About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 316

But if you say to him, "You're so good at playing with watermelon rinds! What an awesome watermelon rind! You tides are awesome!" When he does, he'll immediately look at you with a dancing brow and say, "Yeah, yeah! I'm just awesome at Tides! That's my specialty! Are you afraid of tides that can be painted more than the number one spot!"

It's because of him that I like to play Tides, but I'm not as crazy as he is. That turnaround just now was his tidal refresher to win a few team battles and turnaround, and there was Wu Moxie watching with a face of admiration just now, so I guess his ego and arrogance was filled up by this time.

"It's true that it's like that for you, but we still want a different result. After all, it's everyone's idea to get ahead, isn't it. Just like your tides."

I gave him a blank stare and smiled at Chul, then sat back up straight and looked at the computer screen. It looked like a new game had been opened, and the latest Xiang Zhe was addicted to the number five position inescapable, but of course this cancer wasn't a number five at all, and there were times when he was playing with a pair of shoes that were more expensive than everyone else. But can not say anything, he is doing his job. The vision did everything and didn't brush off the delivery or anything.

It's just that this junkie is unpleasant every time.

He came out with a pair of flying shoes that said, "I've got flying shoes and you guys are fighting and I'm coming fast, okay?

But in reality, every time we were forced to go four against five, he would always be on the far side of the pawn line, typing in the chat window, "Telekinesis in CD..."

The CD of the flying shoes is only forty seconds, why is it CDing every time! You're spending money too fast! So I say if you want to win you need to let this guy play TK! (TK, Tinker, moves are skills that refresh your item and skill bars, and reset the CD of your flying shoes as soon as you refresh them.)

However, he rarely plays TK, and I should say that he rarely chooses TK when asked to play the second position, because of the irrefutable words "Skills hurt when you press your fingers". I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

It seems that as soon as I see someone playing the game in front of me I myself also get excited... I actually appear I also want to play a game, but I'm not inside the school to play the computer... Wu Moxi's head very excitedly put together, simply sit next to Xiang Zhe, watching Xiang Zhe operate.

Wu Moxie won't ask too many questions, but occasionally she will ask some questions about the details of the operation. Xiang Zhe will silently look at the screen to operate, occasionally operating details to tell Wu Moxi, such as the field to brush money to cut which tree, chased by people to hide in the woods to cut which tree to escape. In the face of what heroes how to outfit and how to restrain, Wu Moxi silently listened, watching to Zhe operating, honestly, these two people like this is really quite harmonious.

But looking at his girlfriend and his best friend so harmonious always felt more irritated....


The door was gently pushed open, Wu Moxie stood up as if he had been electrocuted, in school clubs are allowed to have computers, but it doesn't mean that they can play games inside the school, if they are found to be playing games inside the school, they will be disqualified from the club. I guess only the gaming club has this qualification, but unfortunately, our school, doesn't allow gaming clubs.

However, I don't think there should be any need to worry. After all, I'm the vice-president of the student council, so there shouldn't be anyone who would dare to trouble me. Ever since I'm the vice president of the student council, this is basically the place where the inspectors don't dare to approach. Because, I believe that no one will approach the vice president's girlfriend's club to find fault.

I guess Xiang Zhe was also so confident, so Xiang Zhe didn't even move. The door was pushed open and Song Yixin walked in, looked around at us, then her gaze fixed on my face, she had a bad smile on her face and said, "You should explain this, shouldn't you, Qin Feng, didn't I say that I would stay in the student union office until the matter was completed, why did you still come here? Daiyu but three times over, are you too early for a mutinous revolution?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not like we were given any notice from above, we can only chat even if we stay in the student union room."

I stretched my back and said, it wasn't that I was bored or anything, there wasn't going to be a boring moment with such a beautiful girl like Song Yixin, it was mainly because I was a little afraid to chat with Song Yixin right now. What happened yesterday was a bit scary, and I don't even know what Song Yixin actually understood, but what Song Yixin understood is really related to me as well as my sister, so how can I feel that Song Yixin has gradually sorted out the emotional lines that I don't even understand?

This made me a little scared.

"Yixin, after all, Qin Feng is my boyfriend, if you guys just stay and chat first then I think it's the same here ah." Wu Moxi frowned a little unhappily, I didn't even know that Wu Moxi's possessiveness was this strong, for her to not come over even if her boyfriend was fine, this matter was an insult and betrayal to her, right? But it's not my fault, I'm just coming over to accompany her today, right?

"Fine, fine, don't be mad at me, Moxie. I'm just kidding, just kidding." Song Yixin waved her hand with a pleasant smile on her face, a smile that either meant that there was something in particular that made her happy, or that she had come over to screw us once very successfully.

Wu Moxi didn't say anything further, but sat to one side, picked up the tea set and asked, "So Yixin would you like a cup of tea?" Ah yes, I remember this tea set is still left behind by Qin Lan...but it's just not used very often, there was almost only one person in the literary club before, Wu Mo Xi.

"No no, I'm here to borrow your boyfriend this time."

Song Yixin slapped a piece of paper in front of me with the momentum of a thousand horses, and I picked up the document, which was the result of the school's review down. There was actually only one sentence on it, one meaning.

"Our idea... passed?!"

"Yeah, it passed, and to be honest I was a little shocked, but our idea just went through!"

I threw that paper away in excitement and hugged Song Yixin fiercely, I've never been so happy, although it wasn't my doing, but this matter gave me a stage. I would never have had this opportunity without the school's initial approval, which means that the school was really seriously thinking about whether or not it could be done before, and now this is the response we were given!

"Great! Great! Song Yixin! Yes! Yes! Yes! I think we're strong! It's strong."

