A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 2001 Abyss Battlefield (29)

On the other side is the retreat of the Abyss Demons, as opposed to the arrival of the Legion of Demon Expeditionary Wizards.

In fact, unlike these exotic communities, the wizards who have just arrived on the battlefield are more eager to win the Abyss Demon War, to be inspiring in glory, to restore the pride deep inside those ancient remnants of the Holy Marks Wizards, to remove their psychological obstacles, to accomplish their historic tasks, but why, because of their longer-term plans, they have to abandon the victory pursuit and temporarily invest their energies in the power struggle within the Abyss Battlefield Parliament here.

The Great World of Firestone, or Firestone Giant Star, is civilized by the high purity of ore produced by an iron-blooded star, Hanoi combustion engine.

Because this important resource world and transit dispatch world has long been prepared for war, the Iron Blood Technology high-power space-time shuttle device within the Great Firestone World is adjusted to the highest power, which is the temporal and spatial blockade that Abyss Demons can carry out with dominance, and can be passed, so that the battlefield can come and direct the battle personally.

Moreover, as one of the great worlds, the self-protection mechanism of the rules of the world's will, even if a few or a dozen rulers join forces to seek a complete space-time blockade, is almost impossible. More or less, there are loopholes, and this is not the site of the special death of Queen Iron Blood XIII.

Buzz buzz.

The Eternal City of Sky, which marches forward in the void, distributes rules and magnetic fields around itself, as if it were a self-conscious mobile world, and stops after approaching the defensive circle of the small world on the periphery of the Great Firestone World.

“Another abyss-contaminated world. ”

The three-colored eyes glanced at the little world of black dots ahead and the king of second-generation wizards mumbled low.

On the left and right sides of the second generation of wizard kings are Samsung Real Spirit Wizard Ashuro and the anthropomorphically shrunk King of Radiation. The King of Radiation reacted slowly, but Samsung Real Spirit Wizard Ashuro reacted at the first time, calmly saying: “It's just preliminary pollution, distributed in speckle form, it hasn't spread yet, so I'm sending an army of wizards down to clean it up. While pollution cannot be eliminated, large-scale sealing and control of deterioration is nothing, at least to the eye. ”

Long-term research into abyssal moss, witches have an intuitive understanding of the power foundations of abyssal civilization, and naturally the means are created.

“Well, this is where witches are temporarily stationed, even though it's only a brief stop, but often witches come looking at what it's like to be contaminated by divine sources. However, be aware of the communication with the local Iron Blood Star River forces. Previously, in order to deter many heterogeneities, a number of contradictions have arisen with the Iron Blood Star River. Now that Odo has shown considerable goodwill and successfully accomplished his mission with a star orbital cannon, do not be too radical. ”

The King of Second Generation Wizards gave a slight warning.

“Don't worry. ”

Asura's voice responded softly.

It has to be said that when Green, the king of the first generation of witches, assumed the power of the League of Wizards, this true witch, whether wisdom, heritage or temperament, grew a lot, less sharp exposure, more restraint than tolerance, and now his profound and incalculable strength, has become the sole leader in the Hunter Expedition.

After this casual sigh of two, the fate of a small world has been decided, and the second generation of the Wizard King has turned away.

A few days later.

Five bloody moons slowly appeared in the small world sky here, a mechanical battleship filled with witches slowly landed and began to help the iron blooded regime of this small world clear the abyss with its wisdom and action. Soon these violent aesthetic iron blooded civilizations were able to fully feel the quirks and violence of intellectual tolerance.

This small-scale operation, standing at the height of a true sorcerer, is a matter of sending several holy marks sorcerers at random, not to mention standing at the height of the king of sorcerers.

Three years later.

Closer and closer to the seven-communal parliament set by the Thirteenth Master Iron Blood Queen, the Vacant Demon Hunter Expeditionary Legion of Wizards stationed near the Great Firestone World has gained temporary residency in a medium-sized world and is busy migrating to this medium-sized world.

