A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1344: Inhale Hell!

Streaming light in all directions, that's space-time for foreign object squeezing trying to break through it.

Green appeared as a human being, seemingly no different from ordinary wizards, but in such space-time shuttles he was travelling with his absolute quality, and the previously broken space-time gate of the three-legged dead crow was insignificant compared to Green at this moment.

Ten thousand meters of human ancestors in the true shadow, the black flame bears burn, forming a python snake-like flaming soul head, trying to stretch, but squeezed by the surrounding space-time, constantly destroying.

Phew, Phew, Phew...

Wheezing heavily, Green's three-colored eyes have been staring at that light point in the distance, leaving the phone only once, otherwise time and space collapse in all directions and will probably squeeze Green back from the new to the big dark world!

Across the world community, with Green's knowledge of time and space, even with a tripod of dead crows as a traction, this is already the limit.

“Green, how the hell did you do that? ”

Freedom from dandelion, tremendously shocking, bitter, and a hint of awe, is a yearning for knowledge.

Green is now at the peak of higher levels of knowledge.

It is no wonder that the biomass squeezed in time and space is almost a test of the ability of an organism to manipulate absolute energy, although it is not an absolute rating of strength, but it is one of the most reliable methods of judging it.

Relative to Green, however, the free dandelion itself is equally significant, far exceeding that of the average Lv6 organism, a hundreds of millions of dandelions of fictional assemblies, which are just as large, providing it with sufficient auxiliary consumption to support the entire legion.

In any case, free dandelions can no longer reconcile the Green of this time with the new Lv4 Holy Mark Wizard who followed everyone until he left the Underworld of Fire.

At this time, Green's mulberry, ancient, violent and horrible aura, the immense and unstoppable wave of immersion, is like a primitive barbaric legendary life, even if free dandelion is known to the wand of judgment that was at its peak, the Holy Mark Wizard, is far less than Green has shown in this matter!


Just like a living true wizard, standing in front of himself.

But he did not have the power of any rule, only to forcibly raise the level of life with the absolute power of the Holy Mark Wizard.

“How? It is time, in the absurd light of retrospective light, enduring endless loneliness, insisting on the exploration of truth knowledge, never daring to forget my witch identity, to enable me to grow to this. But for that, I also lost a lot...”

Green muttered, his three-colored eyes suddenly lit up again, looking up to the sky!

“Jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji ”

Green stretches out his long, delicate, pale palms, accompanied by a raging laugh, over his palms as if they had endless pulling power, grabbing them towards that light exit in the distance.


Heavenly Mountain Sea World, the Wizard of the Holy Marks of the Evil Language stands on an altar full of runes.

Closer, closer, closer!

The Wicked Language Sacred Mark Wizard seemed to be able to hear his heavy breathing, and the Tripod Dead Crow followed the creeping Terminator, like a flaming sun, shattering everything along the way, which was bound to submerge a much smaller black dot.

“Master, we...”

“You go first, go to that secret base for a chance! ”

The Wicked Language Sacred Mark Wizard spoke to several witch hunters around him, supported by the light of hope on the altar, whose magic state had been restored. He had no confidence in the survival of the impending war of destruction here.

These demon hunters are insignificant, so give them a chance, maybe in the future the world of wizards will have one or two more holy marks.


Another energy shock wave rubbed past his shoulder, tripod death crow dangerously, screaming on the altar, standing side by side with the Wicked Language Holy Mark Wizard, turning to stare at the irresistible pink light to the group!

Though there is some recognition of Green's power, and there is no way back for Green to let go of all his bets, putting his life and death destiny in the hands of others makes the tripod death crow extremely nervous.


Silently, just at the moment when the three-legged dead crow and the wicked Wizard of Holy Marks are about to strike back, it seems that the Crystal Terminator has completely crossed the temporal and spatial sphere of influence of the altar, and a flood of will is spreading through the altar at its feet.

Absolute control of strength!

Flood-like gravitational ripples pass between the two, at this moment, they are like a reef between the waves, flooded by thousands of floods, not daring to move, seemingly moving, will crush bones and be crushed by the surrounding power flood.

The Crystal Terminator is also at this moment, clearly detecting the change.

“Warning! WARNING! Discover Hell Level Hazardous Missions, destroy the Temporal Altar, and reward 300 Million Experience Coins for Missions! ”

“Warning! WARNING! This altar leads to unknown space and time. Extremely dangerous and powerful energy reactions have been detected. Please evacuate the scene immediately, send all regiments to seal off the world, and send the nearest metal destroyer to destroy it! ”

“Warning! WARNING! You are being attacked by an unknown magnetic field on the altar, with 77% of all crystal energy remaining...”

A series of high-risk alarms, like this altar linked to the entrance to Hell, this tricky terminator who was trying to kill a three-legged dead crow and an evil language sanctimonious wizard, stood in the air violently, trying to escape, but could not escape, and was working with an invisible giant horn.

Billions of trillions of gravitational floods are under the absolute control of Green forces, forming a giant hand that accurately and unmistakably grasps the Crystal Terminator.

Let this creepy terminator hack into the struggle, and there is no alternative.

There appears to be a brief impasse between the two sides.

“Jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji ”

Suddenly, accompanied by the deepest laughter of time and space connected by the altar, it seems to be the scary existence that has just activated the real power, the darkened creep terminator can no longer be rigid, pulled by that vast pound of scary gravity, into the door of the altar when the center is twisted, that as if it connects to the gates of hell.


“Bang” sound, the final struggle, the creep terminator a blackened palm dead pulled the altar door.

However, the suction force underneath is too great. Several fingers cut several trenches on the altar. The creep terminator finally “punched” and was pulled into the twisted gates of time and space.

“It's over! ”

Though it had long been anticipated, seeing this powerful Crystal Terminator in front of Green didn't even have the strength to resist. He was pulled directly into the gates of time and space. The three-legged dead crow still couldn't help but tremble on his calf. Afterwards, he was afraid.

“How is it going? ”

Evil Language Sacred Mark Wizard silly asked.

“Quack? What else can I do, I'm sure...”

The three-legged dead crow was saying, suddenly there was another ripple in the space-time gate, and the two of them looked, and it was the black head of the Crystal Terminator who escaped in fear!

This blackened skull terror expression is so rich, visible and directly engraved on the face.

“Wahaha, where do you run? ”

“Don't rob me, this is what the body just gave me! ”

Suddenly, a thousands of meters of bone prick was stretched out in the central space-time gate of the altar to cover the giant hand, and the storm carried by the rough barbaric palms easily scattered the three-legged dead crow, the wizard of the evil language holy marks, and after grabbing the head of the black crystal terminator, he was pulled back into the space-time gate in a frightened cry.