Abe the Wizard
Chapter 396: Masters Gathering
Roll led Abel on a march in the Blacksmith's Guild, where dwarf blacksmiths and human blacksmiths bowed down to salute Abel, and Abel's master blacksmith badge shined brightly on his chest.
“Master Abel, this is where the gathering takes place, and according to the rules you can take two of your entourage for a listening tour!” Rohr looked very enthusiastically at Abel, who worked for the Blacksmith's Guild and was also a blacksmith, and was already on the verge of becoming an intermediate blacksmith, and if he could listen to these masters on the sidelines, he could soon be promoted to a senior blacksmith, and there was further hope.
Abel saw what Lol meant and said with a faint smile: "Lol, I'm glad you had a hard time along the way, and it almost got you involved. You can come in with me if you want, and of course I'll ask you to be my attendant again! ”
“Thank you, Master Abel, for giving me this opportunity!” Lol didn't dare to ask for this opportunity, just slightly revealed the meaning in the statement, I had no idea Abel would agree, this is a blacksmith master's party, even at the headquarters of the Blacksmith's Guild on a weekday, rarely can talk to any blacksmith master, let alone this opportunity to exchange experience of blacksmith master.
Rohr pushed the entrance to the lobby, which was much bigger than Bob imagined. Half the space in the lobby was a long table with twelve dwarves, six humans and two elves already sitting on either side, notably the blacksmiths' badge on their chests.
Not far behind these master blacksmiths are their followers, who do not have seats, all standing there.
The other half of the hall is a blacksmith's console with blacksmith's utensils all over the side shelves, and a strange stone fire stove next to the console is constantly shining a red light outward.
Of course, this was just an instant glimpse of Abel, who walked in and stood up to twenty masters of blacksmiths of all races, among whom Abel had just visited Robin, who had left the long table and walked over.
“Master Abel, you're late!” Master Robin uses his honor at this time, not to distract him from Abel, but to improve his identity, without being wronged for his descendants.
“Master Robin, masters, descendants Abel apologizes for being late for the scenery of the Rift Ground Basin!” Abel's posture was very low, and he bowed to the twenty masters of blacksmiths in front of him and said with a half apology.
“Master Abel, it has been an honor to have you at the Master Blacksmith's party. Sit down and talk!” A dwarf master laughed and said that Abel's attitude was very satisfying to the countless masters of blacksmiths of these ages, although he had no objection to the late Abel, and this attitude instantly raised his original impression.
Abel's seat was placed in the first empty seat on the right side of the throne, but he did not go to that seat, because the identity of that position was too high, and according to the rules of the Holy Land, that position at the top of the table was the most noble, and that position is currently empty.
Apart from that noble position at the top, the second position on the right is this one. This arrangement makes it a little difficult for Abel to accept that there is a master Robin, who is two years older than him, and he is the youngest one here, and neither reason nor reason should sit in that position.
Abel looked around and discovered the Great Hoover Cavalier, which, of course, should be called Master Hoover, had an empty seat right next to Master Hoover, who bowed to the Dwarf Master who arranged his seat and sat beside Master Hoover.
Abel, who sat down, found out that only a few of the twenty masters of blacksmiths he knew. He knew Master Robin, Master Thorin, and three other masters of the dwarf were the examiners at the time of his master certification on that day, although he didn't know his name, he also knew him.
On the human side, Abel only knew Master Hoover. The great knight helped him a lot in the Principality of Kamei. He nodded his greetings to the masters of blacksmiths he knew.
“Master Abel is attending the party for the first time, and I will explain to you after some of the process that I am Morrie, a resident of the Blacksmith's Guild, and I am hosting today's party!” Master Morrie, a dwarf blacksmith with a beard all white, said in a bright voice.
“I get the news that Master Abel should be the last of this blacksmith masters gathering organized by the Blacksmith Guild. Twenty-one masters came to this masters gathering, the largest in nearly ten years!” Master Morley's voice is very inspiring.
But the master of blacksmiths here, with the exception of Abel, is an old man with a long period of time, who has not responded to the exciting words, and the master of Hoover around Abel gently said in his ear: “These ten times the master of blacksmiths is basically just 20 of us, this time you participate, so it's the most time! ”
“What about the other masters?” Abel has heard that there are 36 masters of blacksmiths, there are only 20 here, and 16 masters have not attended this kind of party?
“Masters of blacksmiths who have not come are generally masters of blacksmiths trained by big organizations, and these masters of blacksmith skills cannot participate in such party exchanges!” Master Hoover seems to have some uncertain explanations for the masters of blacksmiths.
“The first item below is the presentation of the latest results achieved by each of the masters. This is your first time, Master Abel. If any of your skills are publicly available, you may consider whether to do so at your discretion. If you abandon the presentation this time, the next time you agree to demonstrate your skills, or if you reach the level of master blacksmith, you will not be able to attend the Masters of Blacksmiths again!” Master Morey's voice is still bright and his expression is weird when it comes to the level of master blacksmith.
Master Morey just finished, and the blacksmiths couldn't help but laugh at Abel, who thought it was a gesture of friendship to see his skills, and didn't think of it.
The next demonstrations really opened Abbott's eyes and taught him a lot of practical skills, and of course, they don't have any explanation, they're just a node in a quick, complete process, and don't require a demonstration of the whole process.
At that time, Abel also discovered that the strange fireplace, like the one he had in Camp Rogue, was a ground fire, and the dwarf's attention to the blacksmith's flames was evident.
Master Robin's demonstration is to pull a piece of iron into a silk, a technique that can be used with other materials in the strings of bows and arrows to make the strings harder. Of course, his demonstration is unlikely to let other masters know about the particular iron block synthesis ratio, but only provides one direction, and if other masters want to study it, it will take a long time to do a lot of experiments with energy.
Some masters demonstrate that adding an improved combustion aid to a flame is simply a tricky way to advertise for it and can be bought or exchanged with other masters if they want a fiercer flame.
Most masters of blacksmiths use the small techniques found in the forging, which, although less important, often play an incalculable role in the forging.
Abel's attention is most drawn to the fact that two elf masters, the elves themselves less powerful than ordinary humans, not to mention the powerful talented dwarf, are capable of becoming masters of blacksmiths, and it is conceivable that these two elves need to spend more effort than other masters of blacksmiths.
The two Smurf Blacksmiths specialize in the production of small items, especially ornaments, demonstrating the techniques of melting and combining precious metals with the techniques of making removable gemstone rings.
The techniques shown are largely unusable for other masters of blacksmiths, but Abel thinks these two masters are the most valuable of all masters of blacksmiths, with the exception of Master Robin.
The production of jewellery is also an area that Abel has never studied before. Presentations by the two Master Pokémon Blacksmiths give him at least one direction for research, and he also sees that the Master Pokémon Blacksmith has begun to study alloys, which should not be a single situation. So attending more of these gatherings in the future may also yield some research data on alloys to provide a basis for forging stronger alloy materials in the future.