About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 318

Yes, maybe this is our youth, the title, the make-up, the high school, is our youth. It's our own, unique youth, it's our irreplaceable youth. Think about it for a moment, what do you regret about our youth? Other people need the beach and waves to be satisfied, we just need an extra afternoon off to be happy, we are squeezing out the excitement of our youth. We still reap what we should have, we reap what we have accomplished, we reap what we have ahead of us, and we reap what we have around us, our most precious and sincere friends.

Do you think that there is anything missing from our youth? Even though our youth is all books, we still have the confidence and happiness that is characteristic of youth! Because, this is us, the unique youth and years!

In the beginning we were with resistance, we were trying to resist our life, we wanted to be free, we wanted to become a bird and fly free. I know how much you wanted to resist at first, but in the end you always give up, and there is nothing wrong with that, because, when you lose the idea of resisting, you have become an adult.

What is an adult? Adulthood is the loss of your natural edges, when you no longer contain complaints, when you start to face everyone with a smile on your face, congratulations, you are an adult.

Adulthood is about erasing your edges a little bit, erasing all your thoughts of resistance, taking away your fierce but gentle youth, and that is adulthood.

Your untamedness is your capital, your taming, your mitzvah. Tonight, should be our last untamed, thanks to our new generation of student council, help me, help my year student council, did what I once did not dare to do, for us, for us who are about to become adults, prepare the last untamed hunting ground, please have fun, the words you want to say, tell the people you want to tell, to invite the people you want to invite, to join them. Go look at the stars, go say what you want to say, and bless the people you want to bless!

The playground is small, but your future is big!

Greetings, my dear seniors! Congratulations, you're graduating, and congratulations, you're, you're growing up!

Thanks guys!"

The stormy applause almost shattered the stars in the sky. Although I was standing on the stage, I could still see that there were many seniors, with tears in their eyes. Yes, we only have three short years of our youth filled by books, and our brightest and most gorgeous years are here. They have been complaining, but now, will usher in their future, looking back on the past three years, we are not less than others, we have had a small happiness, there is a young but beautiful first love, there are friends of the unbridled, and the unique confidence of youth, believe in the future incomparable sunshine. This is our youth ah, is us, the unique years.

Looking back at the past, friends, think about their past. We don't have any sunshine beach, no sunset run, but, our secret love, is not also as beautiful as a picture. Think about our past, think about a confident smiling face, think about running through the field and boring time to pass a note, is not satisfied with the happiness?

My sister smiled and handed over the microphone to Song Yixin, Song Yixin looked at the students below, below, was the farewell party for the seniors that we had worked so hard to get out, on both sides of the playground runway were stalls that we had found to sell food and some crafts, and below the promenade, we had prepared some yellow silk threads that we used to allow the seniors to tie the blessings that they wanted to send on it. And right in the center of the playground was a stage that was prepared.

"Well, thank you to our Past President for your remarks. I want to say a few quick words, seniors, congratulations on your graduation. Tonight, we're not going to prepare a program, I'm sure, for your graduation party, you don't want to watch us jumping around on stage, this is your graduation party, this is your night, so tonight, folks, you can do whatever you want, you can sing, confess, cry, it doesn't matter, you can cry, you can laugh, you can bless, you can be silent, on the center stage, Whatever you do! This is your night, this is your last untamed hunting ground, your pride, unmatched! Senpai, graduate, happy!"

Yeah, freedom.

Wanting nothing more than freedom.

It's not perfect to have a play date before graduation and have to sit in a chair and watch a bunch of people jumping around.

We can't give them anything, but, I think what they want most, for them, is freedom. The freedom to move around at a time that is theirs. To eat and drink, to wish each other well, to be alone with their friends, their crushes one last time, to do whatever, as long as it is, that you want to do.

The cheers of the seniors instantly exploded into the air, countless uniforms were thrown up into the sky, and the team below instantly exploded and spread out. The freshmen and sophomores didn't understand this feeling, yet they were also moved by the senior's cheers, and spoke blessings to their senior, even if this person, they didn't know before.

