About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 70.

Final set, 6:0.

It looked like Lee Siqi was not at all interested in putting water on Song Yixin, Song Yixin's ball control was really good, but Lee Siqi's ball was very hard to defend, the kind of shot with an arc that made it very difficult for Song Yixin to cope with, and she was quickly disrupted and defeated in six different ways.

By her own classmates, cleanly, as if she was beating the very first enemy, 6:0, cleanly resolved.

"Nah, you know, Lizzy, it's actually because of me, that I play tennis."

Noticing my gaze, Song Yixin looked at me, opened her mouth, gripped the racket hard with her right hand, and then, whispered.

I didn't reply, but looked at Song Yixin, waiting for her to say more.

Song Yixin also looked at me, as if she was waiting for something, but, I didn't say anything.

Song Yixin smiled, the kind of smile with self-deprecation, smiled bitterly, looked at me, and said, "Won't you comfort me? Everyone who is currently talking to me has come to comfort me."

Are you waiting for my consolation?

Then you might be disappointed, I'm really not good at comforting people. Failure is failure, there's no point in consoling, I don't do things that don't make sense, that's my principle. But is Song Yixin this a failure? Isn't she winning all the time today? It's just one game. Is there such a thing as winning or losing in this kind of progressive game? Limited ability, if not the ability to be first, then how come you don't get first, at best you get second. This wasn't failure, this was getting what you deserved, and that shouldn't be consoled.

"Do you need it?"

I shrugged my shoulders, looked at her, and said, "You've worked hard for it, but you still lost, and you deserved that grade. You got the grade you deserved through your own efforts, it's not like this kind of thing is a failure, why should I comfort you, I do think that being able to get the grade you deserved is something worth celebrating."

Song Yixin dumbfoundedly listened to me, then, with a still bitter smile, lowered her head, played with her racket, paused, and said, "Well, of all the consolations from so many people, I find your consolation the most comforting."

"Because I'm not comforting at all."

I put her backpack on the table and sat down on it, then said, "Anything you want to say? A little frustrated because you didn't get first place?"


Song Yixin's voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat.

"Because you lost to Li Siqi?"

"You know what? Li Siqi started playing tennis because of me."

Almost at the same time, Song Yixin and I said to each other.

We looked at each other and were silent for two or three seconds, then Song Yixin gave a helpless smile, stood up, picked up her bag, walked to the door, looked back at me, and said.

"You already know that, so is there anything else you should say now?"

Your own friend came together to play tennis because of you, and you tried your hardest, however, your friend with a joke mentality easily surpassed you. Self sees tennis as a competition, but friend only as entertainment, however, friend with an entertaining state of mind easily defeated himself. All my own efforts were useless in the face of my friend's talent.

I understand that, I know what it's like to have a genius in the state I'm in, and no, I think my cousin should know this best.

"Are you going to fight on?"

I looked at her, walked up to her, and asked.


"I told you I wouldn't comfort anyone."

I paused, then looked at her, waiting for her answer.

She took a deep breath, looked down, looked at the jacket she was wearing, stomped her tennis-shoe-clad foot, thought for a moment, then looked up, smiled, reached up, wiped her eyes, and said, "How could I... give up? I...I've been playing tennis for almost ten years, how could I, like, give up?"

"That's good to play down."

I held out my hand and handed her the silver medal that wasn't even silver, and she froze and looked at me.

"Well, I'm not going to comfort anyone, it's all a decision you've made for yourself. There's no need to compete with geniuses, because our efforts are nothing in front of their talent. Therefore, the only people we can compare ourselves to are ordinary people like ourselves. As long as we're better than our past selves, it's fine."

Song Yixin looked at me, reached out her hand, took the silver medal that was already hers, turned around, and said, "I'm going back first ah."


I nodded and put my hands in my pockets. Ready to leave behind her.

"Ah, and by the way."

She stopped abruptly and I stopped to look at her back.

"Don't say you can't comfort people."

Chapter 57 about my somewhat annoying classmate.

Maybe the weekend of running around without getting any rest at all passed, I didn't get much rest or relaxation all weekend, and for me this weekend was even more tiring than usual. So, I very skillfully and naturally slept through the early morning study period, falling asleep in the same position as my tablemate.

I should have slept through to my first or second class. However, the class suddenly became noisier than usual after the morning study, making me, who was already uncomfortable, have to wake up. Listening to the voices around me, it was the class president's very recognizable voice asking a question, as if asking if there was time to go out for a meal together during this short day off due to someone else's exams taking up the examination hall.

I never want to go out to dinner with my classmates, well, especially when a group of them are eating together in order to celebrate finishing their midterms. No, or rather, I simply don't want to do anything with anyone else, and for me, midterms aren't something to celebrate, which means it's a meaningless thing.

I just want to sleep at home or live a life with no ups and downs. I want to cook, sleep and play games in silence, because the president has been leaving early and coming home late, and it's a day off for her, and she deserves some attention, and of course, my attention doesn't include offering hugs and kisses and being sexually harassed.

However, the class is actually having a meal to celebrate the completion of the midterm, and it's organized by the class president, eating at a pretty good hotpot restaurant for a hundred dollars each.

"Qin Lan, that, the class is eating together to celebrate our class's midterm results first in the grade group, as the first in the class you have to come ah."

The class president stood in front of Qin Lan's table, looked at Qin Lan, and with a smile he thought was handsome, said softly.

Qin Lan was stunned and smiled, it was Qin Lan's usual beautiful and elegant smile. She gently tossed her ponytail, her beautiful black eyes looked towards the class leader, the whole class already knew about the class leader confessing to Qin Lan but being rejected, Qin Lan's close friends all made bad laughs and booing sounds.

The class leader touched his head with an embarrassed smile as well.


Qin Lan nodded her head and replied with a smile.


The classmates around her started to get up, and Qin Lan laughed and joked with the classmate next to her.

"Qin Lan has so many friends, Qin Lan, what a popular girl."

Wu Moxi stood beside me and looked over there with an envious look.


I yawned and switched to a pressed arm, my right arm that had been pillowed was already a bit sore. I'd already slept through breakfast plus an early morning study, tomorrow was a holiday, and I felt even more sleepy today.

"Qin Feng you shouldn't be so lazy either."

"What's the point."

I lowered my head and went back to sleep.