About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 297.

Uncle stood up, looked around at us, and then said, "Yunyun you go pack your things, just bring what you need for tomorrow, I'll have someone come and take your things away tomorrow, and Lin Yiran, you too, go back and prepare for the engagement. You can continue to live here."

"No uncle, this, you can't just decide everything like this!"

"Why can't I?"

My uncle looked at my sister, then grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "I'm doing this for your own good! And it's the best solution yet! This is what we negotiated together! I didn't want to do this, and you've brought this on yourselves! I wouldn't be so tough if it weren't for you guys! No matter what you say, I can't let you continue to live with Qin Feng! Don't you guys know what you're doing?! If you continue, you'll be cursed by the world you know!"

"What have we done wrong?!"

Sister finally couldn't hold on any longer, Sister snarled and reached up and grabbed her head and crouched helplessly on the ground, her wailing and roaring was like a spell that rubbed everyone's hearts together and then ripped them apart, Sister's cries were desperate and painful, she looked up, her face crawling with tears, with anger and despair at the world and at everyone in front of her.

"What have my brother and I ever done to you! Who the hell are you to tell us what to do! Where were you when our parents died? Where were you when we were sick! Where were you when we were sad, when we were hurting! Where the hell are you? Why, why weren't you there when we were hurting! Now you're trying to convince us by pretending to be the good guys! To break us up! Only my brother is there for me when I'm miserable, only my brother cares for me when I'm in pain, only my brother has always been there for me how could I not like him! You guys...are you doing this for our own good or are you trying to make us miserable!!!"

I gawked at my sister, who looked at me and yelled.

"What's going on! What the hell is wrong with me and my brother! Is it weird? Is it weird?!"

"Yeah, I like my brother! What's wrong with me liking my brother! I just love my brother! I want to be with my brother in..."

My uncle took a deep breath, strode over to his sister, grabbed her by the hair, and then slapped her hard in the face.


The uncle's eyes were particularly cold, he looked down at his sister lying on the ground with fierceness and anger in his eyes, this was the moment when he was the most angry, this was the moment when he was the most frightening. He looked at his sister coldly, as if she had done something unacceptable to others, and indeed she had. But the uncle, now, had no sympathy for her at all, and even, was going to exile her.

"It's all very strange and disgusting, you two, both of you."

My uncle swept a glance at my sister and me, then pulled her up and semi-forcibly pulled her to the door.

"Qin Feng, if you still want to see your sister's painting later, you'd better not move now."

My uncle noticed that I had stood up, looked at me, and said icily, "I know this is cruel to you, but it's okay, I don't like you that much, and therefore I'm not worried about any great hatred you could have for me, and I'm not worried about what revenge you could have on me as a child. However, I can't let you ruin Yunyun just like that, so I must keep you and Yunyun apart, and in the future, remember, you can't come and go with Yunyun without my permission, and if you dare to act on your own, I will immediately send Yunyun out of the country!"


I felt like I was moving my eyes upwards uncontrollably. I couldn't even say anything, I didn't even have the strength to move, I felt like my whole soul was just leaving me, up there, looking down on it all. I couldn't do anything, I wanted to speak, I wanted to argue, I wanted to get my sister back.

But right now, I couldn't do anything.


She stood up, gently held me up, looked at my uncle, calmed down and said, "Uncle...you...you...you really want to do this? ? I...I..."

"What's wrong with you? You think it's okay? You as an outsider is of course think there is no problem, Romeo and Juliet falling in love doesn't seem like a problem to an outsider yet but to both families that is a problem!"

Uncle glared at Qin Lan and said, "It's useless for any of you to plead, don't you know what they're doing?! You're understandable because you like Qin Feng! But what about the others? Where is everyone but you? No one else could accept either of them! They're not just going to live with you from now on, my lady!"

"But! But Qin Feng was always living with his sister! Is this...isn't it not good to be so rough...I mean, these two understand the consequences of doing this, they're not stupid, it's cruel of us to do this!"

She stepped back a bit, but she didn't release her hold on me.

"Oh yeah? I do think it's because I was too kind to let them spend too much time together that this happened! Neither of them are fools! But these two idiots have done it now! Can't you see that? They're already together! Can I speak calmly now? Isn't it a crime for them to do that even though they know it's wrong?! Isn't that what deserves to be punished?!"

Uncle pulled the door open sharply, then turned back, looked at Lin Yiran, took a deep breath and said, "I'll send Rhyme back first, then you, oh yes, now I should have a word with you."


on your


The door, was closed.

Chapter 214 about my inseparable green plum.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you. Everyone will betray you, but not me, I won't, I won't."

She hugged me tightly from behind my back, choking and comforting me.