This is graduation, this is youth, the most gorgeous closing ceremony. Leaving one's youth, there will be wild to bury him, because the world will be a cold one, and after that, there will be no one to accommodate them.

"Well, our event is considered to have started, and the early part of it was normal, no problems. But our event is just a huge variation because of the huge freedom, I guess."

Song Yixin looked at the dispersing crowd and said with a smile.

I nodded and said, "But it shouldn't matter, trust the seniors, they won't cause trouble for us at a time like this. After all, this is the last event for them, they must be moving at this time. Our lovely seniors understand that a drop of grace should be repaid."

Song Yixin smiled, then sighed, looked at me, and said, "Qin Feng, don't you have any ideas for fun?"

"No, we made all this up, why would we want to play with it. Besides, we definitely need to be on the lookout in case there's an emergency, right."

I stomped my foot. It wasn't really true to say that I didn't want to play, it was just that I definitely needed to be on the sidelines watching because of my job. The whole thing of being able to change the time of the party and the event being held made me very happy. After all, this is my first time planning an event in its entirety, and in terms of the outcome, it's still a great success, although it troubles my own sister to write an extra piece, but the only one who can resonate with the seniors is my sister.

Song Yixin looked at the sad and joyful crowd that had dispersed below and said with a sigh, "Qin Feng, aren't you going to accompany President Qin Yun? She's also graduating soon, so take this opportunity to talk to her. It's not going to happen between you, but you're destined to be sisters and brothers for life. You will definitely meet, even if you avoid it as much as possible."

I looked away, the city's sky was devoid of stars. In the past, I remember the summer sky being filled with stars. At that time, I didn't know any constellations or locations, but I only knew that there was the Big Dipper in the sky, like a spoon. At that time, lying on my sister's lap, on the balcony, I looked at the spoon obsessively. My sister's hand was gently placed on my head, that kind of summer night, although calm, but serene.

But now there were no more stars, even my sister, was gone. I couldn't face my sister, because I was the one who abandoned her voluntarily, my irresponsible confession hurt her, and I simply couldn't treat her the way I used to. Maybe my sister will be able to get rid of the pain I've caused her.

"There's no point in not going, and besides, there's no way I can, to face my sister."

"Are you worried that you'll betray Wu Moxie?"

Song Yixin stood beside me, she didn't look at me, but at the darkness in the distance. She didn't look at me, but her words were to me, "Sister is not really a good identity. The reason is that your brother will always be a child in your eyes. The actual reason for this is because of the fact that it's a very good idea for you to be able to get the most out of it. Sister will be tired, sister will be in pain, sister will be sad, but sister, will never blame her brother. Because,"

Song Yixin turned her head sideways, her long black hair blown up by the wind and messy, covering the side of her face. She looked at me with a warm smile and continued.

"Because, he's my brother. No matter how big a mistake you made, no matter how much pain my sister was in, she still loved and tolerated you, and it wasn't something you needed to reciprocate or be grateful for, because we are sisters, so we will love our brother, that's all."

I looked at Song Yixin, and what Song Yixin had just said, although it had no source, was convincing. Because, she was just like her sister. Her brother did a lot of things, but she never blamed her own brother. As a sister, she was always, loving her brother.

"So, you know, what to do, right? It doesn't matter, I can handle this kind of thing all by myself, Qin Feng, now, go do what you should do."

Chapter 233 - About Me... (xiii)

What should be done.

People should do what they should do, people should do what they should do when they should do it. This is a certainty, this is what the course of human development dictates, this is what mankind must do. But in this short sentence of twenty-seven words, there are countless people who simply cannot do what they should, who do what they should when they should not, who do what they should when they should not, and who do not do what they should when they should.

Both are mistakes.

And wrongs are to be righted. So, countless people have died, countless families have been shattered, countless hopes have been destroyed, countless bloodshed, countless torture, countless destruction. Maybe there really is a so-called "ruler" in this world, in charge of this world.

Where there is a problem, it will be fixed.

