A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1821: Dimensional Warfare (21)

Dimensional esophagus, a strange place where endless worlds converge and end, the situation changes instantly.

On the one hand, the will to inherit the disciple Anthony Seymour was inundated by an infinite army of cardholders, on the other hand, the Void Elder Monster dragged the core of the initial light as hard as possible. The Truth Balance magic wand was like glued with mucous gum, blocking Green's rescue of Anthony Seymour, and finally, a legion of billions of carders flexibly slipped into the 3D world, coming to Green deep into darkness, the Void Elder Monster, and the Clear House Elder Frog!

Relative to 3D stereoscopic organisms having difficulty breaking through the space-time barrier, they can be crushed by various space-time fractures, and these cardholders who have absolutely no thickness or volume will not be so crushed.

Even if it's just a little loophole, it's instantly poured out by billions of carders, which explains why this army of winning and losing cardholders arrives in the dimensional esophagus before another Light Tomorrow Tangwen tomorrow.


Dragging the Truth Balance Magic Wand twice in a row was unsuccessful and delayed valuable time.

Unless Green abandons the light of the beginning, it will be difficult for Green to pull out the Truth Balance magic wand for a short time in the midst of the exhaustive struggle of the Void Old Phantom Hysteria, watching Anthony Seymour, the three disciples who have just emerged, be swallowed up again by an army of carders, even himself in extreme danger, and Green will no longer hesitate.

Ben is already at the height of the endless world of the great shore elements, the inner Green body takes a deep breath, and the three-colored eyes gaze at the endless cardholders leaking over the skeletal continent.

Behind is darkness and nothingness, in front of a continent of uncrowded bones, the endless legions of carders at that dark junction are so eye-catching, adding an unprecedented vitality to this desperate world.

But after its departure, the entire dimensional esophagus will also fall into true silence for this reason.

Ka Cha

A man unwilling to be dominated by endless cardholders drowning at the peak of this meteor burst into magnificence.

This is probably the ability of some kind of power to burst briefly, plus a variation in the ability to rule, a dark red crack spreading from the depths of an army of carders, followed by a "bang” sound, a golden claw stretching out of the siege of an army of carders.

In the world of material energy, the outbreak of this dominion is only feared, even in the battle of civilizations, to the extent that it starts the civilization, to change the course of the battle of local civilizations!

At this moment, however, in the face of dimensional warfare, it is simply a struggle to die.

I don't know exactly what is special about this peak-dominated body. The outer layer of the claws has clearly been punched by the army of carders, but the internal flesh is a rule that can be converted between liquid, solid state and gas state. At this moment, in the course of its struggle, the gold claws sweep, finally reveal the head with the red and bright chicken crown, the blood filament in the eyes spreads, the abomination, the unrivalled desire to coax the black nothingness.

Fang Biao, it can be seen that this master in the blast period is tightly biting the teeth, obviously withstanding tremendous pressure, and may abandon it at any time.

Ka Cha...

Meanwhile, over the Skeleton Continent, a giant card of extraordinary size came out of the hole!

This card is hundreds of thousands of meters, which is not a concept level at all compared to the cards that are a few meters, dozens of meters, hundreds of meters.

This is the only air battleship in Cardman's Strategic Command that carries the most powerful Cardman's winning and losing ultimate war machine, every such war machine is equivalent to a city in the sky in the world of witches!

whoosh! whoosh! whoosh! whoosh! whoosh! whoosh...

If the previous rulers were faced with a mere ordinary army of victorious civilized dimensional warfare, and had some initiative with the supreme life suppression of individual creatures, then there is real despair at this moment in the face of these card kings, even more powerful than the world on the planet!

The master, who had just made a breakthrough in his final struggle, caught the shock of several card kings and was once again inundated by endless cardholders after a brief moment.

Boom, boom, boom!

On the other hand, the spatial and temporal nature of the door blown through by the forces of great destruction, smashing the legion of cardholders covered on top of Anthony Seymour's head. Similar, Anthony Seymour, who had been struggling with all his might, was unwilling to be cleaned up by endless world digestion rules just after breaking through the chaos light and shadow storm. At last, he saw Green mentor deep in the pitch of darkness again, but deep in his pupils was immense despair.

Though Anthony Seymour is too powerful for the past, Anthony Seymour is just a knowledgeable young beast relative to the ultimate rules of digestion in an endless world, dimensional warfare that even those civilizations can't escape.

