Biquge, the fastest update farmer abandoned wife: take Meng baby to farm the latest chapter!The Lord Myonin frowned and recalled, "I touched it before I came back into the house yesterday. It seemed like I disappeared when I went back to bed last night!"

"Such..." Zhao Tianlong thought for a while and said, "Those things should still be in the house!"

Lord Miaoyu nodded, "Well, it should be in the house!"

"Since it is possible to find it in the house, it is much better than leaving it outside!

Hurry up and send someone to find!It should be recoverable!"Zhao Tianlong said softly.

Lord Miaoyin sighed, "I've been searching for someone, but I didn't find..."

Zhao Tianlong frowned, "How could this be, it was even thrown in the house, and if you look carefully, you will be able to find it!"

It must be that these servants did not do the right thing!

Let them continue to search, and I still can’t believe it...”

Master Miaoyinjun whispered, "Tianlong... You are also clear to our servants. They are all working hard, but dare to slack off!"

"What's going on?" Zhao Tianlong asked somewhat puzzled.

"To me, it may be someone who secretly hid it after accidentally losing it yesterday. I want to take possession of such a valuable thing, and I don't want to hand it over!" Lord Miaoyin County said in his heart's conjecture.

After listening, Zhao Tianlong was very angry, "They dare! The master's things are also dared to be hidden! Sometimes he catches whoever he finds and doesn't return it, and immediately drives him out of the house!"

We will not raise unclean people in our house!"

Lord Miaoyin also expressed some sadness, "This kind of person really cannot stay in the house, his hands and feet are not clean, I am afraid that it will be the same in the future!

There is no room for such people in the house, no matter who it is!"

Zhao Tianlong responded heavily, "Yes, such people can't tolerate it!"

Together with Zhao Wenshi and Feng Changxia, they all agreed, "Hey, I'm most afraid of raising something at home!

Tianlong, you will get a heavy penalty after you catch it!National laws and regulations have family rules!

How can every rule in the family be the master, how can he control so many people up and down in Fuzhong?"

Zhao Tianlong responded, "Then search, every place must be searched carefully!

Today, this unclean person must be pulled out!"

The people heard Zhao Tianlong's instructions and came down to collect them in Fuzhong.

Under the arrangement of the Master of Miaoyin County in advance, naturally the house with Huo Chunhua was not let go.

Originally, Zhao Wenshi, Feng Changxia, and Huo Chunhua looked at the lively gesture, and finally saw that Xiao Xiao came over to report, and even found the gold bracelet of Miaoyin County Lord from Huo Chunhua's bed.

Huo Chunhua was suddenly embarrassed, she didn't steal it at all, how could it be found from her bed?

Huo Chunhua scolded his head at the next person who reported, "How can you frame my wife like this? I didn't take it!"

It’s definitely you who stole it. If you want to shirk your responsibility, you put the gold bracelet into my bed and frame it on my wife’s head!"

The people responded tremblingly, "Old lady, we dare not have it!

Several people were present at the time of the search, just to avoid the possibility of planting and framing!

Several people searched from your bed and watched it together!

And the old lady... You dare not use our boldness to dare to do such a big disrespect!"

Huo Chunhua was still angry after listening to it, and continued to shout, "Okay, you don’t have to spray feces! Anyway, this golden bracelet wasn’t taken by my wife, or you framed it for me!"