I stared at the wall in front of me, at the place where my sister and Lin Yiran had left. I didn't see my sister's expression, I didn't see Lin Yiran's expression, maybe Lin Yiran was apologizing to me at the end, maybe Lin Yiran was still apologizing to me at the end asking me for forgiveness, but I had no memory of it.

I just felt the cold all over my body, and nothing in my brain. In one night, after I had just had my first date of my life, the happiest time of my life, I lost everything. Just like Cinderella, after a night of dazzling, turned into that ordinary girl.

The sister who was supposed to be my sister, who I thought was into me, all left me overnight. What I had thought wasn't certain, or even fantasized about afterwards, was decided down in no more than twenty minutes. Maybe, maybe in no more than twenty days, I was going to have my own fiancée, and I was going to do my best to force myself to smile, to laugh and promise her a future not of my choosing, to hold her hand for the rest of my life, to teach her more.

But none of this is my choice.

And all that was left of me was, Qin Lan, alone.

I just felt, the warmth from my back, and the strength of Qin Lan's tight grip on my hand. Qin Lan didn't ask me why, nor did she blame me for anything. But she just held me close and comforted me, she wouldn't leave me, she was right there with me, holding me.

Until daylight, it was the same. I didn't see the light of dawn, and I didn't feel the passage of time. There is no time or space in one's world, now that it has collapsed. I no longer know exactly what I am doing now, or perhaps, precisely because I don't know what to do, I am doing nothing at all.

What am I, right now, supposed to be doing? Should I resist? Or should I run away? How am I supposed to fight back? How am I supposed to fight back? How do I escape? Can I resist? What do I have to fight against?

How could I convince my uncle when I had nothing to offer as a capital of resistance? Do I really have to run to my uncle's house and bring my sister straight back?

My life isn't a game, I don't have that powerful skill set. I also don't have the skills of a mouthpiece, I am angry, so angry that I no longer have the strength to be angry, but I also feel desperate. I used to think that being a normal person was the best, but now, I am hating myself for not having any power.

The world wasn't a good place, and I knew how weak I was, in every way. I still fantasize about my future, my own and my sister's, but I don't even have the strength to protect the present. I'm not some hero in an anime, my words are of no use whatsoever, none of my paths are open to me now, and I have no choice but to give in. There wasn't any, anything I could do.

I simply don't have the strength or the ability to fight back now. Uncle could fix me in the easiest way possible, and I could only hate the fact that my relationship had been exposed too soon. Was my uncle at fault? My uncle did something wrong, of course I know that my sister and brother are absolutely impossible, and my life is not some ethical drama, my sister and I are 100% biological siblings, it's not a flag, it's a solid fact.

My uncle did something that hurt me, I hate my uncle now, I hate him now, but I have no reason to convince myself to fight back, I did something wrong, I did something that is not accepted by the world, I know it was wrong, it was right for my uncle to do this to me, I am just angry because I was hurt, but what my uncle did, it was not wrong.

Yes, I know, I know it all, I know what I did, I know what I shouldn't have done, I know what I should have done, and I know that everything I'm doing is a joke, and that our relationship isn't going to end no matter what. But, but, but, it's not just black and white, it's not just the right thing to do in this world.

There are times when humans need to do things differently. This world can accept a lot, but this world, it's not forgiving of me at all.

A ray of sunlight lightly hit my face, my eyes fiercely dizzy, and I reached out, blocking my eyes, I could barely do just that lifting motion. Was I too weak, I looked down and saw my arm, a hand was gently resting on my back. Behind me, there was the sound of even breathing, I turned back, Qin Lan's sleeping face was right in front of my eyes, was she tired? But she didn't let go and hold me.

She always, always held me like this. Just as she said, she wouldn't leave me. By now it must be past the end of class time, but she didn't leave, she just held me and comforted me until she fell asleep. She still had tears in the corners of her eyes that hadn't dried, and she quietly pressed against my back, breathing steadily.

"Qin Lan..."

Softly, I called out her name.

Those black eyes fiercely opened, their tear-soaked eyes shining like jewels in the sunlight. Her eyes were confused, but, quickly tense again, she looked at me and choked out, "Qin Feng...I...I...you don't have to Fear, I'll still be around, I'll still be there for you..."

"Qin Lan..."

I couldn't help but reach out and gently embrace her. The scent blossomed in my arms, and I was trembling softly as I lay in my arms. I was in fear, I was terrified, and I knew how desperate I was. But I was hugging someone who was even more desperate than I was.

"Say yes, stay with me."

I said, gently.

In my arms, she choked out, "I'll be there for you, I'll always be there for you, no matter what, I don't want to see you so desperate. I'm so sick, I'm so scared, I've never seen such a desperate you before, you have that look on your face, I... I'm scared too..."