A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1490 Nightmare Descent (26)

Wood Feather Destroyer vs. Summer Guardian Mina!

The ghost stone spirit could no longer infiltrate the human ancestral corpse. Mina stood up at a critical moment and prevented the world of wizards from suffering even more. This is the glory of the Summer Guardian.

A fiery flame, every confrontation with a wooden feather destroyer, represents a power that belongs to the wizard world.

Hint! Hint!

Mission progress 65 percent, Mission progress 64 percent, Mission progress 63 percent...

Although Skynet's optical brain continues to signal the progress of the mission, due to the full impact of the guardian of the summer, the Kiba destroyer himself is in precarious condition, it is no longer possible to cause the required injury to the human ancestral corpse. Instead, due to the rejection of foreign bodies by the human ancestral corpse, the ghost stone spirit is constantly being expelled from the body. Instead, the progress of the mission is decreasing.

By the way!

Then, a true spiritual wizard has approached, which is a five-star true spiritual wizard and a six-ring true spiritual wizard, rushing towards the ghost stone giant.

“It's irretrievable, we can only give up the endless void of the Mother World Wave! ”

The ghost stone giant roared in pain, the last chance was also lost due to the emergence of the guardian of the summer of the wizard world, the metal destroyer civilization of the universe no longer has a chance, the Quantum Technology of Huadi is about to become history, and now it can only escape through the all-powerful soul, constantly opening deeper illusory space-time.

“Goodbye, this world community about to be renamed Wizard! ”

As the most cunning and timing master, the ghost stone giant no longer hesitated, consuming the all-powerful soul at all costs, opening the illusory space-time end to rush in.

Any illusory space-time is divided into two parts: cloudiness.

Like dimensional esophageal sealing, it is divided into two parts: complete sealing and vagrancy exile. Complete sealing means that there are still sealer coordinates with the material world. Once there are external rescuers, there may be an opportunity to return to the material world in the normal timeline.

And once exiled, it represents a complete disengagement from the material world, and even if we do return to the material world by coincidence, it is likely that we have travelled to different space-times due to time and space disorders.

But if the dominant consuming all-powerful soul invades illusory space-time, it leaves a series of trajectories between the real material world and the deep illusory world. Through this trajectory, the dominant who invades illusory space-time can also return to the normal physical world of space-time.

“Stop chasing. ”

The Six Ring Real Wizard blocked the Five Star Real Wizard.

“Although through the illusory space-time that it breaks open and enters before the separation between space-time and space has completely subsided, we consume only half of the all-powerful soul, but it is, after all, a level 8 eternal soul! Even killing it doesn't help, we have to protect the world of wizards, build this community of wizards, and hunt the demons back! ”

“Just let it run away...”

The five-star true spiritual wizard snorted, the first two to arrive looked at the Kiba Destroyer, as the true spiritual wizard, the supreme existence of the wizard civilization system, the supporter of the wizard civilization, to completely control the pattern here.

The Kiba Destroyer knows that he no longer has the chance to complete the title task of the protagonist.

All along, I have been just plain pale. Perhaps for many new humans, as president of the Guild, I have already reached the peak, but I know that I have always been just mediocre. When I have never really become the core of the attention of Wanzhou, there will always be a better presence to hide my shine.

Just like now, for the new humans of the great universe, earlier and later meteorites are just one step short of victory, making no difference between themselves and the other destroyers.

Is it over...

“Let me deal with this. You deal with the King of the Purgatory Giant. Although it has not had the chance to break through the human ancestral defense to unleash an endless Purgatory in the Wizard World, it is ultimately the final hope of the Metal Destroyer Civilization. Let this Wizard World's final threat be completely strangled first! ”

Mina smiled coldly and said something that made Kiba feel tingly.

Endless anger and despair, utterly poured away by the devastators of the wooden feathers, but collided with the more explosive Mina, who, in the war of the reunification of the world's communities, shed a glorious afterglow.

Six-ring true spiritual wizard and five-star true spiritual wizard stare at the flaming light ball that rivals the palm of the human ancestors, Aberdeen the Purgatory Giant!

Phew, Phew, Phew, Phew...

Wheezing like a cow, if it were a common dominion, fearing that it had reached its limits long ago, Abba felt its true limits when, by his own will to fight, the moment of true despair, even the destroyer of civilization as a metal destroyer, had given up.

This limit is not only the limit of one's own strength, but also the limit of one's own will to fight, the situation of despair, how courageous it is when the whole world gives up, only oneself still insists, to rise to the difficulties!

Upstream and do what no one else can accomplish, the attention of Wanzhou, this is the protagonist!

Abba moved, and it chose to retreat proactively, and reason prevailed over instinct.

