Abe the Wizard
Chapter 459 Guests
“Lorenzo, the high wizard is here!” Alkwen's butler sang loudly, his voice was louder than ever.
Abel greeted the Morton Wizard and quickly walked to the door, when Lorenzo's senior wizard walked in with three intermediate wizards.
“Master Abel, I must have come first!” Lorenzo's senior wizard laughed and said to Abel, but by the time he saw that there were already three wizards in the lobby, he went on to laugh: “It doesn't look like the earliest, who are they? ”
“Lorenzo Wizard, this is my teacher, the Malton Wizard, two friends of my teacher, the Evelyn Wizard and the Murphy Wizard!” Abel introduced.
“Hi Morton Wizard, You have developed a human genius!” Lorenzo's senior wizard gave a wizard salute to the Morton wizard.
“Lord Lorenzo, you have honored Abel for his own hard work!” The Morton Wizard also replied to a Wizard's Ceremony.
“These are my disgruntled disciples, and if I could have half of Master Abel, I would have been content!” Lorenzo's senior wizard returned to introduce the three intermediate wizards behind him, he said.
Lorenzo's senior wizards come with their own disciples in mind, and attending such dinners is usually accompanied by a lady, but Abel is a blacksmith master and a genius wizard. How can this opportunity to get close contact with him be wasted?
This benefit is maximized only with the closest disciple, and most of the time the disciple of the wizard is closer than the wizard's partner or children, because the wizard's magic tower is beyond the reach of ordinary people, so it will not last long with the partner or children unless the wizard's partner or children are similarly wizards.
More importantly, the life expectancy of a wizard cannot escape years of aggression as an ordinary man's partner, and only the disciple of a wizard can spend time with him, every disciple like a child of a wizard.
It was this relationship that allowed Lorenzo's senior wizard to bring his three intermediate wizard disciples to the dinner, and he would have brought more disciples if it had not been for the rule of the dinner that each guest could bring no more than three companions.
“Nigel Wizard, Allenby Wizard, Eddington Wizard is here!” The Alkwen Butler's voice came through the door again.
Abel couldn't help but frown and thought about the announced cane task. He could be sure that the task would not have been issued by the Lorenzo senior wizard. The many exchanges that Lorenzo senior wizard could have raised in person. He also owed Lorenzo senior wizard a favor. As long as Lorenzo senior wizard proposed, he would never refuse.
So that cane mission can only be published by one of the three senior wizards, and this petty behavior is very unsatisfactory to Abel, but this is not the time to think about it, and the superficial attitude still needs to be noted.
“I am deeply honored to have several wizard lords at the dinner!” Abel bowed to three high wizards for an aristocratic ceremony.
“Master Abel, if you'll excuse me, I hope you don't think we're villains!” Allenby's senior wizard laughed back to a noble ceremony.
The more courteous Abel was, the further the distance between them was, and the three senior wizards knew that it was a little bad not to come, but they just found out that the St. Ellis Wizards Association had dropped its wanted list of Abel, and that they would not come at this time, even worse to deal with in the future.
The three senior wizards did not bring companions because they were not among the invitees, and of course they were not eligible to bring companions, only guests with invitations were eligible to bring companions.
“Young Master Bernie of the Golf Family is here!” Alkwen's housekeeper sang.
“Three wizards, sit down for a while, I'll greet you!” Abel bowed with apologies.
“You are busy, you are the master today, you will be very busy!” The three senior wizards returned almost simultaneously, said Allenby senior wizard.
“Master Abel, I came here to negotiate a few big deals, but you must satisfy me!” As soon as Bernie walked in, he laughed and came to Abel.
Abel also bowed down and hugged Bernie, and laughed: "Enough to eat, enough to drink, as long as you can! ”
Bernie pointed to the six Knights of Bolton behind him and said: "These guys come to you to mix and drink, they don't want to leave, they can only bring them all. Don't blame me me, blame them if you want! ”
“Welcome, this is my fault, I should have sent you an invitation too!” Abel laughed and crossed arms with the six Brothers of Bolton.
“Master Abel, we just want to drink some master wine, Master Bernie never lets us drink enough!” Boston chuckled.
“Sooner or later, I'll feed you some poor people!” Bernie's silent finger refers to the six Brothers of Bolton, "he said.
It was a surprise that three senior wizards, Nigel, Allenby, Eddington, and Lorenzo, watched Abel have such a good relationship with the Golf heirs of the Dwarves that it was difficult to have such a deep friendship with a stubborn Dwarf, even if Abel had the status of a blacksmith.
Dwarf friendship is very precious, and once Dwarf acknowledges it, it can be almost fully supported and become the most powerful pillar behind it.
And the Golf family is the most special of the Dwarves. Strong economic strength and connections make this family far more powerful than the other two Dwarves, after the existence of the Dwarf royal family.
Four senior wizards envy this friendship, which is a real asset that can be interdependent for a lifetime.
“Master Abel, where's the dish? What about wine?" Bernie looked around and found that the dish had not come up yet, only some fruit had been placed on the long table in the middle. Looking at this, it was a buffet, but the wine had not yet been seen.
“Bernie, this time the dish is different, it's best to eat while it's hot, so it's served when people are almost here, and the wine is naturally there!” Abel shook his head and called back a servant to give him some instructions, then turned around and said: “This is the wine. This rum is amazing. I was going to go with the dishes, mainly worried about you all drinking and getting down on the ground and tasting the dishes! ”
“Don't worry, dwarves don't get drunk!” Bernie's atmospheric hand waved.
Six despicable eyes looked at him, and the six brothers in Bolton with him knew about Bernie's wine, and a laugh spread in the lobby!
“Master Joyce Blacksmith is here!” Master Joes Blacksmith walked into the door during the Alkwen Butler's vocalization.
Abel hurried up to greet him with a smile and said to him: "Joyce, you must drink more today! ”
“Master Abel, it is an honor for me to serve you on the Blacksmith Guild. Before I come, I heard from a friend of the Dwarves that your Master Wine is the first wine of the Dwarves and must be tasted today!” Master Joyce Blacksmile bowed to Abel and said with a smile.
“Bernie, this is your best friend. Let's talk!” Abel smiled back and said to Bernie.
“Master Joyce Blacksmith, we meet again!” Bernie bowed to the Master Joyce Blacksmith.
“Young Master Bernie, salute you!” Master Joyce Blacksmith also bowed back to the ceremony.
At that time, the servant had already walked in with a barrel, which he had placed on the table and was about to open, but Bernie stopped him.
“I'll do this myself, you go down first!” Bernie waved.
When the servant looked back at Abel, he nodded as well, and bowed down.
Bernie was very proud to say, "You know, this master drink can't be wasted at all, so I spent a lot of time researching it, and that's when I found a good way! ”
As he said, he took a small piece of metal like a faucet from the space object on his body, held the tip of his head against the bottom of the drum and slowly turned it through the silk hole above.
Abel was staring at him, and this kind of tap was invented by this guy in his past life. The power of alcoholics is infinite.