A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1627 Collapse Termination (Bottom)


At a moment when the will of the world disappeared, several people waiting at the base wellhead first noticed a change in the gravitational rules of the geostationary world.

The unparalleled and immense rules of gravity that once existed in the geostationary world are slowly weakening at a determined rate, not just the rules of gravity. The thousands of rules that served as the backbone of the geostationary world are gradually becoming extinct. It only takes a few months, and all the rules of the world will be completely broken down into nothingness.

When the rules disappear, the material energy that depends on the world's stents to operate will gradually lose its mobility, change and vitality, and the entire world will be reduced to a dead water tank with no chance of survival.

By then, it will be virtually impossible to reproduce life within the world, and with the collapse of the world's interior to the pole, too much deformed space-time will explode with an astonishing explosion, releasing the vast majority of the world's energetic matter into chaotic space-time, and only a smaller portion of it will be cast through the shadow world of the void into the vast shadow world of the infinite void.

“It worked!”

Cappuccino is just three words long, but for everyone present means that this expedition across the millennium is truly at an end, representing the Tower of Extinction The Holy Mark Wizard is about to begin completing the true spirit dedication, and hence the true spirit wizard!


With moist eyes and indefensible delight, Cappuccino solemnly took out the crystal ball and connected it to the Dawn Wisdom Wizard Command of the Metal Continent of Hope.

“On my orders, the battle platform of the Metal Continent opens the space-time portal, sends an exploratory signal to the world of wizards, announces the completion of the message of true spiritual devotion of the Tower of Extinction, summons the families of great wizards to mine the heart of the world of Tai Yi magnets, and save the world of wizards! Meanwhile, the metal continent is off its established orbit, approaching the terrestrial world at full speed. With seven months remaining before the complete collapse of the terrestrial world, the countdown begins now! ”

On one end of the metal continent, Dawn Wisdom Wizard Headquarters, after obtaining official orders from Cappuccino, suddenly became joyful, hot and busy.

As the battle command platform for this expedition, Hope's coffin metal continent once again shows the ancient wizards conquering the world along the way without the rules of destiny leverage.

At that time, the city of the valley sky was filled with space fortresses. The world's wizards along the way were like locusts, and the density and numbness swept away. Apart from a very few large worlds, it was difficult to build resistance to such sorcerers' methods of warfare.

Boom, boom, boom...

While the coffin metal continent of hope is approaching the underground world, all the regiments of wizards and lower powers of the underground world have also received the highest dispatch order of the extinction base, gathering unconditionally and at full speed to the extinction base. Return to the metal continent.

Now that the Earth's pulse world has lost the super power of the gravitational magnetic field, the wizards can finally break away from it and return to the metallic continent and even to the world of wizards through time and space.

There are too many corps of wizards gathered in the local world, not only the corps of wizards who were initially responsible for conscripting the Goddess Continent and the Hardware Ocean, respectively, but also the corps of wizards who came to the main continent through the whirlpool of time and space after bringing the surrounding small and medium-sized world governments down, as well as the giant dragon clan and very few “rebels”.

The only place in the Earth's pulse world that can provide adequate material support is the extinction base.

However, the geographic world tends to disappear for a long time, and even the reserves of the extinct bases are not sufficiently resourced to be supplied on a rationing basis.

“Victory, victory... finally go home! ”

He was only a first-degree sorcerer when he returned, but he was already a third-degree grand sorcerer. After receiving the assembly task, the little sorcerer was stunned for a long time and his eyes muttered.

“Humph hum hum, soon to return to the world of wizards, but according to the small amount of information previously exchanged between the base of the metal continent and the world of wizards, elemental wizards have been completely defeated in the battle with mechanical wizards, instead, it is the aftermath of the underground abyss refinery wizards who are the main protagonists of the battle. Ashuro the Blade of the Abyss is said to have advanced the Samsung Refinery Wizard before the Wizard of the Sacred Marks of the Tower of Extinction. Not only does he possess the resources of the Abyss, but he has gained superior combat power and is replacing the Elemental Wizard and Mechanical Wizard to stabilize the continent. ”

An Abyssal Demon Dragon sitting on his back, an Abyssal Sacred Mark Wizard.

With one hand resting on the battlefield and one hand touching the delicate ice scales behind her, she held a large cigarette roll in the corner of her mouth, gazing at the land of darkness and mumbling low.

“The Wizard Ancestor Program will succeed. We will usher in a whole new era of wizards, when we will not distinguish these ancient rules of the wizard system. The Wizard Ancestor Rules will prevail over all rules, so that the world of wizards will be peaceful, united and stable from now on! ”

The Holy Mark Wizard, who is a great admirer of Green, is also the reason why the vast majority of wizards can give up joining their faction in the war of domination and follow this expedition, all because of Green's lofty position after the war of civilization and his brilliant personal charm, while also representing a difference of consciousness between modern and ancient wizards.

Compared to the ancient wizards who used today's wizard world community as a passenger, as a carrier, now the wizard world treats this world community, which they conquered a little by themselves, as their own home!

As the protagonists of the powerful era, mechanical wizards, elemental wizards, and abyssal refinery wizards compete with each other, and nightmare wizards and Skynet wizards are much more marginalized, let alone black wizards who resist unanimously.

Green is very close to the origins of nightmare sorcerers and Skynet sorcerers, so Green's sorcerer ancestors plan hardly to be boycotted by obvious rules in both factions.


Tai Ye magnet core, magma boiling.

Compared to the past, only about a third of the world's heart volume was lost during the continuous collapse of the enrichment process, and Green's fingers were like swords, easily separating a few meters of Tai Ethylene magnet.

Of course, even if it was only a third of the world, the heart of this Tai Yi magnet world is enough to rival a small continent. If you want to cut and transport it back to the world of wizards in a few months, the task remains daunting and requires the full support of the major business families of the world of wizards. This is not only Green's true spiritual dedication, but also saving the world of wizards from peril, and no wizard can stop it!

“Gaga Gaga, now we just need to secure the passage. Low level mining wizards can't get here, and this one is definitely not enough! Green Beast, after the dedication of the true spirit, do you intend to start the Wizard's ancestral program directly, or do you want to start with the Elemental Wizard? ”

The corner of the mouth revealed a relaxed and confident curve, "Of course, it started directly with the Wizard's ancestral plan. ”

After a pause, Green continued: “As for the mining passage, there is endless energy support with perpetual motive, just seal the mining passage ice, if one is not enough, open a few more, shuffle..."

Had Green once freely mined the heart of this Tai Yi magnet, dozens of wizard apprentices would have been promoted directly to the official wizard, and now Green is using the entire Tai Yi magnet as his true soul offering to gain the power of the Wizard World's Savior Rule.

ka-cha ka-cha ka-cha

Supported by the dimensional sphere as an eternal energy, the inner walls of the tunnel are gradually protected by a thick layer of glacier and spread to the surface.