About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 225

My sister reached out, gently touching the marble tombstone, sobbing.

An umbrella was held over our heads, and I looked back, and my uncle, dressed all in black, stood there, his eyes on the tombstone, his face expressionless. It was his sister who was buried here, and I rarely heard my uncle mention my parents, I wondered what his feelings were for his own sister.


My cousin quietly crouched beside me and took my hand. I gently held the tiny hand back, feeling the warmth of the girl's hand. A smile appeared on my cousin's lips and she said, "Cousin, it's okay."

"Yeah, it's okay, it's been so long. Or rather, I wasn't particularly miserable in the first place."

"You still have me, cousin, and I'm your family, too."

Well, even though my cousin doesn't show up very often, and because she's a junior high school student and we don't really interact with each other, it's true that she's also my family. I'm not alone, I still have family around me.

"Qin Yun, Qin Feng, let's go."

Uncle lifted his head, looked at us, and said.

My sister sniffled and helped me stand up, her hand gripping my arm tightly, afraid that I would leave. It was like this every time my sister finished cleaning the grave, pestering me for the whole holiday, and she wouldn't make a scene, she wouldn't make a scene. When I'm playing games, she sits on her bed and plays with her phone, secretly watching me. When I'm cooking, she leans against the kitchen wall as if she didn't exist to watch me busy, and when I'm in the shower, she sits outside the bathroom, like a statue.

She wouldn't cry, she wouldn't make a scene, she wouldn't totally pester me, but she would watch me.

All the way to school.

For my sister, the death of her parents was a heavy blow, I guess, at that time, we were not mature enough to accept the fact with ease, but my sister had no time to be sad. Because I was there, my sister couldn't even cry, she had to keep looking at me and smiling, and she did.

Once, we were held by our mother's hand.

Now, we hold hands.

Walking out of the cemetery, looking back, there is no sound there, nothing to fear, nothing, just an empty land, buried with people who no longer exist. Their memories their consciousness their lives all buried here, only the bonds they left in the world would come here to comfort their empty souls.

The value of human life lies in the judgment of others, but there is no standard formula to define the value of a person in the world. Do you believe in good and evil? No, such things don't exist, they are just a bunch of people who think they are righteous to define others. Human values are not the same as diamonds, not an international convention, but a formula in everyone's mind.

To others, my sister is a respectable student body president, a beautiful girl, and a perfect woman.

But for me, it is my most and most favorite sister.

I am the same in the minds of others, we could care less about the evaluation, but we will definitely have one. It is because of that evaluation that we are worthy.

That's what, life is defined by.

"This is the end of the year, do you want to come over once more after the entrance exams, Rhyme?"

My uncle closed the car door, looked at his sister on the passenger side, and said.


My sister looked out and nodded her head. My cousin got in the car and lay down on my lap looking happy, there was more room in the car and my cousin just laid down on the seat. To avoid the rush hour, we got up early. I reached out and gently stroked my cousin's head, like stroking a gentle cat.

"My sister, too, passed away a long time ago. I didn't think it would happen at the time."

My uncle started the car and blurted out.

Both my sister and I had our eyes on it, we had never heard our uncle mention our parents before. My uncle never mentioned our parents, and I had wondered if he wasn't on good terms with my mother.

"My sister, your mom, is really good to you. Your mother's health wasn't very good, and she had planned to have just one child, but then, wanting to give Yun Yun a companion, she bit the bullet and gave birth to Qin Feng, who was also very unwell at the time, and your mother's health was very weak at the time, but she still insisted on taking care of Qin Feng herself. I was worried that you two might fight, but it turned out that you two were so good that you were together almost all the time, and at that time, no one was allowed to hug Qin Feng, and if anyone picked him up without Yun Yun's permission, Yun Yun would run over and hit him with her little fist. The first thing Qin Feng would say at that time wasn't mommy and daddy, but sister. Instead of tugging mommy to sleep, you had to pull my sister's corner to fall asleep. Your relationship was such that even my sister was jealous and some nights would quietly carry Qin Feng over from Rhyme, but unfortunately every time Qin Feng would wake up and cry back to my sister."

Uncle's words suddenly multiplied, like a flood that had opened the floodgates. My sister and I looked at each other, embarrassed to avoid each other's gaze. My uncle looked at the road ahead, his emotionless tones ringing monotonously, but I could see a smile on my uncle's lips.

My uncle rarely smiled.

"Time flies, you're all grown up. You are much more mature, and you are no longer children. If my sister were still alive, she'd be talking about you guys as proud everywhere."

My uncle slowed to a stop, opened the window, took out a cigarette, looked at us, and said, "Don't mind."

"It's okay."

We shook our heads, not remembering our uncle's habit of smoking, maybe when he was thinking about things.

"You're all old enough to think about your future. Qin Feng, the last time wasn't the end, it was just delayed by you, you still have to think about it. However, there isn't that much time."

"You mean, the matter of Lin Yiran?"

My sister opened her mouth and asked.

Uncle nodded slowly and said, "Yes, that's right, I thought you might change your mind if you spent more time with Lin Yiran, but now Lin Yiran is very busy, she's in charge of the European part of things, and the recent storm in Europe, plus we're a new enterprise, it's going very badly, so Lin Yiran's other things will have to trouble us more. Lin Yiran didn't give up on you, shouldn't you think about it too?"

As the car restarted, I looked at the green light in front of me, paused, and said, "I don't think there's too much of a rush yet because...I can't say right now..."

"You don't have much time."

My uncle simply replied back to me.

"Dad, I thought we agreed not to push cousin about this anymore?"

My cousin straightened up and rushed behind my uncle, hugging the seat and shouting. Hey hey hey girl you come back you come back, I know you're excited right now but you must be aware that this is a car four lives ah! Don't touch the driver!

"Some things can't be solved without a little prodding."

"But things like feelings..."

"Where in the world is love, thinking too much."

Uncle turned a corner, stunned, and said, "Sister Lin Yiran is also a nice girl, didn't she go to dinner with you a few days ago?"

"I don't like her!"

"Oh, why?"


Come on you don't have to think about it, I understand, you hate Lin Yiran simply because of preconceived notions, anyone who sees Lin Yiran's first impression is not bad. Lin Yiran is really nice, I know the romance in my mind is impossible, but I don't want to just wake up right now, I want to dream for a few more years and in the end, it would be nice to marry Lin Yiran.

"I'll think about it..."

It's the most standard of perfunctory remarks, and I usually forget about the incident after I say that.


My uncle nodded, pulled over to the side of the road, and said, "Come on, I'll buy you guys lunch."

"Yeah, thanks uncle."

My sister nodded and pulled away to get out of the car. I pulled my cousin, who was lost on one side, up and walked out of the car.

Today, it shouldn't be anything more than that. Qingming Festival, as much as I hate it, is over. I won't be going out on the Qingming holiday, so this holiday, it's tasteless. Not as tasty as the spring rolls without sauce in front of us, and after Ching Ming Festival, it's almost time for the Chairman's election.

It's time for the transition of power.