A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1751: The First Witch King (Medium)

However, it was somewhat late.


The magic wand of truth balance wrapped around the extinguishing arc. Even though it was detected by the soft-ring king of the ink jade responsible for guarding Green, it did not form an effective defense at all during the hurry. The sound of the dimensional sphere “bombardment” penetrated it, and then Green did not care about the degree of all-powerful soul consumed by this master. A flash disappeared in place, and inevitably appeared over the master of the Ice Brawl Evil Moses.

“Truth, Oui, extinction, collapse, Yuanji extinction technique! ”

Hidden extinguishing thunderballs are also getting darker and darker, as if they were natural space-time black holes, to swallow everything in, and after being instantly completed by Green in the state of self-sealing, he threw it over to the Ice Brawl Evil Moses.

Feeling the strength of Green's witchcraft, Ice Brawl evil mosaic dominates the colorful transformation of the divine color, no matter what else, after resisting obstruction attempts with the unicorn monster gold pointed arc beneath him, he quickly withdrew from the Yellow Springs Underworld River range.

In the sky, the bursting force of torn light swept away and tore apart everything along the way.


Behind Green, Rafi's Yellow Springs Sword Arrow flickered away, “Pfft." In the middle of the effort to escape the unicorn beast of Yellow Springs Sword River, “Pfft." The unicorn beast appeared to be fine on the surface, but his eyes became faint.

In general, this is very similar to the original sin discovered by Green of the Earth World in many of the main god bodies!

Such a disturbance made many spiritual ringing kings and kings of bloodline extremely nervous, converging the attack on the human ancestral corpse, ten dead demon puppets, and the evil bones of purgatory.

“King of Wizards!? ”

Ice brawl and evil moaning dominates the hysterical roar, causing the whole spiritual ring ice soul world to shake, hate anger bears burn.

The three colored eyes looked contemptuously at the Ice Brawl evil moaning master, as if watching the palms of the hands were being played with indiscriminately by themselves, Green did not hesitate to say: “What use is the louder voice? If the roar can solve anything, the wizard will no longer have to explore truth and righteousness. Humph hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum hum, on behalf of the wizard world, I now proclaim on behalf of the King of the Wizard world, you have fully utilized Now I'm going to stay with this Huangquan master on the other bank and leave, so you can go too. ”

Phew, Phew, Phew...

The Black Wizard King watched this happen, and he lowered his voice: “Wise, cruel, despicable, controlling, extreme, the first king of wizards, shudder, maybe you really have a chance to lead the world of wizards to that peak. ”

As if I had foreseen the situation where I had become a prisoner of lower ranks, the Black Witch King, who was in constant decline, appeared to be irrelevant, and went on to say: "If I fail, it is up to you to help me see what the higher creatures outside the box are. ”


Also at this time, one of several powerful will that Green has always felt implicitly, came into contact from the distant illusion of the edge consciousness, Hong Liang said: “Since it is not a dimensional war, there are no resources worth plundering in the Ice Soul World of the Spirit Ring, then leave now! ”

“Jair, Ring the Spirit King! ”

“Is it the eastern realm of the Jair Spirit Ring King? ”

The gathered Spirit Ring Kings are obviously familiar with this consciousness and should exist on a par with the Ice Brawl Evil Mo Sound.

“Dark Witch King, since the power of despair in the world of wizards is almost exhausted, it is time to end this battle. Are you ready? ”

Green actually asked.

“Whispering, my hopelessness has been exhausted, and your self-sealing technique can last quite some time because of life and death. I am not your opponent, the first king of wizards, do it! ”

The connecting person on the left of the Black Wizard King has completely melted and dissipated, and the human despair of the Wizard World can no longer sustain its full-bodied state.

“No, no, no, no, Black Witch King, I said I would defeat you with a higher dimensional Aoyi power, since only in the Yellow Springs on the other bank can you show your strongest strength, then go to the Yellow Springs on the other bank to end this long-standing contradiction, let the Witch World achieve true unification, I will also be the first Witch King in the true sense! ”

Green has completely ignored the kings of blood and spirits gathered in the world of the Spirit Ring Ice Soul, the only thing left in the three colored eyes is the Dark Witch King. Since the King of the Spirit Ring of Jair has distantly launched his will to stop the war that will continue in the world of the Spirit Ring Ice Soul, in the face of Green's side with the Dark Witch King, even if these long-standing survival and the most illusory absurd masters are unwilling to continue the war.

Tearing apart the spatial rift, the Black Witch King and Green, watched by many kings of blood and the Spirit Ring King, gradually faded away and vanished into deeper illusions.

When the shadow of Green and the Black Witch King disappeared completely in the Ice Soul World, the Bloodline Kings woke up violently.

After the secret pronunciation, the kings of the bloodline glanced at each other and withdrew silently towards the door behind them that blinked and cured the world.

In this scene, it is being watched by the Lord of Ice Brawl Evil Sound. The invasion of the Black Witch King caused heavy losses to the world of Ice Ring Soul. Green's final sudden attack caused irreparable losses to the unicorn beast dominated by Ice Brawl Evil Sound. Anger is nowhere to be vented. At this moment, we see these isolated and helpless invading blood kings, intending to quietly retreat, and the four black and white bright eyeballs on the body of the ghost fire flowed through.

“Now that you have brought those two gods, you are responsible for the loss of the Ice Soul World, take them. ”

With the Ice Brawl evil mosaic dominating a will command, the many spiritual ringing kings who had just experienced the astonishing world war temporarily disengaged from the wolf's wheeze, and the uncovered hostile will came towards the many blood creatures in front of the door of the world.

“Back off! Get out of the world! ”

Remotely thinking about the horrific legends of ancient blood kings about spiritual rings and ice spirits, and seeing for themselves that even the mighty unmatched Negroes Almost Invincible were prevented by the rulers of this world from coming and going near the door of the world.

The Spirit Ring Ice Soul World has a natural difference from the bloodline world.


The blood-colored chain of the gates of the world is rapidly integrating into the body of the king of the male and porcine steel bloodline. While the bloodline creatures are returning to the local world, the "sex”, "sex”, “sex”, dense hemp and ice soul creatures, led by the King of Rings, converge from all sides of the vast world in eight directions from the gate of the world, and grasp the bloodline creatures to return to the final troops of the local world, together rushing to the door of the world.

Boom! Boom! Boom Lung...

The battle between the two illusory worlds has officially begun, but the culprits of all of this have left here, inadvertently billions more illusory creatures have become history in their deepest absurdity.