About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 302.

What have I been doing all this time? I didn't do anything, it looked like I was anxious to bring my sister back every day, but what did I actually do? I did nothing, I just tried in vain to see my sister every day, but I couldn't see her every time. I just do this every day and do nothing.

How am I going to face my sister when I get there? I obviously liked my sister for this kind of thing, but I didn't do anything, I totally, just didn't try.

Lin Yiran sipped the coffee in front of him and didn't say anything, I didn't know how to talk to her, I should smile and get in touch with my future...ah no, tomorrow's fiancée? Should I hold her hand now that she's my girl? I don't know if Lin Yiran is happy right now, I don't know if Lin Yiran is happy to smile when she accomplishes what she wants.

Lin Yiran raised her head and looked at me, she noticed that I was looking at her, our two eyes were aligned, I looked into her eyes, those eyes that were as blue as the ocean, I didn't see anything happy, instead I was seeing apologies all over the place.

"I'm sorry..."

Lin Yiran looked at me and whispered.


I never blamed Lin Yiran, Lin Yiran wanted to get engaged to me, but she wanted to do it because she liked me, she never made a mistake, from start to finish. She didn't push anyone away, she just used a little cleverness some of the time, but she wasn't bad.

Lin Yiran pursed her lips, and her eyes, with a strong apology in them, said, "I'm sorry, Qin Feng, I lied to you...I... ...I didn't expect this...I...I wanted to be engaged to you, but, but I definitely didn't want it that way!"

"What did you lie to me about?"

I looked at her and tilted my head in puzzlement.

I should be angry right now, I'm supposed to be angry now because I'm going to have to say goodbye to my relationship with Lin Yiran forever tomorrow because of my uncle's words. Although I never thought there could be an ending between us in the first place, the only good ending I can think of is one where we can laugh and say goodbye instead of this. We didn't even, in fact, say goodbye. Instead of me being angry right now, I'm more like, sad.

When your heart is filled with sadness, you don't get angry, because, you have no room to be angry. Being sad to yourself, can allow you, to give up the courage to be angry.

Lin Yiran was stunned, she looked at me, smiled weakly, lay down on the table, sighed heavily, and with a slight choke, said, "I... I... lied to you... ...What I originally told you at the beginning...was that I wanted us to be together when you really liked me, but instead, this happened to us...Qin Feng, you don't like me, right? ...you're even mad at me right now, you even hate me right now...it doesn't matter...you can hate me all you want.... ...because, it's all my fault for tying you to me...it's all my fault! I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

Lin Yiran's eyes were filled with large streams of tears, she was in real pain, her eyes hurt as much as a girl who had made a mistake and knew she was wrong. She did say that she wanted to be open and honest with me, and I'm sure she resisted, but she failed just like I did.

I sighed softly, reached out, and touched her head.

I shouldn't be gentle at this time, I shouldn't make Lin Yiran think that I don't hate her at this time. If I'm gentle with her at this time, it will give Lin Yiran fantasies, and she'll think that I'll still like her. It's not that bad for us to be together. My sister said that unrestricted gentleness is poison, but still, I can't watch Lin Yiran suffer so much in front of me. I can't look at, this, the girl who will be my fiancée tomorrow, so miserable.

"Qin Feng..."

"I don't hate you, I don't resent you, I don't blame you, and I also, don't like you."

I looked at her and said quietly. There was no rise and fall in my tone because, I just said the words I wanted to say, I just said, the words I wanted to tell Lin Yiran. These words did not carry any feelings for Lin Yiran herself.

It is only because she is Lin Yiran that I am saying this, only because she is Lin Yiran, not because she is the Lin Yiran that she is now, that is, because she is Lin Yiran.

So I'm going to say.

Lin Yiran looked at me, her tears still flowing, and she looked at me, perhaps begging. Her hand clasped mine and she looked into my eyes and I don't know how much my words made a difference. But maybe it also relieved Lin Yiran, Lin Yiran is obviously going to be with me tomorrow, but is she still afraid of being hated by me?

Akira, even if I hated her, I couldn't refuse her.

"Tomorrow is... Qin Lan's birthday, right..."

Lin Yiran looked at me, sobbed, and said.

I nodded.

"She...she invited you, didn't she...?"

I nodded.

"With me...at the same time."

I nodded.

That's right, tomorrow, it was also Qin Lan's birthday. I don't know if my uncle did it on purpose, but I can say that Qin Lan didn't do it on purpose. Yesterday, Qin Lan, invited me to her birthday ceremony. She didn't invite anyone else, not even Wu Moxi, Song Yixin and the others.

