A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 1935: Deep Memories (top)

The first thing you need to run for King of Wizards is prestige.

Prestige, according to the world standard of wizards at this stage, is to obtain the support of not less than a billion official wizards, 3,000 holy marks wizards and four true spiritual wizards, all three of which are indispensable.

Lower official wizards know relatively little about true spiritual wizards. Although the number requires a billion, it is nothing compared to the total number of official wizards today. It is not difficult to obtain a billion votes on Skynet if you can use a large number of resources to promote them by wizard families and wizard merchants. This is also the easiest to achieve in prestige conditions. It is a popular preference for higher wizards for lower wizards.

As for the conditions for the votes of the 3,000 Holy Marks Wizards, they are much more difficult.

Although after the rules of the ancestors of Green wizards, the great integration of wizards from all factions of the world, once the competition between different factions of wizards was greatly weakened, it was only in the case of low-level wizards at the grass-roots level, but there was still a considerable residual awareness in the field of holy mark wizards, coupled with the fact that Holy Mark wizards knew far less about true wizards than lower-level official wizards, resources would not be too scarce, and because some flie-headed wizards wasted their own subjective votes, thus obtaining prestigious votes of holy mark wizards, also indirectly symbolized whether Holy Mark wizards had the power to run for the next king of wizards.

And this is exactly what Green disciple Black Zoe and disciple Anthony Seymour are after.

Finally, it is undoubtedly the most difficult thing to do to run for the King of Wizards by obtaining the votes of at least four true wizards.

Between true spiritual wizards, mutual understanding, great interest relationships, inevitable deviations in the development of the mind consciousness, coupled with the great differences in ideal goals, most importantly, while obtaining the support of true spiritual wizards, means that supporters will abandon this election, in which the stakes are self-evident, and the number of candidates for the King of Witches is idle, so this is the most difficult condition for the prestige of the King of Witches election.

If there is a glimmer of hope in this condition, then there is no doubt that Anthony Seymour is completely hopeless.

Outside, all the wizards of the wizard world are caught in a boiling gathering, shouting for the election of the Wizard King, for the glorious boiling of the wizard world, but in the heart of the wizard world, only the last hint of the tiny little thumb on the right foot, Green, has completely abandoned all the wizards, waiting alone.

While giving up these witchcraft, Green also minimized the influence of the original character of the infinite world dimensional grid, so calm in the heart of the witchcraft world, guarding the King of Wizards Truth Set.

In front of Green, the small octave of children's paintings was dazed, moving from the once flexibly appearing cocksucker to a stubbornly twisted children's painting.

“Hachi? ”

After Green injected a hint of azure light into Xiaohao, he tried to call the other party and still didn't get it, which is unknown how many times Green tried.


Sighing, Green reached out and put Hachi back on his shoulder.

In general, Xiao Ba, like an ancient sorcerer's high curse, the effect is to seal the biological self-consciousness deep in the spirit, which is also the vegetable human state.

Any organism, consciousness and spiritual power are integrated, spiritual power is connected to endless world energy matter, controls the body's shell, while consciousness is the essence of the organism, a small section of the elective judgment grid accumulated based on memory of the original character.

If Hachi really is, it's just a separation of consciousness and mental power, for Green to catch it, but the real problem is much more difficult than Green thought.

Because Green didn't find Hachi's consciousness!

Has Hachi been having problems with some reason, dead!?

However, through the sense of soul connectivity, Green can sense that Xiao Ha is still alive, and that the biggest problem may stem from Xiao Ha's own extraordinary life traits, because it was Antonio who created the strange life form. Although Green also has considerable research on Xiao Ha, the deepest research is limited to a page of fate left by Antonio in Xiao Ha's body. To date, Green has still not really figured out the true meaning of Antonio's letters of light of wisdom.

Inevitably, Green recalled that scene where deep in the dimensional gap, Xiao Ha's stomach searched for the page of destiny.

At that time, according to Antonio's guidance, Green reached the deepest part of the dimensional gap, which was also the belly of Hachi.

The ordinary human world formed by the illusion of light and darkness is like a ghost, walking in the ordinary human world without making any changes.

As the little boy with the white skin gradually became clearer, somehow he developed an incredibly absurd feeling.

I hate him so much!

“The kind of disgust? ”

Green mumbled constantly thinking in the heart of the wizard world, still can recall that disgust, it was like the first time I saw Xiao Ha, at that time the arrogant, stinking mouth of the eight brothers also disgusted themselves. Although the two people adapted to each other after constant grinding, they also became harmonious, but if you really want Green to look for similar feelings, only the two feelings are very similar.

“Is there any mystery in this? ”

It has to be said that the truth of Green's exploration at this moment, Oui, is already too mysterious, close to superstition, similar to philosophy, has risen to resemble rather than unfounded speculation, the line between madman and genius.

As the blue light frowned, Green continued to recall the scene and Antonio stayed in Xiao Ba's stomach to suggest that the secret could not be expressed in a straightforward manner.

That disgust, for no reason, as if it were just its own instinct, even this disgust, has risen to the level of hatred.

The white-skinned boy, about sixteen or seventeen years old, not tall, fine skin, a pair of intelligent but timid eyes, as a wizard who lived for countless years, Green could almost instantly tell the little boy's feelings of inferiority.

Seeing the boy's feelings of inferiority, his own disgust and resentment became more evident, and he couldn't help but feel like he was about to explode.

By closing his eyes, opening his eyes, controlling his emotions, he tried not to let them affect him any more, but watched all of this calmly from the perspective of a bystander, waiting for the clues of Antonio's fate to be stored here.

Then I discovered some abnormalities myself.

Everything in the room, including the view outside the room, should be on the 4th to 5th floors, looking at the past, everything seems to be covered with a light veil that cannot be seen clearly.

Except for the little boy, including the clothes on him, the pen in his hand, everything was illusory, perceptible, but so unreal, like things in a conference dream, knowing their properties, knowing their purpose, knowing their function, but without a specific image, because he hadn't really seen them, just what he imagined, in the world of thought, all he had to do was know was to have them appear so that his subconscious thought made sense, which means that it could very well be a dream or someone else's memory influence.

There is only one thing that is clear, and that is that the little boy wrote half the paper, which means that this paper has really ever appeared?

And this paper stands for, this is the page of Destiny!

What exactly does the relationship between the high and low latitudes, linked by the Fate Page, represent, allowing Antonio to place the Fate Page in the illusion of Xiao Ha's belly, hiding the significance of Xiao Ha?