Disguised as an idle little wizard, the king of second-generation wizards walked alone in the corridor of the Wizard Tower in the Eternal Sky City, and his heart was heavy, but not on the battlefield, but from behind the League of Wizards.

Here in the Battlefield of the Abyss, with the strength of the League of Wizards, coupled with the two generations of the King of Wizards, even if there is no positive battle with Abyss civilization, only a sporadic war, the same newsletter company, coupled with the unparalleled smoothness of the process of contact with several large parliamentary groups, the wizards are bright about the future war.

However, what annoys the second generation of Sorcerer Kings is a series of financial problems caused by uncoordinated resource scheduling within the Rear Sorcerer Alliance!

Although assisted by any ring of true wizards, even went to the heart of the Eternal Sky City to ask for the next generation of wizard kings, the waves of the financial tsunami are becoming increasingly invisible, and the credibility of the wizard coin has been lowered to the lowest point, which has seriously threatened the wizard's will cohesion!

On the other hand, since the encroachment of the wizard world under the domination of the wild world, the Black Wizard King appeared and disappeared, never appeared again. It was normal, but now the Saiyan disciple of the Black Wizard King is involved.

This Achievement Dominant disciple has threatened to propose the succession of Black Witch King to the Second Generation of Wizard King!

The disciple, the king of second-generation wizards, saw it, and it was extraordinary.

If these two things are not handled well, it is not a joke that the question of the succession of the second generation of the King of Wizards will inevitably be placed on the table and even impeached halfway through the victory of the Sixth Civilization in the early days of this expedition of the Hunter.

Today, the talented people of the wizard world are in no way lacking a successor to the king of wizards.

The second generation of the Wizard King turned his head and looked at it. He actually walked to the door of the teaching room of this Wizard Tower. Enlightened wizards held the book notes crystal ball, one after the other, the second generation of the Wizard King under heavy pressure stood for a while, and walked in, resting.

Inside the classroom is a long row of one-piece tables and chairs with men and women sitting in a semi-circular shape, looking up to the female tutors walking into the classroom.

And the subject matter of today's lecture by this female mentor is actually Abyss Demon Corpse Specimen!

“Class, outside is the battlefield of the Hunter Expedition, and living in your generation is an incredibly happy generation, because you will be able to recognize the power of wizards, stand at the top of an endless world, see the wizards attain a moment of immense glory, complete the dreams of countless heads thrown, bloodshed, and sacrifice ancient wizards to defend themselves against the invasion of the ancient demons! Now let's learn about the body structure of these ancient monsters...”

Even though the masquerade is in place, the excessive weight of the heart makes the king of second-generation wizards seem a little out of place compared to the youth of the men and women around him.

At the end of a half-hourglass, the Enlightenment Wizards left the classroom, and the Second Generation Wizard King left the classroom without a word.

“This classmate, wait. ”

The king of second-generation wizards turned back stunned, and the woman mentor called herself.

“One lesson seemed distracting to you. Do you have any doubts about my lesson or don't understand anything, if any, you can give an opinion, and I will try to improve it. ”

The female tutor's voice was gentle, and she asked kindly and could not see that she was a mentor after leaving the table.


The king of second-generation wizards frowned for too long and has not been exposed to these teaching scenarios for too long. The habits of modern wizards compared to everything in the memory of the king of second-generation wizards are such a difference between heaven and earth that society evolves so quickly that the king of second-generation wizards actually has a feeling of falling behind.

What, teachers care so much about their students, and the transfer of knowledge becomes so cheap?

I don't know if it's good or bad!

Compared to the difficulty of obtaining knowledge from ancient wizards, the progression that was close to deformity in the desire to explore the meaning of truth, modern wizards as a whole, though more powerful, seemed to become mediocre in their personal development.


After a dull response, the king of second-generation wizards kept going ahead.