As for the other masters, perhaps there are too many cardholders, perhaps they have chosen other ways of escape, and after a brief struggle after being submerged by the cardholders, there is no more sound.

In fact, even if so many carders have surfaced, the strategic regiment of carders is still only a small part of what is about to collide positively with Light Tomorrow Hall, relative to the winning and losing civilization above the Skeletal Continent.

From these legions of carders, Green seems to have seen the despair of the ancient wizards against the incomparable demons, and the abyss world civilization that the modern wizard hunter expedition is about to confront!

Ando Seymour's struggle also attracted the attention of several two card kings, who led a large number of battle units and naturally surfaced, attacking this primitive and powerful biological resource point in their eyes.

A few more card kings focused their attention on Green, the Void Elder Monster, and the old Qingming Frog, who was fleeing to the depths of the pitch-black void to break out of the temporal barrier of the dimensional esophagus.

Colored lightsaber, ten fingers full of rings, a white dress, this card king is quite different from the usual card man, seems to have a superhuman place in the card king, he is like a warrior who should not be on the battlefield, but a prince, spotless, yet radiant, elegant and killing side by side, the tip of the sword to Green.

“I will deal with this dominant beast, let him bend under my sword dance, willing to serve as a resource collection point for Strategic Command Command, let the thousands of warriors be strengthened and grateful to me, hahahaha...”

It can be seen that this Card King does possess extraordinary strength, at least he will never be weak enough to suppress the power of the surrounding Card King!

“Prince Husselein, this is just a neutral resource point gathering battle. These neutral wild monsters can be handled by the Legion. Better get some rest and prepare to deal with the real enemies behind you. They are the last barrier we break through dimensional constraints. These neutral wild monsters are not worth mentioning compared to them. ”

One card king persuaded and seemed to say the voice of the other card kings and nodded.

“Hahahaha, it doesn't matter, you can warm up first, before the martial arts get hard! ”

The lonely man, the prince in white rushed towards Green, in a unique way!

The other card kings see this, it is really not good to stop harder, it is worth leading a large army of elite carders into the dark nothingness, and these elite cardholders followed the legions of ordinary cardholders, and in a flash, billions of legions with Prince White as the tip of the cone, poured.

The fleeing Qingming Jishi old frog saw this scene, a scream, the tongue rolled out a pearl, with a gentle light to escape faster, beyond the temporal and spatial range of Green and the Void Old Monster, the extreme speed + shooting into the dark nothingness of the dimensional esophagus.

Green side, depressing silence.


The Book of Truth flickered rapidly, and the colorful symbols of Green's robe poured wildly into the Book of Truth. In a blast, a terrible momentum emerged from Green, as if a terrible giant beast had awakened in Green.

“Anthony Seymour! Ah... Truth Oui, Rafi's wonderful time self sealing technique, open! ”


On the one hand, the elemental body and the Green body are rapidly concentrated, on the other hand, the endless source of darkness silk hair spreads rapidly to the end of the field of view, a deformed space-time column centered on Green penetrates the skeletal continent in a cylinder, the Truth Balance magic wand is held by the hands of the Green human witch body, the milky white light column links endless world material energy, illusory space, endless void, wand dimensional sphere unprecedented brightness, eye-catching, perpetual motivation for Green to persist in unimaginable energy.

Buzz, buzz...

Magical ripples spreading, Green gold silk hair no wind rising, standing flying, vast and deep like stars three colored eyes looking forward, the dark source shadow beneath the feet, the dark Rafi slowly stood up, Yellow Springs Ghost Arrow over the bent bow.

On the other hand, the last time Green opened the self-sealing procedure, the time is not very long, so the accumulated energy is not very large, it is certainly impossible to maintain it for long, but if it is a brief eruption, it is sufficient!

“Green? ”

The ice crystal phoenix in Green's vertical eyes was disturbed by the external energy changes, and he was surprised to ask, but saw Green in the deep throat “whoop” and "whoop” panting, low sinking: "It's Anthony Seymour, at any cost, I must take this disciple home as a mentor! ”


PS: It was criticized this morning by a reader's message, and Baiyu really accepted the criticism, and it woke Baiyu up. Whatever happens to me, this month's updates are really low, and I'm really detached from the original plan for the explosion. It's that I didn't do my writing well, and I'm ashamed of myself. It's a little bit of a surprise tonight.