A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1854: Day Shadow Holy Ancestor

More than 2,000 years later, the core region of the Dark World.

The Demon Hunter Expeditionary Wizard Corps has invaded the Dark World for nearly 3,000 years. Under the constant raids of these Wolf-like Demon Hunter Expeditionary Wizard Corps, one large world after another has failed, and the Demon Hunter Expeditionary Wizard Corps is no longer confined to the peripheral areas, and the core areas have begun to stain the fingers.

To put it this way, the Dark World has reached the point of deciding life or death!

“It's only been over 2,000 years, and those Legions of Witchers have attacked the core region. Is the Dark World really hopeless? Any news of the Undead Saint Joe? ”

Strategic meetings are being held routinely in the core regions of the Dark World.

“The will of the Unbegun Holy Father is constantly pouring into the Dark Gate, and the rules of the Dark Big World are constantly diluting. Something must have happened in the depths of illusion. Otherwise, according to the Unbegun Holy Father, the Dark Gate plan should have been opened long ago, and the army of exiles in the deepest illusions will become the new engine of growth in the Dark Big World. ”

The dark flames of extinction swung, and deep in the vicious pitch of darkness, a circle and a half of narrowed eyes seemed to be all atheistic, lowly said.

“Could there have been some leaks in St. Joe's plan at the beginning? Are those wizards acting weird? ”

Brown grey scales, this dark saint Joe skeptical ghost.

Yet this seemingly untouchable speculation seems to have come close to the truth, yet no one has heeded, and everyone has become accustomed to the persecuted conspiracy theory of Saint Joe.

“Cough! ”

Suddenly, a gloomy smile came from the corner, but it was the shadow leaning on the edge of the dark altar. Suddenly, the dark light burned stubbornly in the dark, and the fogged dark cloak covered its large body, mysterious.

“Such a disadvantage in the dark great world today is not only about the Initial Saint Joe alone. Although the Dark Gate did not achieve the original Initial Saint Joe's ambition, such an ambitious plan, even thousands of years behind, makes sense to us, and it is not without success, as we know from the exiles. ”

Speaking man, although rarely present in the official setting of the Dark Great World, every appearance must necessarily be the daylight shadow Saint Joe at an important moment in the Dark Great World!

The outside world may not know anything about this Holy Joe, but at the top of the Dark Joe, it seems that the Holy Joe is in stark opposition to the Dark Joe.

The Unbegun Saint Joe is in the morning, and the Day Shadow Saint Joe is in the dark!

The other side.

The Sun clock, the rudimentary pattern flowing, seems to be the rule in stark contrast to the Gate of Darkness, which exists as the rule of the gloom, space crushing, time scale visualization.

“What is the reason for the collapse of the Great Dark World, according to the Dayshadow Saint Joe? ”

The glow of the Sun Clock seems to have masked the scent of Saint Joe, who, I have to say, is more focused on the Sun Clock than the Saint Joe who controls the Sun Clock.

“There are three reasons. The first is the root cause, the more powerful absolute power of witch civilization, the advanced maturity of the witch civilization system is beyond imagination, relative to the fact that the great dark world has not yet begun a true civilization era. Secondly, for external reasons, those world communities outside the distant void are being drawn to the full attention of abyss civilization, while the once-in-a-lifetime refusal of Dark Saints to join the alliance against Abyss civilization, while allowing the Dark World to preserve its full strength, has also left the Dark World completely isolated from outside assistance. Thirdly, it is the internal cause of the great dark world that cannot be entrusted with the burden, or even betrayal, of a world that has not yet produced a civilizational heart! ”

By way of analysis, I did make the real point, the mysterious anomaly of the daylight shadow ancestor.

“Without Initial Saint Joe, Noon Shadow Saint Joe, what do you say we do about this crisis? The Eternal Sky City is about to advance to the core area, which over the years has been influenced by the space-time quality of the Dark Gate. The core area world has gradually become an unprecedented supercontinent, isolated only by the thinnest space barrier, if invaded by the main force of the army of wizards, hiss..."

Speaking of the end, the female charming Saint Joe sucked in a breath of cold air, full of fear, I don't know how to deal with it.

The other Saint Joe also looked invisibly at the corner of the Dark Altar, the day shadow of Saint Joe hidden under the cloak, hoping to be inspired or even revealed himself!

In the eyes of all, slowly, the daylight shadow Saint Joe stood up.

Even though it is still incredibly mysterious, at this moment it shows a weak appearance of rickets. Where else has there ever been such a dark appearance with the Initial Dark Saint Joe?

“Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough, Cough ”

Speaking, “squeaking”, the smoked pitch black cloak was dispersed by the daylight shadow Holy Joe, revealing his body, which had been infiltrated by the power of despair and the mystery of death, on the original milky white light shadow, one dark scratch after the other clearly branded, as can be seen by the scratches of the Black Witch King, as well as several other injuries caused by the unlike ten dead demon puppets, purgatory bad bones.

Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

“Why didn't Saint Joe restore his wounds with the Almighty? ”

After biting his teeth off and covering the pitch-black cloak again, Sunshadow Saint Joe lowered his voice: “It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't. These injuries possess extremely strange attributes. Any gain resilience will inevitably bring half of the gain to the Dark Wizard King. The terrible extent of the true Wizard is unknown, so I am willing to slowly recover and not add another great enemy to the Dark World! ”

“So the master won? ”

A holy ancestor was a stiff and frightening colour, immediately replaced by an expected surprise.

“You could say the same! The greatest weakness of the Black Wizard's true spiritual wizard was the absence of the Almighty Soul, and I suspect that it was once like the Innocent Holy Ancestor, fitting the true body into certain rules, but now those rules are no longer there, so it has fallen, and I have repelled them. ”

Since Saint Joe of the Day has already said this, although I don't know exactly what kind of injury it was to the Black Witch King, it is inevitably difficult to recover for a short period of time to participate in the next battle.

“Hiss, in this way, Anlo Saint Joe, Nine Leaving Song Saint Joe, Summer Rain Star Saint Joe, Dark Candle Saint Joe, Ghost Cry Saint Joe, all disappeared for no reason before, are all by this Dark Witch King True Spirit Wizard...”

The Saint Joe, who sucked in a breath of cold air, had not finished his words. “No, Saint Joe did not cry. He chose to surrender to the wizard civilization in secret. ”

In that case, it is either an admission of several other Holy Joes or a covert killing by the Black Witch King!?

Just imagining a terrible sorcerer hidden in the dark stretching his claws toward himself, everyone felt a trembling cold.

The short dark congress did not solve the imminent crisis in the dark big world. Bad news kept coming. The Eternal Sky City once again released a star orbital cannon. Another Saint Joe meteorized. The Expeditionary Legion of the Hunter was quite close. The dark big world was playing on the turn of the song and the fight, but it could not stop the wicked, powerful and terrible sorcerer.