unique insight into the dimensional esophagus, after all, it is not like Green, because there is already a coffin of hope as the last way out, so there is no other way to go through the door.

This twin star is likely to travel through the dimensional esophagus for too long.


Top floor inside the Astrology Tower.

Dead bodies, the power of starlight converges between the hands raised, and the twin stars smile with joy.

“I didn't expect to be able to meet friends like you in the last period. Eight thousand wonders are able to communicate with a great being like you. It seems that the world of the Summoner of the Stars is still flourishing, even without me. ”

Green didn't respond, he just leaned back and stared at the top of the astrological tower, a magnificent map of the sky, where Green clearly saw the sign of the door through.

The whole map of the stars presents a shuttle shape, a conceptual diagram of inference data guesses, for any basic utility, but only a speculation of the infinite world structure, outlook, and own idealistic speculation of small organisms.

In the starry sky diagram, the spatial expansion and light shadow pass through the main body, and the two curves of the shuttle represent the structure of the dimensional esophagus, wrapping the main bobbin to form a closed shuttle structure.

Although there is no study of astrologers' knowledge, Green still sees at first glance the unique insights of different civilizations into an endless world, involving a broader and infinite knowledge system.


Those astrologers have always tried to communicate with their unique power the vast endless world in which some strange creatures, even other civilizations, have briefly appeared.

From this it can be seen that this is a biological community that is closer to the pursuit of ideals, rather than as practical as a wizard.

Seeing Green attracted to his map of the sky, the twin stars laughed proudly: "This is my lifelong wisdom crystal, endless astrological map! Following the end of the world's collapse and the passing of the light, I came here to find the infinite microscopic, void horizontal and horizontal, the third path that the powerful world called to break through the infinite edge of the world, the dimensional esophagus deep in the illusory world, where the whole rule of the infinite world is constantly preventing us from continuing our exploration, squeezing us, we have reached its true edge! ”

Infinite microscopic, void vertical and horizontal, dimensional esophagus.

Three paths through the Endless World Box?

Undoubtedly, at the end of the world's collapse was the rallying ground through the gates. I didn't expect this twin star to deduce the dimensional esophagus with this strange clue, and then barge in without fear.

This spirit is so much like a wizard.

In pursuit of the unknown knowledge, in pursuit of truth and Orthodoxy, the pioneer illusion and darkness, at all costs, it is a fulfillment of the enrichment and sublimation of the soul, a source of joy and excitement for the wizard!

Unlike astrologers, who record what they want to know in astrographic form, wizards inherit the framework without a fixed form by summarizing the rules.

“It's amazing, this astrological map, can I make a copy? ”

Green asked modestly, it was respect for knowledge.

“No, no, no, the power of annihilation, I'm going to give it to you, thank you for the fate arrangement that will allow me to meet my astrologer friends in the last moments of my life. ”

The twin stars stretch out their skinny arms like wood, above their heads, and the stars converge into a crystal, stiffened at their fingertips, floating towards Green.

The knowledge contained therein is the power of imagination and cognition of the infinite world, the power of imagination of the infinite world box, and the basic cognitive power that shapes the big world, the Green Fairy Tale!