Abe the Wizard
Chapter 153 Absorption
Not dead yet? Abel could not help but speak out for the strength of the life force of the werewolves, a wound that, if inflicted on humans, would have killed several lives.
“You have a wolf, don't I?” Abel squatted down and looked at the chief of the Wolf Cavalry of Flower, who was completely defenceless, and said softly.
“You… the Wolves will not let you go.” The Wolf Cavalry Commander of Flower struggled to exhaust his final strength, exclaiming.
“You think you're just gonna die so easily?” Abel's eyes flashed with greed and his voice flattened.
“You?” Wolf Cavalry Commander Flower had some confusion in his disoriented eyes.
The answer was a hand, Abel's hand grabbed his neck, and the golden fighting flashed, forming a huge suction that led to the fighting in the body of the Wolf Cavalry Commander of Flower.
The Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander, a very close to the top rank of the Wolf Cavalry Commander, has weaved a dense and numb air-net between ten airholes and the nucleus of the body, which is why this rank is able to use anti-gas armor, when these air-nets that connect all the airholes become the nightmare of the Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander.
Abel grabbed his neck and flashed his golden temper with several pulses, which became channels for the outward movement of temperatures, accompanied by tremendous suction, such as wave-like temperatures, into Abel's body.
Abel, who has many experiences, skillfully runs the knight's breathing method to wrap these fights in gold, converting them into his own homologous fights through the golden fights and into the golden fights. Due to the influx of the fights of the Wolf Cavalry Commander Flower, Abel accelerated the condensation of the cyclone in his left foot, and after the inhaled fights were converted, there was a place for a moment, and a lot of fights began to expand the cyclone.
With the cyclone formed in his left foot, his left foot heartbeat flashed, and Abel was promoted to level 13 knight. It was only a minute or so before and after that, he absorbed the senior knight much faster than before. In fact, the reason is understandable. The advanced knight was far less intense than the top ranked wolf cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Flower Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Flower Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry Caval
This is then to replenish the Qi in the Qi Cave, which is no longer replenished, but to pour the Qi directly into the Qi Cave, and the Qi Qi stock required by the 13th Knight is quickly replenished.
Abel did not pause. In fact, he could no longer pause at this time. After discovering the uncontrolled influx of fighting in Abel, the Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander could hasten this influx, although he did not quite understand his intentions. The Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander could not stop the influx of fighting into Abel at all.
It has been felt that shortly after life, the chief of the Wolf Cavalry of Flower will swoop his heart to Abel's body, and Abel has felt the change of temper, but at this time, he has thrown all his heart into training and promotion, unable to stop the behavior of the chief of the Wolf Cavalry of Flower. It is good that his palm is in the neck of the chief of the Wolf Cavalry of Flower, there are only a few qis here, and the qi of the qi is also limited to flow at full speed.
If Abel was caught in the head air cavalry of the Wolf Cavalry Commander of Flower, then he would be very dangerous at this point, and with that level of fighting pouring in, he would most likely burst directly into his body.
Abel, with continuous upgrading experience, quickly transformed the influx into his own and led the influx towards his right foot to form the fourth cyclone.
Along with the formation of the fourth cyclone, the temper of the right foot flashed, and Abel was quickly promoted to the 14th knight, and the fourth cyclone was rapidly filled at an unprecedented rate.
“Devil!” The chief of the Wolf Cavalry had no choice but to struggle to spew a word out of his mouth.
Abel couldn't help but laugh at what the Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander had said, knowing that the hell creatures he had killed at Camp Rogue were actually demons, and those demons' souls had been eaten by him, so the Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander said that Abel was a demon that really underestimated him.
On top of his head, Abel fully controlled the influx of fighting, because the cyclone was the most dangerous of all cyclones, and accidentally wounded his head when it opened, and at this time, the chief of the Wolf Cavalry of Flower had lost the will to take his final fate, just now in the feeling of the chief of the Wolf Cavalry of Flower completely futile fighting accelerated the influx, this final struggle did not serve any purpose, he did not know that because of his just struggle, Abel was really a little hard.
At this time, in the absence of the mayhem of the Wolf Cavalry Commander of Flower, Abel was able to fully control the fighting to open the cyclone above his head, which, although it had his full control to slow down, had taken more than a minute to form.
At this time, Abel is presumably the fastest upgrading knight in the whole Holy Continent. As his rank rises, the speed of conversion of the fighting Qi is increasing. His hand grabs the part that can limit the speed of the fighting Qi flowing into the body of the Wolf Cavalry leader of Flower, but his inadvertent actions become the best means.
When he grabbed the Wolf Cavalry of Flower with his hands, he didn't think much about it. You should know that the Wolf is stronger and taller than the human body. The bones and muscles are bigger than the human body. He wanted to grab the Wolf Cavalry of Flower with his hands. The most convenient place was the neck of the Wolf Cavalry of Flower.
Abel's temper glistened over his head, and the fifteenth level knight, and then a lot of converted temper began filling the air hole, pouring in, constantly pouring in, and this last air hole quickly filled up.
Now that he can be a quasi-high knight, the next task is to build the air pulse that connects the 10 air points to the nucleus, because all the ducts of the air pulse are converted into pipe walls by the knight's breathing method, so this project consumes a lot of gas.
But the current situation is that Abel's body is flooded with too much fighting gas, which far exceeds the amount of fighting gas required by the pulse, so there is only one job left, which is to build.
At this time, Abel's mental power suddenly showed its powerful effect. Originally, the intermediate knight wanted to be promoted to the senior knight. The hardest part was to perfectly control the qi formation in the body, but in this regard, it was his strength, which could accurately assist him in controlling the conversion and construction of the qi.
The first gas pulse Abel chose to connect the air cavity of the right palm to the air nucleus, so that if built successfully, he could form a long whip in the right palm, such as the one just used by the Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander in battle. Although the power and endurance may not reach the same level as that of the Flower Wolf Cavalry Commander, there is also a means of attack to fight off the gas.
Though simple, knight breathing is the most basic training method for all knights. After the conversion of knight breathing, the fighting qi is squeezed multiple times to form a pipeline, and as the fighting qi invested more and more, the pipeline grows longer.
If you are an ordinary senior knight, it may take years or even a decade to accumulate the temper and practice trying to master the temper, but Abel is building it easily.
At this time, Abel found some difficulty in teaching him how to knight, whether father Knight Bennett or adoptive father Lord Marshall is only an intermediate knight. Although they know how to become a senior knight, they only know the approximation, and if they really want to be promoted, they need to refer to the experience of the former in the family. Both intermediate knights have always thought that Abel was too far away from the senior knight, so he simply introduced how to become a senior knight, without giving a detailed explanation, let alone the experience of the former in the family.
It wasn't until he had begun to build the air pulse between the upper knight's pocket and the nucleus that Abel found that he had no experience guiding the air pulse line between his pocket and the nucleus, which he would not dare to try, which was not an architecture and could be dismantled and rebuilt.