I hugged Song Yixin tightly, completely forgetting what status I was in and where I was, normally I'm rarely this excited... maybe, maybe... this thing made me so happy....

Song Yixin hugged me so tightly that I almost picked Song Yixin up and spun her around, Song Yixin was lying on my shoulders, laughing happily. Both of us were very excited at this time, after three days of waiting, we finally got the result we wanted, I should say the beginning, we finally had our own beginning, we were finally able to start our work, our legend.

"That, Qin Feng ah, you're the first one I've seen who dares to hug other girls tightly in front of his girlfriend. Brother, I admire your courage, really, really!"

Behind me, Xiang Zhe, who was too scared to even play the game, looked at me stunned... I just felt a strong murderous aura behind me... It seemed, I had just been in a tight hug with another girl who had a scandalous relationship with me and we had unscrupulously shown off in front of my girlfriend....

Why do I feel like I'm seeing my dead?


What about the precursors to the end?

"You two are... really close..."

Wu Mo Xi looked at Song Yixin with a very forced smile... I now think it was a mistake to take out the tea set... I'll believe Wu Mo Xi threw hot water on my face at this point. But I think I should be more careful about my feet and my calves... Wu Mo Xi attacked mostly from here....

"No, no, no, no it's not! No, no!"

I hurried back to desperately begging for forgiveness, no no, it's really just me being too excited right now, no out of the ordinary thoughts at all, we're a friendly hug not mixed with any yellow thoughts, really, really.

"That, both Qin Feng and I are just a little excited, there's no intention of provoking you, Moxie, really, really there's no intention of provoking you. Don't mind, don't mind... that... that... continue on my topic, I want to borrow Qin Feng, afterwards we chip in on the fact that he is bound to be in the when ......."

"Yixin! I don't want to borrow it!"

Wu Moxi looked at Song Yixin and said somewhat angrily, "It was Qin Feng who told me to dare to say no! I don't want to lend you Qin Feng now! Because it's just too dangerous! I never believed the gossip between you two, but you two don't put my mind at ease at all! Yixin, seriously, don't you feel like you've always gone too far lately?!"

"Sorry sorry sorry! Seriously I really don't think so, well, really!" Song Yixin looked at Wu Mo Xi with an apologetic smile and said, "You have to trust me, Mo Xi, I won't steal your boyfriend, that... that... what do you have to do to trust me? Because this is really important, I must need Qin Feng no matter what, and it's a very important thing for Qin Feng as well, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's something very important to me too, so, Moxie, I hope you can trust me."

Seriously, if I couldn't take part in this planning because my excitement this time made Wu Mo Xi angry, I guess I'd regret it to death, and this was not only very important to Song Yi Xin, but to me as well. I really want to...no, rather, I must.

Wu Mo Xi turned her head and looked at me furiously, shouting, "Qin Feng what exactly are you thinking, can you stop irritating me every single time! I take this relationship very seriously. Why do you always want to hurt me? Just tell me what I'm doing wrong!"

"No, no, it's not because of that... Anyway... I'm really sorry... Moxie, I value you too, really, I do. I...I want to be with you too, and I'm happy with you, really, I'm not lying. I really like you, I really do, Mohee, you have to trust me."

I reached out my hand and took Wu Mo Xi's hand, Wu Mo Xi's body trembled a little and then turned her head away. However, she didn't shake me off.

Song Yixin looked at Wu Mo Xi, walked up to her, gently pressed on her shoulder and whispered, "Don't worry about it, Mo Xi, I like you, I really, really like you, so don't worry about it, okay?"

"Ah...never mind!"

Wu Mo Xi suddenly kicked hard, but this time it didn't kick me, I was all ready to scream, but I didn't feel the pain. Wu Moxi kicked the table, then looked at me with a puff of air and said, "Forget it, I'll forgive you then, but I want to see the results of your greatness!"

Chapter 231 - About Me... (XI)


To put it in perspective, our project is really not that great, even our fully unfolded ideas are not great, not even huge, and while we are very happy that our event was able to go through, the three days of waiting has worn out our time, and at times like this, three days can do a lot, and we are, now, starting from scratch.

Now that the program has changed, we can't continue everything we've done before, but it's a bit too much to start from scratch. Because we can only do this kind of thing during class, but contacting the shop outside is something we can only do after school. For a while now, Song Yixin and I hadn't been home for lunch and had been running around outside, but as a result, we knew a few very delicious places.

"So, we've gotten another sponsorship then, right."

Song Yixin put the paper on the greasy looking table and wrote down the name of the shop. In front of the two of us, the noodles were giving off a very nice aroma. The shop is very small, basically only about ten square meters in size, with only four tables, but after we've eaten the noodles here once, we can never forget the taste of the soup. So, this time it's back again.

"Well, it's basically almost like that, although I have the idea of making it a Japanese kind of school festival, but we still don't have that power after all. Besides, there aren't many shops here that are willing to go, I guess. What's more, if we get too many people, it'll get so crowded in front of the school, not to mention, safety, hygiene and all that is not good."

Song Yixin nodded, picked up a side of vinegar and poured it into her own bowl, then elegantly gathered her hair, carefully picked up a small bite of noodles and ate it without making a sound. Then she looked up, picked up one side of the paper towel to wipe her mouth, and said, "Seriously, I really don't have much confidence in making it this way, after all, our student council has limited funds."

"But aren't these shopkeepers who came over here losing money to pay for themselves, honestly, if it's a small business, it can't lose money, after all, no matter what, we have thousands of students ah. Not to mention it's forcing everyone to attend, I'm sure it's nothing for most people to buy some snacks to eat."