Thanks to the power of the human ancestral body, shoulder to shoulder against the smelter of purgatory, the king of Abadan stood up emptiness after leaving hundreds of thousands of meters. Four narrow and long glances revealed a firm, cruel, violent will. After glancing at the six-ring true spiritual wizard and the five-star true spiritual wizard who arrived, the two true spiritual wizards sensed something, but stopped at the same time!

This flaming giant has too much energy, not only in power, but also more importantly in its famous legends, especially after being subjugated by the Seven Rings of True Wizards, the devastator of the damaged exotic dominion, and the great divine power in this battle of civilizations!

Ultimately, the Flaming Giant's four narrow eyes gazed at the body of his ancestors, like the strongest mountain, and Aberdeen's King revealed his resolute colour!

“Purgatory! ”

Low voices, quiet words, many times in one voice of purgatory, which is perhaps the most thorough and powerful time for power control.

The high purgatory furnace boils for it, as if cheering for the master's will. For some, the sound is the pursuit of eternal life, but for Aberdeen and the purgatory furnace, the pursuit is an instant glorious reflection of eternal time and space!

“Has it chosen to unleash endless purgatory on its ancestors, and has it given up opening the space-time divide? ”

“There is no chance, with its all-powerful soul, that it will no longer be able to start a second boundless purgatory without expecting it to end itself in this way. ”

The five-star true spiritual wizard and the six-ring true spiritual wizard all retreated. The two of them were unwilling to try to bear the power of this famous purgatory. At the time, the seven-ring true spiritual wizard relied on this power to destroy the metallized super robot of the space-based starship.

It was a brilliant flaming light ball, burning everything vast and brilliant, and no longer a human corpse could be covered with a palm of hands.

King Aberdeen held this fireball and threw it at the body of his ancestors!

“It's beautiful......”

Wooden Feather Destroyer, who has completely lost his will to fight, decides to end himself in this moment of brilliance and eternity, no longer retreating.

“It's over. ”

Summer Guardian Mina flew away during the battle against Purgatory with the help of her ancestral body.

Far away is the land of shattered wizards, a circle of true wizards, black wizards, emperors, powerful earthquakes and stares.

“Zhu Zhu Zhu, indeed, is very strong. If it can be activated several times in a row, the weak will lead its army of purgatory giants, maybe it can really pose a threat to the human ancestral corpse. Unfortunately, this is the last time it will be glorious...”

The Dark Witch King has a volatile atmosphere. Faced with the endless energy of the perpetual motor, coupled with the various scientific and fictional powers created by the Emperor, the Dark Witch King also finds great difficulty. Faced with confrontation, the mighty celestial body is extremely strong, and the confrontation with himself is not in the wind at all.

Fortunately, even if the True Spiritual Wizard supports us, we might actually have to hurt the bones and consume some more all-powerful souls.

Boom, boom, boom!

The endless light and heat completely evaporate the rules of winter in the Tricyclic Holy Tower region of the Wizard Continent, and the brilliant heat rises from the horizon.

Faced with the power of endless purgatory, the corpses of the human ancestors could not help but fall on their backs, and "bombardment" was inundated with endless light and heat.

With human ancestral carcasses carrying capacity, they are traumatized, but do not pose a threat, they are simply suppressed.

On the other side!

Finally came to Aberdeen in the world of wizards, staring at the supercrater smashed by a furnace of his own purgatory, but as if it was shaping itself, the all-powerful soul of the emptiness of the body, the loss of power, light-headed feet, the world at this moment, in Aberdeen's eyes has changed dramatically, unprecedented changes.

“Death... my will to fight will be eternal, my name is Abaddon! ”

All the best shouting, the king of Aberdeen closed his eyes, maybe by this moment, Aberdeen was already a corpse.

Exhausting his final strength, Abba, in a higher level of incomprehensible power, burst his lifelong rules of warfare into the space-time of the Nightmare Demon World, separated by the Winter Guardian's freeze.

“What is he going to do! No!”

Boom, boom, boom!

At high altitude, a dark hole suddenly appeared and the flaming red light drilled in.

Once this hole was like the reason why the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard crashed, but this black hole was a lot bigger than the black hole that Abbott walked out of when he killed the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard.

One comes out alive, the other is the corpse rushes in.

“This… this is…”

Summer Guardian Mina was surrounded by unknown absurd rules laid over her head, staring into a black-hole, pale face and incredibly mumbling at the sky.

ka-cha ka-cha ka-cha ka-cha

dense and numb spider web cracks, spreading.


PS: Sorry about yesterday, this chapter is important, although it has a lot of padding, but after writing it I felt a little uncomfortable.