A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1419 Second Ring Capital Finance

Developed capital finance rules, inherited the ancient hedgehog city, the Second Ring Real Spirit Wizard used the Wizard's coin as the true spiritual devotion, and opened a higher resource pillaging model.

He has passed through the essence of civilized warfare!

Civilized wars, traceability, are wars of living space and resources, filled with suspicion and mistrust among biological communities, while annihilating other civilizations will have unimaginable tremendous gains to make themselves stronger and safer.

Thus, the battle of civilization never stops and never ends, and true peace and happiness will only emerge in fairy tales.

Compared to the ancient wizards and the vast majority of biological communities who rely on barbaric warfare to forcibly plunder the living space and resources of other communities, the system of plunder based on war deterrence and witchcraft is undoubtedly more advanced and irresistible.

Every hunter expedition in the world of wizards is filled with the rules of capital finance.

Gold that is of no value to higher creatures can be simply processed and injected into the will of the wizard to bring the blood of capital to any conquered world and to exchange the currency of the wizard for any energy of interest to the wizard.

It's just such a rule that the wizards' brutal and bloody plunder of survival resources is perfectly hidden, which is a fair purchase deal!

Obviously, this so-called purchase deal is more easily accepted by interracial civilizations, and many of the worlds that should have fought so hard to the end have chosen to give up, and some smaller and weaker worlds have chosen to join the Sorcerer Alliance on their own initiative, with so-called fair competition trading transactions under the rules of financial capital set by the Sorcerer.

No one who really goes into financial rules can ever understand its greatness, its art!

Infinite worlds, as strong as dominion, as long as they have not become true enemies, as long as there is need and desire + desire, and if they trade through altars communicating with other infinite dominions, will be subject to the power of financial rules, otherwise it will not be possible for the ancient wizards of the past to summon many exotic dominions into a civilized war against the abyss without ancient demons.

Green's most familiar light of hope, escaping the great dominion of the dimensional esophagus, is still falling. Its manifestation, though it falls into the battle of civilization, is essentially falling under the rules of capital finance!

The ancient wizards, with massive resources and tailored cities of the sky, seduced + seduced them to sign a contract to complete the cross-border summons, and eventually buried the legend of history with the ancient wizards, who were difficult to count.

Antonio pivots the world of witches to this barbaric community with his ninth level of true witch's body as his fulcrum.

The world of shattered sorcerers is torn apart, the civilian human race is nearly extinct, the world around us is unknown, and a large number of true sorcerers' all-powerful souls are depleted, with only one last breath left.

All this, let the ancient wizards, who have just experienced the peak of darkness and glory, break their hearts, sob low and despair.

History creates heroes, all without exception, the saviors of the most critical moments of the community, when Antonio, witnessing the elements of his former competitors, is willing to sacrifice himself in order to save the world of wizards, and the mechanical spirit, Pumirosus, comes forward.

In its own container, the Mechanical Wizard World integrates all the cities of the sky, permanently stops at the core of the city of the sky, saves a large number of true wizards in the world of wizards, and proposes an expedition plan to hunt demons, repeating the ancient glory of the world of wizards.

In this way, the wizarding world finally has its goals and hopes, armed itself with hatred and anger in the wolves of humility, reclaimed that long-delayed confidence, recalled its nobility and dignity, and reshaped the backbone of the community.

Round table, complete cessation of the civil war in the wizard world, planned the Elemental Wizard System, the Mechanical Wizard System, the Abyss Refinery Wizard System, the Black Wizard System, the Haitian System The Everlasting Sky City Hidden Wizard Hunter System, and later the Knight Standing College, the Nightmare Wizard System The principle of peaceful coexistence.

On the ruins of the hundreds of ruins to be renounced, in the confusion of many wizards who somehow began the battle, witnessed countless ancient wizards to go back and forth to protect the world of wizards, an unidentified Holy Mark Wizard appeared, he held the worthless gold coin on the ruins that had extinguished the civilian human race, with tears in his eyes, bravely came to the round table, put forward an unprecedented bold plan, the Wizard League plan!

Without exterminating the heretics, the exotic world with a certain power needs to be addressed. Component alliances, moving forward and backward together, so that this world community can quickly stand on its heels and combine with the hunter expedition plan.

The Sorcerer Alliance, built on top of the Sorcerer Coin!

“The day has finally arrived, the day of the life and death of the wizard world, the day the world community is about to complete its reunification, repeat the plan of ancient glory, the true opening of the Expedition of the Hunter! ”

On the incredibly large altar, the Second Ring true spiritual wizard was excited to open his arms and feel the turbulence in the void and energy fluctuations, and the words trembled a little.

This is the truly massive altar of the wizard world, built for second-ring true wizards to play their strongest power, enough to carry many endless rulers while descending across borders!

“The rules of capital, the power of finance, humming hahahahaha...”

As the wizard world plays with the existence of capital finance, the low creature eyes filled with mysterious magic all-purpose money, in the eyes of the Second Ring true wizard, is an infinite leverage, just need to use it with delicate means, can make countless living creatures unknowingly willingly exploited by their own will, foolishly they are driven by money to sell all their own, including their own souls.

The most basic means for second-ring true spiritual wizards to leverage capital finance is to curb the overissuance of wizard coins, causing the depreciation of purchasing power.

Any world accumulation of Witch Coins is the stupidest behavior, Second Ring real Wizards constantly dilute the purchasing power of Witch Coins by the simplest means of transferring Witch Coins, thus allowing the Witch Union to keep any world's demand for Witch Coins unmet for a day, thus endlessly busy for Witch Coins.

Secondly, the Wizard Alliance is expanding. Wizards have the most direct information on trade of all ethnic origins. Through trade information monopoly, they exchange whether there is excess value ingestion or not. Cross-border trade is the easiest resource looting for creators of the wizard world.

In addition, the central position of the wizard world itself, the transmission nodes of the various worlds and the mastery of productivity investment technology, are also sources of wizard coins.

Finally, thank you for the evilest secret looting art of capital finance!

Through a series of complex witch congress policies, seemingly irrelevant, but creating local witch coin tensions and balances, resulting in financial austerity or inflation, allowing the true value of the witch coin to fluctuate with real purchasing power. As a wizard coin mastermind, the Second Ring true witch can easily squeeze all the resources of one world after another!

Foolish creatures in these worlds still complain about natural and man-made disasters because they don't understand the power of finance at all.

“As long as I have enough resources, I will let the devil and betray my soul, kneeling at the feet of the wizard! ”

In the low laughter, the vast temporal and temporal fluctuations on the altar became more intense, and the Second Ring true spiritual wizard was summoning distant exotic dominance through this unprecedented and vast altar, while summoning multiple exotic dominance!

Where the coins circulate, the claws plundered by the wizards extend, and the power of second-round true wizard enslavement appears, even in the dominion.