Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1646

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update farmer abandoned wife: take Meng baby to farm the latest chapter!But the dangerous moment came.

Suddenly remembered the villagers exclaimed, "Ahhh! Help! Help! Help the tiger come down from the mountain!"

"Ah! It's really a tiger! Oh my god, how come a tiger came out during the daytime, or a big white tiger, this tiger's physique is so big, can it be powerful?"

"What should I do? Run quickly, run quickly! If you don't run, you'll lose your life!"

"Come here, what should I do? Can we escape?"

For a while, Zhao Yuner's new house joined the lively people in panic, and a cry of exclamation rang through the courtyard.

Liang Jinqiao was shocked when he heard the tiger coming, but when he reacted, he saw that as the villagers said, a big white tiger gradually approached their yard.

This tiger's physique is bigger than that of Zhao Yun'er who came back from the mountain last time.

The villagers all know that tigers are mighty. If they basically encounter tigers, their lives will be gone.

Now the tigers are coming. They are very dangerous. If they don't escape in time, they may become the souls of the tiger's mouth, torn by the tiger, and then eaten.

"Roar~" The sound of the tiger's grand sound came over. The sound of the tiger's roar was deafening, and the roaring person had a meaning in his heart.

Doudou was crying directly, hiding behind Liang Jinqiao. Liang Jinqiao hurriedly patted Doudou on the back, comforting Doudou, "Doudou is not afraid, there is grandma, Grandma protects Doudou!"

Although he said so, Liang Jinqiao was too scared himself, and his voice was a little trembling.

Encountered with such a big tiger, she is a womanish woman, she has nothing in her hand, what to protect Doudou and protect herself?

The only worry now is that Tiger will start with Doudou and Tiantian. She really happened, and it doesn’t matter what, mainly two children!

What can happen to the two children!

Liang Jinqiao held Tian Tian while protecting Doudou, frowning tightly.

Faced with the situation in front of her, she really didn't know what to do.

What she didn't understand was how a tiger came out and ran into her yard!

Is it that their family is too unlucky?

Why can't anyone else touch it?

As the big white tiger moved closer and closer, Liang Jinqiao couldn't help but retreat.

Now I dare not run away easily. If I startled the tiger, I just rushed over, but I would die faster.

Looking at the tiger's constant stride, Liang Jinqiao's heart was a little colder.

What should I do now?Who can save her and save her two children?

Bai Huo glanced at the people in the courtyard. There were several villagers and Liang Jinqiao and Zhao Ping'er, all of them trembling, staring at the white tiger in horror.

Some timid villagers fell down directly on the ground, peeing on their pants and trembling with their legs.

In the face of fierce animals, they are too fragile and have no resistance at all.

"Ooo... I don't want to die..." Zhao Ping'er couldn't help crying, now regretting the abnormality in his heart.

I knew that this kind of thing would happen. She shouldn’t stay here for the gluttonous Zhao Zhaoer’s house this morning.

If you go back to your mother-in-law's house early, you won't be here to join in the fun, and you won't even run into this.

Even his life was caught up, and what is the point of eating such delicious food.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.