A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1473 Nightmare Descent (IX)


In reality, a slight hum, the nostrils of the Thousand Prisoners in the cage flowed out of two black concentrates, disengaging from the outer lanes of nightmares, and looking at the three colored eyes on the gray face a thousand meters apart, revealing a slight suspicion.

Turns out it's like a millennium, a millennium away.

“I can't believe you broke the Nightmare Path. Even I can't stop you. ”

Thousand Prisoners Low Sink Road.

After hearing this, Green's tri-colored eyes revealed some sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

“The face of truth reveals all falsehoods, a power that resembles a millennium and a millennium away. As for what you can't stop, you can't stop, you can't stop, you can't stop, because you're too powerful, you need to seal yourself, you want to give me hope first, then give me infinite despair with real power, so that I can reap a high soul filled with infinite fear? ”

Green unraveled the purpose of the Thousand Prisoners, which gradually calmed the Thousand Prisoners, who were already in the semi-peopetrified cage, from disguised alarm to calm.

“Looks like I need to treat you as an equal being. I don't know how many times I've slept. I thought I was the only one who could stand at this height. The Nightmare Kings can't accept it, but the Nightmare Kings need to look up to it. This loneliness... do you also experience it in the wizard world? ”

The Thousand Prisoners reached out one hand in the cage, stopping the spread of petrochemicals, and sank low: “We are all alike, an excluded species. ”

“Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I think you misunderstood something. You do have the right to let me face it, but do you think you're already standing at the same height as me? You're not even close! It's just one of the deepening variations of thousands of different species, and although there are not many of them, there are still plenty of worlds and ancient history to look at. Remember, without standing at the height of civilization, you are always just a strong monkey. Come and feel the power of the wizard. ”

With one hand covered in the sky, the giant 10,000-meter hand descended from the sky, and the pure elements converged into a tumbling cloud, incredible pressure locked the king of nightmares!

“Squeak” and "Squeak” distorted oppression sound by the semipetrified cage, the thousand inmates looked up, an equally vast dark red skull gradually formed, rushing up towards the elemental giant hand, the two squeezed each other for a distorted moment, the dark red 10,000-meter skull gradually crushed by the elemental giant hand, pressing the thousand inmates down.


The powerful explosive power, the "whoop”, the elemental giant palms blend a hollow, centered on the Thousand Prisoners' Cage, the elemental clouds are scattered.

At this time!

Clattering, another arc of extinguishing distorted light and darkness on all sides, along the way countless monsters were pulled into the arc and shattered, pointing directly at the Thousand Prisoners.

In the midair, where the Nightmare Monster is rampant, all monsters close to the Green 100 meters range are shattered.

In the trance of the Thousand Prisoners, as if to see a giant covering the sky, he is watching with interest the boxes of his own men, constantly struggling to survive.

White spots, the power of annihilation reappeared in the hands of the Thousand Prisoners, like an Engine Skylight Sword, towards the arc of annihilation coming from * * * *, both in contact, but silent.

However, this white light eventually became invincible to the black electric arc, and even though Thousand Prisoners had added nightmare power several times, they were still closing in on themselves.


The King of Nightmares was submerged in the arc of extinguishing electricity.

The distorted phenomenon of light and dark chaos gradually dispersed, the Thousand Prisoners King stood in the air, but saw that the cage of confinement had broken a cave, the power of pure nightmares was constantly released, that is the true power of the Thousand Prisoners' self-seal!

At this moment, the rest of the Thousand Prisoners are intact, but only the power of extinction has been completely wiped out by the power of Green, leaving a small intercept on the shoulder.

“Oh? Not bad! ”

Green doesn't matter.

Four arms, the remaining three arms of Thousand Prisoners vibrated violently, “bang” sound, cage broken, nightmare force seemed to explode balloon swooping away, Thousand Prisoners had conscious that they were facing an unprecedented and terrible enemy, demonstrating their true strength and horizontal power.

A layer of surprising and frightening nightmare power spills. Nightmares do not fear any powerful enemy, but are absolutely obedient to the power of stronger nightmares. This is the rule of biological evolution and belongs to the system of nightmare world.

However, a low-level bone demon who tried to stay away from the reach of the nightmare force of the Thousand Prisoners, but screamed. He was actually absorbed by the nightmare force of the Thousand Prisoners. After approaching a certain range of the nightmare king, he “banged” and turned into a dark fog absorbed by the Thousand Prisoners, and then the truncated arm, which had been wiped out by Green, was actually reborn at an astonishing superregenerative speed.

The Thousand Prisoners roared low and ran straight into Green.

Boom, boom, boom!

It was a glacial mountain range formed after the extreme abyss magic wand waved in Green's hand, and floated briefly in mid-air under the rules of the imminent field of gravity, but listened to the "bang”, black smoke rolled out of the glacial mountains.

crackle and rattle!

Another black electric arc twisted all sides of the light and darkness * * * * out, high frequency oscillating ripple diffusion, to which the Thousand Prisoners are still a clean white beam response, “puff” sound, extinction power through its chest, pain humming, the hole that should have dissipated diffusion was repaired by one nightmare force fast, not only stopped dissipation diffusion, but also instantaneously repaired the damage.

“Humph, no use! This is the true power of Nightmare Body, supplemented by such endless Nightmare Corps, I will be truly immortal! ”

First, the seal, and secondly, the annihilation of all nearby nightmare demons, making them impossible to replenish.

For some reason, however, Green laughed lightly and did not choose between the two solutions.

In the face of truth, the three-colored eyes turned in different directions, avoiding all attacks by the Thousand Prisoners, Green lowered his voice: “Once in a terrible deep illusion world, there were some guys who claimed to be immortal before me, but without exception, I killed them. As long as the attack was enough, the so-called immortal body would always die more than once! ”

After that, Green growled low: "Rafi self-sealing, open! ”


Extreme abyss magic wand blasted out, hectares, hundreds of thousands of meters of everything was crushed, while Green turned off momentarily after a brief moment of self-sealing, as if no one was standing calmly in place and quietly watching his own destruction.

Attacks of this magnitude are not only stunned by the many people on the flaming bird, but also the Scorpion Mother picked up at the gates of time and space. She can't help but pause for a short time and show her amazement amidst the poisoning of her narrow eyes.

Silently, Thousand Prisoners appeared unharmed in front of Green, but were physically stiff.

“Psst, if you can kill it again, you just need to kill it a few more times later...”