A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1873: Homecoming Ambush

Ando Seymour walked all the way through, and the world of witches was incredibly prosperous, unlike the world of witches in memory, for a moment, the mood was incredibly complex.

One side is excitement!

The world of wizards developed around the rules of the king of wizards is ushering in unprecedented unity, harmony, strength and unity. The League of wizards is full of positive upward motivation. Under the wave of explosions of such civilization, the life of ordinary wizards can almost be described in terms of changing moons. If you do not actively absorb the latest wave of knowledge, you will soon be left far behind by the development of the world of wizards.

On the other hand, there is tremendous regret.

During the most glorious and powerful period of qualitative transformation in the world of witches, but without a single ink of their own, they endured daily loneliness in such absurdity and irrationality, felt the crushing of the entire dimension of the world, constantly digesting themselves, that unprecedented moment of loneliness and fear surrounded themselves, in front of the whole dimension, they were so small and insignificant.

Great begins with small, great face is small!

After leaving Green, Anthony Seymour made a long journey to a Wizard's College called Star Inspirer.

Today's wizard world is no longer as primitive as the memory of Anthony Seymour, and the Wizard College exists to create greenhouses and protect vulnerable humans.

In this age of national wizards, wizards have long life and tremendously powerful cross-geographical abilities, so small villages and towns have become history, no longer relying on limited natural resources Wizards in the pursuit of higher knowledge, have gathered in major wizard colleges, holy tower areas to improve themselves.

And the size of this school of celebrity inspired sorcerers, fearing that before the Third World War of Civilizations, even the most prestigious colleges of great sorcerers of holy marks could not be matched, but in this age of national sorcerers, miracles were created.


The sky * * * docks hundreds of empty spacecraft, nearly kilometres of which are now completely popular in the world of wizards, and it is not surprising that some well-financed wizards even own private warships.

The shadow fell, and Anthony Seymour looked like a hillbilly, walking on a street filled with technology and mystery, neon, crowding.

“Master, the ultimate sparkling stone of the shadow mystery world, imitation of the heart energy controller of the Xiahe civilization Titan, Class B + simulation, maximum power 4500 degrees, are you interested!? ”

The barking salesman in the store is just a concentrate on the whole street.

“Last month Zunfu sold a batch of seven-ring Santa Monster space. Today it opens, 120,000 magic stones per cubic meter. It gives away a hunter transmission array. It can be used as a loan for the renovation of the hunter's space. The interest rate is only 3.5%, making it multiple mysterious gifts. You can also enjoy a hunter's armed package by purchasing it. There are plenty of opportunities. You can get it first come first served! ”

Witchcraft World Hunting Space has risen from round to round, causing many families of wizards to abandon their traditional business to develop exotic world and develop new products, gathering funds to squeeze into the hunting space to buy and sell the market, hoping to escape the rate of devaluation of the Witchcraft coin, preferably to earn a cup of money, which has affected the development of the Witchcraft World's productive creativity.

Thus, the Demon Hunter Space Promoter is now also an official profession, like a faculty mentor.

After more than a month, he basically adapted to the world towns of sorcerers. In various legends about the Third War of Civilizations and the King of Witches, Anthony Seymour embarked on a journey to find Lilith, the fourth master sister.

Five years later.

Tri-ring Holy Tower, Sigh of Frost Wizard College.

“Second Senior Brother! ”

Coming to find Anthony Seymour, Lilith, the fourth master sister, the first thing I saw was the shadow of the similarly old wizard, Eryuan Genuine Wizard Blackthorn!

At this time, Blackthorn was next to a third level wizard, lifting his eyelids, his eyes as if to suck the human soul into the depths, and he lowered towards the next bear wizard: “This is your third master brother, the most proud disciple of mentor Green, once the great destroyer of witch Anthony Seymour, now...”

Halfway through, Sorton went on to say, "Now the world of sorcerers is a true sorcerer! ”

“Senior Brother. ”

Anthony Seymour, after courtesy, looked at the Tripole Peak Wizard next to Blackthorn, who was looking at himself with a vision, ignoring the shock and complexity deep in Blackthorn's eyes, and took out a carder's specimen.

“This is a strange specimen I collected on my journey, for you. ”

Lilith is famous for refining witchcraft and possesses a strong knowledge of forbidden boundaries, which kind of makes up for Green's defects in this regard. Immediately after receiving the specimen gift from Anthony Seymour, her hands gleamed, her eyes widened with curiosity, and she couldn't help but study it.

“Thank you, Third Brother! ”

As you can see, Lilith loves such precious specimens.

“It really is quite an interesting creature, it seems that my brother has been through a lot over the years. I feel the magic fluctuations of the vast sea from you, and the incredible light and yin baptism, even longer than me and my mentor! ”

From the noise of the black cord, some profound meaning seems to be heard.

Shook his head with a bitter smile, Anthony Seymour arrived: “What vast ocean magic fluctuations, compared to the mentor, is nothing but nine bulls, not to mention, as for the light fluctuations, let alone talk. ”

The relationship between the two, to be honest, is not very harmonious, and the inner climb far exceeds the pride of the same door.

“The Hunter Expedition has been launched, and the Legion of Hunters will take over the Dark World in the near future. Soon a new expedition will begin. The King of Witches rules believe that you will also understand that the first king of wizards of the mentor can only last two sessions. Now that you return, it seems that the battle of the second king of wizards will be complicated. ”

With a low voice, Blackcord said and left.

Anthony Seymour responded calmly to all this without much talk and finally had time to accompany this unmet little teacher and sister after Blackthorn left.

A few years later.

A circle of true spiritual wizards finds Anthony Seymour, and the crisis over the massive amount of wizard coins in the world of wizards is before Anthony Seymour.

In the expectations of a loop of true spiritual wizards, Anthony Seymour exhibited the rule of great ruin and easily shaped a piece of space debris, which is equivalent to shaping a temporary space-time magic witch!

These space debris can become space debris from the hunter world that has been fired to heaven's price by simply supporting the energy of the Holy Tower and fixing the coordinates of the Hunter Altar.

As such, a circle of true spiritual wizards joined forces with Anthony Seymour to create more demon hunter space debris, face the death of demon hunter space debris recycling and retrofitting, set the massive amount of Witch coin trust, stand behind the Wizard World slowly control the wizard coin operation, support the Wizard World Hunter Expedition.

The Dark Big World Gazette is coming one after another, and the journey is nearing its end. The Dark Big World has been completely occupied by endless myths of powerful and terrifying legions of wizards.