Only I was invited.

"Qin Feng, tomorrow is my birthday, you know that right. Since it's my birthday, I'll go to your house tomorrow, and I know you're not going to get engaged to Lin Yiran tomorrow, right? It's not like you volunteered, why do you have to go over there, it's okay, just leave this kind of thing to my dad, just come and celebrate my birthday."

This is what Qin Lan told me yesterday, her eyes were very serious and she wasn't joking at all. In other words, I'm either going to get engaged tomorrow, or I'm going to run away and let Qin Lan protect me. As I said before, if I let Qin Lan protect me, even my uncle won't interfere in any way.

In fact, even if I'm engaged to Wu Mo Xi, uncle won't care because to him, as long as he can tie me down, it doesn't matter who that object is.

I know that it's a choice.

It's whether to choose Lin Yiran, or Qin Lan. This is my choice tomorrow, choose Lin Yiran, have to wear formal dress tomorrow, hold Lin Yiran's hand, hold my fiancée's hand, hold my wife's hand after this, and promise her our future, become recognized as an unmarried couple.

Choosing Qin Lan, you have to go and celebrate her birthday, the birthday of this her birth, I know she will confess, I know what she means, if I go, it will be the same as accepting Qin Lan's confession. Maybe Qin Lan would even play the trick of hiding the ring inside the cake, and we would get engaged under the watchful eye of her parents.

In the end, I really have to choose between Qin Lan and Lin Yiran.

One was my childhood sweetheart, whom I had a crush on, and the other was my fiancée, whom I was set to marry by someone else.

None of the two I particularly hated. But, I didn't like either.

Lan or Lin Yiran.

I didn't know how I should choose.

"Qin Feng..."

Lin Yiran's hand, holding mine with a slight tremble, is a sign that Lin Yiran is being afraid, right? I'm faced with a choice, but in reality, it's Lin Yiran and also Qin Lan who are the most scared, I guess. Now that Qin Lan isn't here, I don't know if Qin Lan is also praying that I'll be by her side tomorrow. However, Lin Yiran, should be, is begging me, tomorrow, to be able to be by her side on time.

"Please... Qin Feng... please... tomorrow... please come to me... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I know you don't like me... but I'll do my best... I'll do my best to make you like me... I'll be a good wife, a good mother... please... Qin Feng... please... I won't let you down... please... tomorrow... tomorrow... be by my side..."

Half of her body was almost on top of me, she was clinging to my hand, her eyes were incredibly pitiful and pleading, Lin Yiran was a proud man, no, not a proud man, but a confident man. The first time she prayed so pitifully, just to me, I suppose. Her face in front of me, this girl who is going to be engaged tomorrow, should have been smiling with happiness, but now, it was full of tears, with pleading.

It's so hard to watch.

I looked into her eyes, but I didn't know what I should do. I can't make any easy promises at this time. Because I haven't made up my mind yet. My choices right now shouldn't be interfered with by them. It's a question I ask myself, where I go, who I choose, what I should do, and that, should be my decision.

"Please... please... Qin Feng... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...even though...even though I was brazen enough to want you by my side after doing such a thing...but.... ...But...please...I really...I really like you so much.... ...I really love you...really....please...please.... Like me, please....you like me! I won't act any worse than my sister... I will, too, always be there for you ah..."

Lin Yiran gripped my hand tightly, she was completely oblivious to the tears on her face and just begged me. I felt that being watched like this, I would be brainstorming an ethical drama. Make it look like I wanted to abandon Lin Yiran.

"I'll... think about it, I'll give you an answer tomorrow."

I stood up and pulled out my hand. Lin Yiran lost her support all of a sudden and her whole body fell on the table, she looked up at me desperately.

I sighed, touched my head, and said, "It's not that I won't get engaged to you, it's just, I need to think about it... I don't hate you, Lin Yiran, and really, I actually thought that it might not be a bad thing to get engaged to you just like that. However, I really need to think about it, because whether it's to you or to Qin Lan or to me... or to my sister, it's important... I need to think about it."

Even though it's only one night, I should, however, be able to come up with a result. Not because I can come up with an answer in one night, but because, when the sun comes up again, I must have a choice. Whether I wanted to or not, I had to, choose someone.

I stood up, went to the counter, and paid my bill. I saw the cashier gave me a very strange look and said softly, "Little brother, such a beautiful girl, don't say no just don't...."

"No, it's just, I need to think about it."

I sighed and took out my phone, ready to scan the code.

It was then that my phone vibrated violently twice.