About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 35.

In other words, the tree we're sitting against right now is a pine tree.

In other words, our current location is a forest of pine trees.

Wu Moxie was running all the way down, our starting point should be near the Guanyin Temple, so if we think about it that way, our current location is the same path I walked on at noon before.

I took stock of my surroundings, well, it was too dark for me to see basically anything, but I could smell the faint smell of turpentine wafting through the air. I should have noticed it when I was there, but why had I never cared? Ah, mainly there were so many things that happened after sitting with Wu Moxie that I didn't have the time or opportunity to judge, first Wu Moxie's foot injury, then my own self-inflicted problems.

So how do I go about judging the direction next, this wasn't difficult either, I touched the trunk of a tree, as I said before I saw all the pine trees at noon that were off in one direction, the direction the wind was blowing, and all I had to do was walk in a vertical direction to find the square.

Although, I'm not sure that the pine forest we are in is the one I saw at noon.

Ah, not sure about that, that's very deadly, I don't know how many pine forests there are on this mountain, not all of them go forward to the plaza, and without 100% certainty you'll only get more and more lost, so I might as well stay put and wait for help.

Put your hope in the possibility that 100% will succeed or that something will happen instead. To worry about the tragedies that could happen to you instead of worrying about the tragedies that will happen to you 100% of the time. That's my credo in life.

Well, emotionally, I seem to have chosen to do the opposite, but rational and emotional are really just the opposite, yes.

"Qin Feng... what's wrong..."

Wu Moxie seemed to just notice me standing up, looking up, worried, and asking.

She fiercely reached out her hand and tugged on my sleeve, looking worried that I would walk away by myself.

This tugging on my sleeve is about to become a Wu Mo Xi exclusive action...now I'll automatically brainstorm Wu Mo Xi's face no matter who tugs on my sleeve.

"It's nothing, let's just wait."

I sat back down, and could only say that I had an alternative viable solution on my hands, but this viable solution was still missing the key pieces, and in the absence of this piece, this viable solution wasn't something I was considering?

"Qin Feng... we, can leave, right..."

Wu Moxie gripped my sleeve tightly and whispered at my side.

A gust of cold wind galloped through the woods, whistling between the trees and swinging between the leaves, making us feel as if there were thousands of horses around us. Wu Moxie was scared and snuggled close to me, I must say that this gust of wind was really a bit cold and it made it feel like the woods around us were full of people.

Not only did the wind carry the cold temperature, but there were also some odd things, like some fallen pine needles, some leaves, and some newspapers.

Well, these things are, in one general term, trash.

The wind was from the bottom to the top, with a bit of an incline to be exact, which was very easy for me to judge from under the trees in the mountains, just by looking at the pine needles above me. In other words, all of this junk was being blown up from down the hill.

A cloud of white stuff suddenly rolled across in front of us, slamming down on my foot.

What was it?

I reached out and picked up this white ball of stuff and looked at it.

It was a ball of used paper towels.

Ugh, so gross. Who knows what the previous owner had done with it!

I released my hand as a reflex, and the unidentified wad was immediately swept away by the gale, leaving me with one last glance at the contents of the paper towel.

It was a dark yellow liquid that looked like, what appeared to be, oil, and it was food oil.

Wait... oil....

Paper towels... pine forests....

Putting all the pieces together then... Let's recap my quest, first of all, I walk from the inside, where the ground is very wet and it's hard to walk on the mud, so when I get to the place, I wipe my shoes with a paper towel and throw them in the trash.

And then all the people eat in the square, and after eating, then someone wipes their mouth or hands with a paper towel, and that's how it's created. And there were trash cans arranged near the square, but the trash cans there were definitely not trash cans that could hold a thousand people's trash.

There would just be some paper towels shoved in hard, and then, blown down by the wind.

No one is going to travel hundreds of meters to find another trash can for a paper towel. So that means there is only one place where this paper towel came from, and that is the square where lunch and the current gathering is taking place. Even if someone ate on the road, they wouldn't eat something with oil on it.

The wind direction can also be judged, and we're right inside this pine forest. Judging by that, I should be at the edge of the pine forest where I walked at noon, or rather, more centrally, but no matter what, if we go forward with the wind, we'll be able to approach the plaza!

I stood up and judged a little, and according to my judgement, there should be no mistake, so there's no need to necessarily hold on to my position here since I can find my way now.

"Let's go, Wu Moxie, I think I've found the way."

In the wind, I said to Wu Moxie.

Wu Moxie raised her head dumbly, stretched out her hands to gather her hair, looked at me, and said, "Qin Feng... how did you... how did you judge..."

"It's going to be a bit tricky to explain, and it doesn't make much sense to explain." I touched my head, it wasn't really my doing, none of this stuff I found had anything to do with me, it was just luck, and if it hadn't been for this wind, I'd still be sitting here.

"But...my feet..."

Wu Moxie stood up on one foot holding onto the tree, his body shaking a bit.

Ah, I forgot about that.

As I look at it, then, I now have options again. First of all, I can't find a cane for Wu Mo Xi, and I can't leave Wu Mo Xi to go out on his own and laugh on his back, so I have to take Wu Mo Xi with me. So how would it be faster to walk?

Hugging or carrying? Okay, okay, normally there should only be a second option, the princess hug is an action that only exists for short walks or show of affection, this flashy way of rushing is best discarded. But for now, hugging isn't a bad option.

Because we're in the woods.

I've been slapped in the face by tree branches since noon, and it's hard to see them in the dark. It doesn't matter when I get scratched, but it's not good for Wu Mo Xi, as a girl, to have her face scratched.

And when you carry someone, your vision will be a little affected, not to mention my right hand is injured, so I may not be able to hold Wu Mohee. If I'm holding, I still have small arms to support.

Well, it really isn't good to hold a girl that I don't know very well, I'll put her down when I'm about to go out. I don't mind, but it's not good for Wu Mo Xie to bear any strange rumors. This holding Wu Moxie thing is not a loss for me, it can even be considered a gain.

"I'll carry you out." I turned to Wu Moxie and said.

"Ah... hug... hug?"

Strange... Wu Moxie actually didn't react particularly strongly, just a hesitant pause.

I walked up to Wu Mo Xi, and Wu Mo Xi retreated and shrank in fear. I dragged her waist with one hand and placed the other on her knee. Holding Wu Moxie's body up with force.


Wu Moxie fiercely held my neck tightly.

Stopping Wu Mo Xi from holding her waist.

Without imagining the weight, I used my right arm to hold Wu Mo Xie's waist and my left arm to hold her legs and hugged Wu Mo Xie. Wu Moxie's body was so light that I barely felt her weight. I only felt her body temperature, and breathing.

Her face and mine seemed to be just a few millimeters apart, her soft hair gently brushing the side of my face, and Wu Mo Xi's breathing was clear in my ears, very quick from the tension. Her hands were tightly wrapped around my neck, as if she was afraid she would fall if she let go.

The smell of her shampoo was very nice, her body temperature was very warm, and the girl's unique light body odor stirred my sense of smell, like a gardenia flower being crushed and breathed into my lungs, blooming into a clear flower.

I seemed to remember that I had, like this, picked up, another girl.