A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 2036 Abyssal Battlefield (64)

“Howl! ”

The last all-powerful soul of the tyrant ancestor, the struggle between the fingers, but for the metal body of the eternal sky of Pomerol Hughes, it is still so powerless. As the strength between the fingers gradually increases, this lying tyrant ancestor, like the true spiritual wizards who crashed on the battlefield, completely became a fragment of the hidden history of the endless world, and the debris glued to the real fingers of the metal body never recovered.

The metal surface of the Eternal Sky City, the masses of little wizards are rapidly collecting and dragging the remains of the tyrant ancestors into their bodies.

For Pomerol Hughes, it's another feeling that the body cells are absorbing, breaking down, digesting these energies autonomously, but this little poison bee is so insignificant for the energy that they need to consume at every moment of the metal itself.

Resolving this invading ancestral regiment took about half the hourglass time, the vast majority of which was spent on the final complete assassination of the mob ancestors.

After all, it is a great waste of time to have the life thickness of an all-powerful soul, and that is why Pomerol Hughes did not choose to kill all of these demons.

In contrast to these insignificant Demons, Pumirosus opened 100% of the Eternal Sky City Metal Body Combat to deal with the more important enemies this time!

Looking at the battlefield in the void, looking at the view of the Eternal Sky City, is another sight.

Overall, the battlefield can be divided into six levels. The most central level is undoubtedly the Eternal Sky City, with the Eternal Sky City at its core. Many space fortresses and the Vacant Sky Carrier fleet have created a second battlefield, and the Witchhunters are mostly located in this area.

It is noteworthy that there is a vast gap between the Eternal Sky City and the Battle Zone of the Space Fortress.

These blank areas, the first Demon Ancestral Strike will leave a blocking time for the Eternal Sky City that has not opened a state of battle, and the second Eternal Sky City will open a state of battle of 100% to avoid its impact.

As for the third and fourth level war zones, they are the scorching areas of both sides of the war, filling the ash burning areas of the battlefield, the army of slave monsters, the army of metal robots, the army of mechanical puppets, the army of biochemical synthetic animals sent by the demons, and the Abyss Demon Dragon and Abyss Demons summoned by the Abyss Demons are constantly killing each other, and the backstage demon hunters and the unrivalled ancient demons look at all of this.

More, however, were slaughtered by artillery cannons destroyed by demon hunter space fortresses in the second battlefield and strategic weapons on the outer side of the abyss.

In the 5th level war zone, low-level unknown ancient demons carry out the Abyss Summoning Battlefield, with heavy protection, an Abyss Fortress that is constantly different in size from the Space Fortress, and the Abyss Cannon “Bomb”, "Bomb”, "Bomb” and “Bomb” are constantly firing at the Wizard's slave naval battlefield.

The sixth level area, surrounded by several Abyss Cities, summons endless abyss magic, carries a large number of the elite Abyss Demon Dragon Legion, and is also the area where the Second Generation Wizard King flourishes.

Generally speaking, field of view and consciousness perception exploration can encompass half of the battlefield is already quite good. The distant part can only be perceived through unspeakable subtleties after screening for battlefield spot bargaining energy. This is still possible by those very powerful rulers. But at this moment, in the eyes of Pomerosius, the void battlefield distance is greatly reduced. After a circle of sight, field of view not only crosses the surrounding blank zone, but also takes the second layer of battlefield to the bottom, even to the third layer of battlefield slave monsters and Abyss Demon Dragon Legion fighting place!

However, because these slave monsters and abyss monsters are too small for Pomerol Hughes, not even ants, but only gravel at best, they need a vast battlefield in which to be noticed.

As far as outer space is concerned, the true view of the metal in the Eternal Sky City of Pomerosius is also gray and indetectable.


The second level war zone, in the defensive circle of the fortress built by the Wizard Hunter Fortress, with the world tree and one-armed sacred ancestors at its core, surrounded by many true wizards, and further afield, the hidden area where the Phantom Ancestors are spying, is of the utmost concern to Pomerosius.

Among them, the Destiny Leverage Magic Wand shines brightly. In the eyes of Pumirosus, it is such a bright sight to defend against a lighthouse that runs through the roots of the Tree of Destiny in endless dimensions of the world!

Now that the target has been locked, after the Skynet has issued a hierarchical order, the metal of the Eternal Sky City of Pomerosius reaches the battlefield one step later, crossing out of the amazing realm of time and space, and it looks like it will take only a few moments to reach the battlefield.


“Tip! Hint! Hint! The Eternal Sky City has successfully opened 100 battle states. Please make every effort to coordinate all sorcerers with the correct, imminent victory of the war, and all true sorcerers present their counterparts to the demonic ancestors. ”

“Warning! Warning! Warning! All Legions of Witchcraft, please move immediately away from DEFF13334, KN3278647234, SED123123 coordinates, 100% battle state Eternal Sky City is approaching the battlefield. ”

The exciting news is that it is spread through the public channels of Skynet, so all wizards and allies dominated by the Lord of the World, no matter how high or low, are prompted by the information in the first place.

Around the edge of the battlefield of the world's trees and one-armed saint ancestors, the similarly uncertain 4-star true witch and Asura.

“Slightly later than scheduled, but also successfully turned on 100% fighting power, cough cough cough cough...”

Just swept by the single-armed Holy Body's original ancestral boxing wind, the four-star true spiritual wizard was bombarded, without even a face. Fortunately, at this moment, the four-star true spiritual wizard's state, though extremely poor, did not consume too many all-powerful souls, and was also indirectly experiencing a slight characteristic of the power of passive evolution in the stronger abyss.

Next to it, Asura, while looking intact, is in much worse shape.

Hard one-armed Holy Body Original Ancestor two-fisted attack, the second fist even briefly opened the body state of the true demon, directly destroying Ashuro's whole body cells, so much as consuming a huge amount of all-powerful soul cost to offset the inevitable end. At this moment, although escaped, he still did not break away from the strongest strike state of the original single-armed Holy Body in the body state of the true demon, as if he was trapped in endless fear nightmares, branded in his soul.

“Asura? Asura! ”

Asura woke up from fear after two calls from the four star true spiritual wizard, “Eun” sounded, so unknown.

“Your consciousness is too much affected by it.” The four-star true spiritual wizard meets here with caution.

Ashuro nodded, crossing his hands slowly apart, but could see his hands still trembling, low and sinking: “Now not only are my cells, but my soul has fully felt that extreme power. Traveling with life and death, they evolve in the powerful direction they understand, along that fear that is printed in the memory of the soul, to acquire new potential for life. ”

The other side.

"“ I told them not to go over there, "snorted the Emperor." The past was also a dead end. If you don't listen to me, you'll be beaten back. It's embarrassing. ”

The doll was holding her arms to her knees and said softly: "Leave them alone, just wait and see the show. ”

“Mm-hmm! Hip, wizards are finally going to open their Eternal Sky City in full condition. From Quantum Technology in Huadi and before they started the war, those wizards were constantly building and building around that metal continent. Later, even the King of Wizards was born twice. They are still building, and they are also moving star orbital guns into it. I don't know what the so-called 100% form of war is, how the abyss ancestral power in the river compares. ”

In the void, there are also several floating coffins in which the old wizards quietly guard the battlefield to prevent possible accidents.


PS: Two chapters today, just lost RNG, so unfortunate, studying together.