About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 13.

Is it really okay....

Twenty minutes later.

"So that's how it was, being hated by my brother..."

The president propped his head up and looked across at Wu Moxie. There was ice cream in front of both of them, and I silently poked at the ice cubes inside the milk cookie in front of me. Wu Moxie looked down at the ice cream in her cup and nodded silently.

The president smiled, elegantly took a small spoon to take a small bite of the ice cream, and then said, "Well, it's normal for adolescent boys to be somewhat rebellious."

Wu Moxie lifted her head, looked at the chairman, and asked in a low voice.

"Qin Feng he... used to be like this as well?"

The president closed his eyes and remembered very carefully. I silently stirred the cookies in my milk to get those black particles to mix well. I definitely don't want to recall my middle school and elementary school stories, it was literally my black history back then. I just hope the chairman doesn't tell it!

"Well... this... Qin Feng really hasn't been rebellious, and has always been very obedient."

The president touched my hair with a petulant smile, and I impatiently reached out to open it.

Wu Moxie looked at us and lowered her head once again, saying softly, "As expected... as expected... it's my fault, isn't it... I... shouldn't have been so unconcerned about my brother... he should have let him touch me at this time... right?... if he understood... he wouldn't have..."


I took a sip of cold milk, frowned, and said, "There's no point in doing this kind of thing, do you think he'd be uninterested in someone else if you let him touch you? The problem to be solved is not who he's allowed to touch, but his rebellion..."

The president looked over with a strange smile and said, "Oh? So that's why you won't rebel because you touched my sister, huh? It looks like Qin Feng didn't rebel thanks to my education..."

"Go away, don't make this about me."

I pushed the chairman and then looked at Wu Mohee, whose eyes shone with envy as she watched me interact with the chairman. Perhaps, for her, the Chairman and I, should be very close siblings, and should be, the kind of relationship she aspires to have. So, now our interaction should be a kind of showing off for her, I guess.

"Chairman... your relationship with Qin Feng... is really good..."

Wu Moxie looked at the chairman, raised his head, and then, slammed it down.

The heavy crash of the skull of the head and the hardwood table top jumped us, and the milk in front of me shook violently. Wu Moxie's head knocked heavily on the table, toward us. The chairman and I were both stunned, staring at the hair on top of Wu Moxie's head hanging over the table, wondering what she was going to do.

"Please guys! Please help me...I don't want my brother to go astray like that! Please...help me!"

It's the first time I've heard Wu Mo Xi speak so loudly since I've known her. Wu Mo Xi lowered her head, earnestly pleading with us, begging, she knew, close siblings.

I suddenly realized why on that day, Wu Moxi would look at me who was giving away the umbrella with envy in her eyes, because she also liked her brother very much. If, on that day, Wu Mohee's brother went to deliver the umbrella to her, Wu Mohee would also smile happily, right? It seems that the day I went to deliver an umbrella to the chairman, the chairman, should have been very happy.

"This matter, I think, my sister is not wrong."

The chairman was silent for a moment, then to that head, he said with a smile.


I nodded. Take a sip of milk, if you don't drink it quickly it will melt, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me, people's family matters, well, President you are a student council, managing students is also your duty well, go quickly, go quickly so that Wu Moxi's brother can admit his mistake, go quickly and educate.

"So this is the younger brother's problem, then the younger brother's problem is something we don't understand, so let's let Qin Feng help you..."


I was so scared that I spewed a mouthful of milk.

"Ahem...why, why me ah, you're the student body president you're better at this kind of thing than I am!"

Hey, there is no such thing as a pit brother's bar, don't you know that I am absolutely not willing to expend energy on things that have nothing to do with me, you entrust me with this job I will never do!

The president frowned at me and said, "Aren't you more familiar with your brother's psychology? For a rebellious younger brother why would he rebel against his sister for such a thing... Besides, Mo Xi is your classmate, isn't it right for you to help? You weren't supposed to see this thing, but now that you have, it's only right that you help solve it."

Where's the logic in that....

"Please... Qin Feng..."



That look....

That hopeful, fearful, pleading, tearful, beautiful girl's eyes....

"You can do it, brother, I believe in your abilities, go help your classmates solve their problems, consider it a sister begging you, right?"

The would-be president reached out and slapped me heavily on the shoulder, and I shrugged impatiently, shaking her hand away.

Wu Moxie looked at me with tears in her eyes, and I silently lowered my head, holding my straw in my mouth, and with extreme reluctance, I nodded.

Chapter 13 about my classmate's brother (III)

So what would normal humans do if a problem was put in front of them?

I believe that the steps humans take to solve problems should be fixed, find the problem, find the key, solve the key, and finish up afterwards.

No matter how difficult the task, no matter how difficult the problem, when broken down it is just these four steps, as long as all four steps are done, there is no problem that can not be solved, of course, maybe some problems need to be carried out more than a few times. But, in the end, it's still these steps.

Okay, okay, milk has the reassuring effect of making people feel better, so I'm going to drink some cold milk now and meditate on it. First, let's analyze the problem. Wu Moxie's younger brother has entered the rebellious stage, has a very bad relationship with his sister, and this time he even touched the leg of the girl at his table and hit her younger brother, in general, he is a middle two teenager, no, he can't be considered a middle two teenager, he might as well be a middle two teenager.

So, what's the point of this?

I think it's probably rebellion. So what is the solution to rebellion?

I think this question is enough for an educator to write thousands and thousands of words on a paper or a book on how to educate kids to scam money, it's also too general for me, I'm not an adult yet, how do I know how to deal with rebellious middle schoolers?

So let me re-analyze this problem, the rebellious period is a problem I can't solve, so let me see what I can do, well, Oh Mo Hee's brother hates his sister, well, maybe I can on this one.

First of all, why would a middle schooler hate his sister? I think there might be many reasons, but I don't think there's a dislike factor if you're facing such a beautiful sister and you're not a pervert. Even if you have some dislike for your sister, you wouldn't react that strongly.

If one hates one's sister, shouldn't the more appropriate reaction be to ignore her? If it's all family, it feels like a petulant thing to be so obviously antagonistic.

Maybe he's just a proud one too, so why would he be so proud, then we turn our attention to the beautiful girl in front of me, the same girl who is blinking her eyes and looking at me hopefully. As a sister, she should be very fond of her brother and care about him a lot, and I guess Wu Mo Xi should be the kind of sister who has been particularly concerned about her brother since she was a child.

For a younger brother, if he had such a sister, how could he get bored? Or was it a rebellion caused by Wu Mo Xi who had too much control? I looked at Wu Moxie, I think such a soft girl shouldn't be as much of a housekeeper, I saw her break down into tears like this over such a small thing as her brother, I'm sure she doesn't usually care much.

Eliminate some of the possibilities, then the rest of the possibilities are still the answer even if they're not plausible.

If Wu Moxie's brother was a rascal, he wouldn't have dragged it out until now to touch a girl's leg, right? So would there be any intersection with the sister incident? Or is there some logical connection? If these two things are related, then one problem solved the next problem can be solved.

But I'm not sure yet that these two things are related.

I believe then that the focus of this matter would be why Wu Moxie's brother is so resistant to Wu Moxie, and I believe that by solving this problem, all problems will be solved...maybe.

Well, after thinking about the problem, the next step is to find enough information, which is still not enough right now. First, I need to determine the time, and if her brother has always hated Wu Moxie, then there's nothing I can do about it, I also need to know from Wu Moxie why her brother is resisting her.

"Has your brother always hated you like this?"