About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 4.

Like some pervert is at the dinner table right now desperately trying to remember. Of course, if she recalls it, I'll make her forget it again.

Chapter 4 on my crash morning

There are times when one of the most desired terms for students would be freedom.

Freedom is something that is very disillusioning to talk about because it is a very philosophical thing in itself. Firstly it is hard to give a definition to something that is ethereal in itself, and secondly it is something that is never achieved, and if it is achieved it is rather frightening.

The other thing is that the students may have a different understanding of what freedom looks like when they say what it is like, such as sleeping until you wake up, or not going to class when you want... but is it really freedom? It's freedom now, but what about later, gambling with your future?

After all, you're already in high school, so don't be so naive and think about freedom and liberty every day, and see if you can really be free with your grades. Freedom is something you can have, but you have to pay the price for it. There is no such thing as freedom for nothing, either blood or personality.

But I think there is a kind of freedom that students should have already, for example, why do they have to wear the school uniform to school, and also, if the student has some reasons, it is also excusable not to wear the school uniform, for example, his perverted sister stole his school uniform in the morning or at night and so on.

Forget it, I don't think anyone will believe me if I say it. No one would believe it anyway, so why do I have to say it....

Besides, who can talk about such issues!

As I walked along the road, yawning, the number of students coming and going from the same school increased, all of them wearing their school uniforms, which were like flour sacks with the characteristics of the dynasty, except for me.

Because my school uniform should be on someone's body at this moment!

"Good morning, President."

"Good morning."

At the door, the chairman stood on the side of the door, smiling, holding the roster in both hands, her hands folded in front of her, watching the students coming and going, with an "inspection" armband on her shoulder, like some young girl with the "head of the school" on her shoulder. However, her shoulder-length hair and graceful posture were not quite the same as the energetic headmistress, but more like Yamato Fuyuko, who was waiting for her husband.

The vice chairman is also a girl, but she is wearing thin-framed glasses. She seemed to be a very sensible and rational girl, not ugly, but with the chairman, she had no superiority in either her face or her body. But I didn't care much about her appearance, but rather her intelligence.

Well, I think that this kind of intelligence really needs a vice president beside the president, otherwise the student union of this school will be completely finished.

The smile on her face was like a glorious sunrise. When students passed by the door, they would definitely look over their shoulders at the president, and if they said hello and were greeted by the president with a smile, it was said that they would have good luck that day.

I stood in the doorway and took a deep breath.

Hey hey hey are you all blind?! Can't you see that the uniform she's wearing is obviously not hers? You can see it's one size bigger! Can't you see that? It's my fault, I shouldn't have left my jacket on the sofa with me yesterday, but it was gone when I got up today.

"Ah, that student, it's against the school rules not to wear a uniform, please show your student card."

Sure enough, the chairman waved at me with a wicked smile. I rolled my eyes and walked over.

"Give me back my shirt."

I flipped out my student card and showed it to the chairman, saying with a grimace.

"Huh? Why can't I understand what you're saying? This student, even though you are my brother, the school rules still have to be followed, so please wait by my side now."

This is definitely intentional. What can I say when I look at the chairman's triumphant smile? After all, this is a school, I can't just take the chairman's jacket off in front of the school, then I'll have a hold on the chairman for the rest of my life and I might actually lose my virginity.

Some times, patience is a little.

I stood helplessly next to the chairman, feeling really bad about being stared at by the students coming and going, especially...especially when there was a pervert stirring around.

The president stood beside me with the smile of a hunter finally catching his prey, and I was sure that if anyone took a picture at this point, then I would be the duck on the hunter's hand, dangling and still helpless.

"Brother brother brother brother brother...how's it going? If you violate the school rules and don't wear the school uniform, but you'll lose five points oh..."

The president whispered softly in my ear, but still looking at the students coming and going, with a smile.

But I'm clearly and obviously talking to me!

"Give me back my clothes!"

I also didn't turn my face and looked ahead to whisper.

"Ah la la la, what are you talking about how I can't understand it, brother ah, have you recently gotten into the vices of false accusations or lying ah, then when I go back I believe I need to educate as a responsible sister..."

"A responsible sister wouldn't steal her own brother's school uniform on the couch to wear!"

"Huh? I still don't understand it, to say the least, my brother's school uniform smells really good, but brother you obviously lack exercise, you don't even smell like sweat, only very little smell, mostly laundry detergent smell, this is not good, brother, exercise is also important, I hope next time this shirt will bring some brother's manly smell!"

"You'll never get away with it next time!"

I'm gritting my teeth, really gritting my teeth, because I can't even yell right now. Otherwise I would have still banged the head I gave her on the headboard like yesterday.

"You say one sentence sister I like you, like you the most, sister the cutest, sister the world's cutest, I'll be magnanimous and let you go, okay? Brother."

A sinfully salty hand touched my back from behind me and I moved a step to the side. President you might have miscalculated, if I did say it, I guess you'll definitely be the one who will be treated as a pervert then, do you really want to put your real face out there in front of half the school? It seems like you're a pervert who really doesn't know what he's going to become ah.

Not to mention the fact that the vice president is right there with you, you're really not afraid of being seen for such obvious favoritism! Do you think I'm blind?

"I refuse, you'd better buckle me up!"

You can give in on some things and absolutely not on others!

This idiot still doesn't know what he's going to become.

"Aaaahhhh, so let me see what else I can deduct points from my brother...is the hair too long? And the nails? Or do you sleep and play with your phone during class?"

I now have a deep understanding of what it means to be a permission dog or what it means to be an ugly face of the shameless people in power, people like that were put in the past to be dog-headed. Of course I want it badly now!

"I refuse!"

"Then you'll walk me to class, and you'd better get me to class. As the look of a loving brother who sends his sister to class..."

"I'll take you to heaven, okay?"


By the way, didn't you notice that the vice president has been looking around here for half a day? Don't you see? Hey, hey, hey, there's something wrong with the way you're looking at the chairman, shouldn't you be the one to check and balance him? What do you mean with those longing eyes! No way! What's there to look forward to with this kind of person! Come on, wake up! Come and see....

Just as my heart was nearing madness, a slow breeze blew, curling the girl's gently tied ponytail, the little bells on the girl's wrists ringing pleasantly, the clear echo of little boots on the ground rippling with ringing. With a head of long dark hair rising in the wind, the young girl pushed her bicycle, generously and gracefully, past me.

"Good morning, Lan Lan."

I looked at Lan Lan dumbfoundedly, and for a moment, I stopped spitting at some pervert inside. After all, spitting at her was just too energy-intensive, and I had a limited amount of daily energy.

Looking back at the chairman, Elyssa gathers her right hand around the loose long hair by her ear, smiles warmly, and says.

"Good morning, Rhyme-san."

The president smiled and nodded, Qin Lan turned her head and slowly pushed the bicycle away.

I silently watched her back, Qin Lan didn't even look at me, in her eyes, I was as dispensable as the little worm that flew around by the tree. No, I felt less than a small worm, and if a small worm, then maybe she would pay some attention.

"Brother, what a bad relationship you have."

The would-be president, standing behind me and looking like he was watching Qin Lan's back as well, quietly said to me.