A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1528 Universe Starry Sky

“You know, this is the cosmic starry sky, not the new human virus world, it's just a new virus that has been inverted since the Xia River virus! ”

After a brief communication of will, Green gets the desired historical clue from the roar of the planet's will.

“The debilitation of the cosmic starry sky, starting with the outbreak of the Summer Syndrome virus, is a terrible virus infected from outside the cosmic starry sky, from the initial insignificant infection to the spread of the entire cosmic starry sky, once alive in the cosmic sky under that unprecedented lesion, one active planet after another, the universe is in decline, we also have to go into permanent sleep, waiting for the recovery of the cosmic starry sky after lesion...”

A history of stunning dust sealing that gradually revealed itself in the will of a planet about 1,500 km in diameter.

Incarnated into the Great Thousand World Ball, Green's space-time gravitational forces of nothingness on all sides continued to collapse, and even the light could not escape the constraints of the Great Thousand World Ball, constantly distorting the convergence of the past, following the two sections of planets more than a million meters in diameter in space.

“Once upon a time, in the raging Summer Symphony virus, one active planet after another died, and even those few surviving active planets had to fall asleep in the overall decline of the will of the cosmic starry sky… suddenly one day! Higher levels of cosmic will emerged from beyond the cosmic starry sky, which saved the cosmic starry sky in its final lesion and completely eliminated those syncopal bacteria. Our cosmic starry sky did not die completely and escape, but fell into a long period of weak sleep. ”

Two planets, one about 1,500 kilometers in diameter, full of high level liquefied material, are wrapped in a thick layer of steam, as if a bomb could explode at any moment, called Flannel Star.

Another planet is about 2,000 kilometers long, and the surface is occupied by large and small craters, and there is a halo made up of this asteroid cluster called the Hercules Nova.

According to the descriptions of the two planets, standing at the cosmic starry sky angle, each active planet is a normal natural cell that sustains the will of the cosmic world, and the active planet is the cosmic immune system, and all those new humans, including the creatures that once formed the Legion of Titans of the Xiahui Civilization, are just mutant pathogens.

These mutant bacteria are extremely dangerous!

Their very existence is a constant enemy of the normal operation of the great world of the universe. It can infect normal planet cells at an alarming rate, plunder the planet's resources and expand itself, gradually infecting the entire universe with lesions...

“We had the opportunity to wipe out these new human viruses before they erupted, but unfortunately some of them evolved mutatively after they left the cosmic starry sky for another invasion, and by the time we discovered them, they were already incredibly powerful...”

This description is tantamount to looking at the universe as a separate life form, and the planet inside is a cell that keeps this life form functioning properly, whether it's a flesh organism or a potentially independent corps of Skynet robots, it's just the germs in the eyes of these active planets, even witches who are about to invade the world, just exotic germs, more dangerous germs!

“So that's it! Metal Destroyer Civilization, and even such a powerful Summer Horse civilization, have not found and grasped the power of the will of the rules of the world at all because it is simply an application of energy control on the face, in order to achieve powerful destructive power on the face, thus leading to a failure to conform to the rules of the world. Not only have they never really become masters of their world, they are even enemies of their world! Thus, the rules of the world have never changed in accordance with their development, so that as they evolve, they need to constantly protect themselves and shape stronger shells for themselves, be it the Titans or the droids! ”

Within the Great Thousand Worlds, Green is slightly excited about his new discoveries.

Closer and closer to the life level of the true spiritual wizard, Green's knowledge of what he saw, learned and discovered is closer and closer to the essence of life, and his gaze gradually shifted from the exploration of vast spaces to the history of submerging the timeline.

Undoubtedly, this is very helpful to Green Wizard ancestors for their dedication program.

“In contrast, the witch civilization, the abyss civilization, even the sculptor civilization and the worm mother civilization all possess the power to master the will of the world, reshape the rules of the world and make the world more responsive to the development of their own communities. Abyss civilization in particular has almost maximized this capability! In this way, mastering the will of the world is also one way of distinguishing civilizations. This ancient world of the universe has experienced the civilization of the Xiahe and the civilization of the metal destroyers, but its original inhabitants, recognized by the will of the world, are still these planets. Let's use this to negotiate with Wardy Quantum Technology............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ”

Green's shady smile made Hachi laugh.

“Ow... Master Ba, I understand! You want to use the ability of witches to change the rules of the world, to gradually incline the will of this world towards the new human race and become the true master of this world, and you use this as a bargaining chip to force the new human race to accept the will of witches! ”

Xiao Ba pair of wings frustrated, staring at a round pair of large eyes, constantly called a bad laugh: “Wow, Gaga, you are a white wolf with empty gloves, in the end the world is still yours, only these planetary life forms are sold. That's insidious, I like it! ”

Led by Flannel Star and Hercules Nova, there are constant disguised planets joining.

The emergence of the Green Big Thousand World Ball has been placed in high hopes by many stars along the way, an antibiotic planet that can stop the Metrobot virus, and if it can be replicated into its secrets, it can stop the Metrobot Interplanetary Development, it can stop the spread of the New Human Virus and stop the "destruction” of the cosmic starry sky!

More than twenty large and small planets, the smallest being more than a dozen kilometers in diameter and the largest being nearly a thousand kilometers.

Of course, these are just representations, standing in the cosmic worldview of the planet, the size of the planet does not represent the size of mass, more than a thousand worldspheres at this moment, in the eyes of these planets almost like white dwarf stars, although its intrinsic energy is Green's magic, not fusion energy.

As we got closer and closer to the glowing white light in the depths of the universe, Green felt the fluctuations in the rules of the universe, mumbling low: “The so-called White Dwarf Lord is the guardian of the dominant world of the universe! Incredible, how lucky this deformed metal destroyer civilization is to grow and grow in this environment! Einstein would probably have been completely annihilated by the will of these active planets if he hadn't developed the technology of the second generation of Terminators outside the great world of the universe, and perhaps the independent will of Skynet to colonize the stars with the technology of the first generation! ”

Got what I wanted, confirmed the rules of the universe, and Green knew it was time to leave.

Far from the White Dwarf Lord, Green will not really go forward and communicate with the dominant guardian of this great world, even if it is only a weak dominant guardian of the world.

Around the planet around Green, the lowest level is also the fourth level of life!

No wonder it was revealed from a previous version of Flannel Star that in ancient times the world had had a battle with the Legion of the Titans of the Xiahe Civilization, the highest force in the universe, fearing nothing worse than today's world of wizards, probably stronger than the civilization of the Metal Destroyer.

“Sorry, guys, I've got some things to take care of! ”

Without giving time to react to the will of these thriving planets around us, Green suddenly turned away and quickly vanished into a dark, endless void.