A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 2046 Green Return


The King of the Second Generation of Wizards lifts the magic wand of truth balance, the dimensional sphere brings out the bright light, has the constant energy support of the city of the great eternal sky, Green, Millie, and a group of 0 and 1 runes in the narrow hours of space, traveling across many world masses.

“Any regrets? ”

Suddenly, Millie, snuggling around Green, asked with tenderness and affection, "I wish we could just keep wandering like this. That would be great. ”

Blonde hair, Green stretched out his left hand, and Hachi suddenly appeared as the space-time fluctuations flashed over his left arm.

At this moment, however, despite standing on Green's arm, his eyes were hollow and faint, with no focal length.

If Xiao Ba was a simple child painting full of spirit, then Xiao Ba is in Green's eyes at this moment, it is a wonderful only Xiaogong pen painting, although more refined, but lacks soul.

Green's right hand stroked slowly on the feathers between Xiao Ba Red and Green, and he sank low: “Apart from the return of the wizard world, our wedding, and the restoration of Xiao Ba, I no longer have any interest in this dimension. And with the extent to which I am now disrupting the balance of the endless world, if the abyss world abandons the horizontal and horizontal void program and begins the dimensional journey, there should be plenty of time. ”

After that, Green opened a dimensional gap crack and unfortunately put Xiao Ha in it and the crack healed.

Millie's eyes faded slightly and recovered quickly, leaning on Green's shoulder seemed reluctant to think about anything else, whispering: “I will always be with you no matter what. ”

The other side of the media god suddenly interjected: “I have always felt that reality is more full of drama than movies, you may not understand, I have walked through countless movie clips in my body every day, I have long been disgusted by all kinds of bridge segments, but watching a scenario play like this, every second filled me with anticipation, even better movies are illusory, hey...”

The god of the media inserted a sentence, paused, and went on: "Do you think that the real world, as it is for another creature, is as I am for the media world? ”

Green did not respond to the myth of the media, turning the topic around: "Instead of caring about the nothingness, it would be better to care about something more practical. Many of the main gods around the star gods have been forgotten, it is not worth mentioning that they have lost their thickness of life, but this star god is the god of the gods, he will not be truly forgotten until his gods have dealt with it. How certain are you? And even if the light of Wadi helps you, will you be able to move flowers to Skynet within a millennium? ”

“Didn't I say that reality is more interesting than the media world, because I can't guess the ending. ”

This group of 0 and 1 runes this way and has not responded positively to Green.


With Green supporting a space-time shield, including Millie and the media god, a "buzzing” sound, stepping out of the space-time rift, for Green, Millie, and the media god who came across time and space was only a brief moment, but for the Eternal Sky City responsible for the second generation of wizards called in time and space, it has been more than thirty years!


The colour of tiredness in the eyes of the three colours showed up. Even the dimensional ball head of the magic wand of truth balance became dim. The king of the second generation of wizards shouted: “Finally summoned you back. If you were any further away, I'm afraid even I wouldn't be able to carry on. ”

“The King of Second Generation Wizards. ”

Millie beckoned herself with witch etiquette, but Green, at the moment of the Eternal City of Sky, slowly spread her wings day and night with the rules of the Wizard World here, then pressed the temple in the color of her headache, and a fuzzy message came about the Black Witch King.


Sighing, Green slowly said: "The world of witches is about to return, and I promise you, your freedom is about to be fulfilled. Why do we have to use this extreme violence to shield the will of witches? Without the thickness of life and the support of the wizard's will, are you going to hide in this endless dimension of the world forever? ”

“You mean Black Witch King? I happen to have something to discuss with you about the new Black Witch King. Who is this? ”

The king of second-generation wizards looked at the god of the media beside Green.

"The founder of the new generation of the divine system of the Alliance, the god of the media, was invited by Green to come here for two purposes: to eradicate the remnants of the ancient legacy of the Alliance and to eradicate Skynet's sense of independence. ”

“The new Black Wizard King? I don't make laws, will black wizards become history, why is there a resurgence of black wizards? ”

Green frowned and asked, looking directly into the eyes of the king of second-generation wizards.

“For a moment, in order to win this battle of the demons, and to prevent some internal contradictions in the wizard world, I appointed the disciple of the Dark Witch King, the Saiyan princess, who became the new Dark Witch King. As for the conditions, she will participate and help in this hunting expedition, but after that, she will be able to block the Saiyan clan with the help of the Wizard World Destiny Lever magic wand. She will seek revenge and will be listed as a fugitive black wizard! ”

After that, Green also understood a little, calmly: "How strong is she if you value her so much? ”

One elemental seat behind each person rose slowly, the weary king of second-generation wizards leaned on it, and constantly ingested pure elemental support from within the city of eternal sky, Low Sink: “The base state, the upper limit of combat power is 10 million, the average can be maintained at about 6.5 million, so that the ape transform can raise the upper limit to 13 million, the Saiyan royal blood second transformation, the maximum I see reached 17 million, and there is also growth potential. ”


Even Green could not help but show surprise. Such combat power cannot be underestimated. No wonder the second generation of the Wizard King promised to pull together as hard as possible.

Other things can be learned later, Green has also vaguely sensed the abnormal state of Pumirosus in the core space of the Eternal Sky City. For now, there is nothing to say. Instead, he looks to the second generation of the Wizard King of the Media God around him and says: “About the situation of the Aristocrat Alliance here, as well as some up-to-date information about Skynet's independent will, share it with the Media God. If it's convenient to call Quantum Light of Huadi, I'll go check the state of Pumirosus. ”

“Me too. ”

Millie got up to follow Green, but Green stopped her. "It's been so long, why don't you go see Mina in the Wizard World? ”


With Green for so many years, Millie was smart, knowing that it was Green who didn't want to let herself follow, and nodded: “Fine, Mina, this crazy girl, doesn't know if there's any mess going on in the wizard world. ”

With a slight smile, Green Soft said: "Go. ”

After the two, Green nodded again to the second generation of the King of Witches and the God of the Media before jumping in time and space in the direction of Pomerosius.

Things you can't talk about publicly, or don't let Millie touch you.

Otherwise, something like superstitious faith, if you believe it, it really exists.