You don't really need to care about what I'm saying right now, it's all just stuff I'm just thinking about. It's just that what one should do is really important. What Song Yixin said, what I should do, is to go find my sister, after this time, not long after I just hurt my sister, after I confessed to my sister and then now I'm with Wu Mo Xi, after I cowardly gave up on my sister before, is now really the time for me to find my sister? Should this be, at this time, the time to meet with her?

I don't know, but Song Yixin's words are firmly believable, she doesn't know Qin Yun as a person, but she understands what a sister is. She was also a sister, and her words were her sister's thoughts. Song Yixin and her sister aren't really the same, whether it's growing up in the same environment or personality or everything, but they are so much alike that I often misjudge them, just because they are both sisters?

They are not the same, but they are both sisters.

"Ah, I thought I was coming to confess again..."

My sister looked up from her fried chicken willow and smiled at me in a group of girls with bad smiles on their faces. My sister was very easy to find because she had been surrounded by a group of people, and if you squeezed past, you could see this gorgeous rose in full bloom. I looked at her face, which was lit by the dim yellow light from one side of the stall, and her mouth still had a few strands of grease from the chicken tenders, but the beautiful face still shone with a gentle light, like a river under a night-light. Her eyes glittered in the same dark night, but I couldn't see the emotion in her eyes. It was only a few weeks ago, but I felt, so strange.

My sister and I, have, for a long time, not spoken.

"Ah... I... I..."

For a moment, I didn't even know what I was supposed to say, and the eyes in the darkness stared at me together like the bright lights inside an interrogation room, piercing my heart. The whispers on the other side of the room were like someone slamming a hammer into my brain, dizzily making me want to vomit. It wasn't nice at all, it wasn't pleasant at all, why, why was it so hard for me to see my sister! The body seems to be dissolving a little bit, cold sweat is slowly permeating out, it is already almost summer in the spring, but I feel the cold winter did not even feel the cold ... ...

Stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging stinging...

Fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting and fidgeting....

Why...why did this happen...why did I...I don't know...I don't know... Why, when I took it off, when I looked into her eyes and took it off, my otherwise unvolatile heart exploded like an earthquake, and all my feelings came spewing out, mixing together and tearing at my insides. I no longer knew what I was feeling or what I wanted to say because all the emotions mixed together like all the condiments mixed together, something that tasted but was completely unknown to me as being weird. I'm also, completely unaware, of what I'm thinking right now.

"Ah... it's my brother..."

My sister seemed to see that I was different, and she sighed heavily, then handed the leftover chicken tenders to the person next to her, came over to me, bent down, crouched, from underneath, looked at my face, gently took my hand, and asked me quietly, but with concern, "Brother, are you okay? Any physical discomfort?"

My sister's voice hadn't changed, if it was to have, it had only become more concerned. Her eyes were right in front of me, the body I had embraced, the face I had known but was now unfamiliar to me, clear in the darkness. The warmth of my sister's hand spread from my hand, along my blood and throughout my body, like the sound of a flute to soothe a demon, or like the rain to quench a fire. Just as I had before, my sister's warmth would always settle me down.

This is the warmth of my sister, this is the temperature I've always relied on. This is the one I've been missing, this is the one I, in pain, and yet love.

"Brother...never mind, I get the general idea of what you want with me...come with me."

My sister sighed, then stood up, smiled apologetically to her friends behind her, then took my hand and walked over to the back of the school. I stayed and let my sister hold my hand, like a marionette being pulled by strings. I'm so useless when it's obvious that I'm the one who has something to do with my sister, but now I'm being pulled by her.

The back of the school, or rather the back of the playground, where the promenade is. Behind the promenade was the cafeteria, which I hardly ever walked, because I didn't go to the cafeteria, and the only place I went to was the shop next to the cafeteria. But there was another road next to the shop, which I never went there.

At this time inside the promenade were all the seniors who were tying wishing strips, and there were also couples who usually hid themselves in the shelter of the promenade sitting on the stone railings whispering, some tears, some laughter, some prayers, some contemplation. Though crowded, the gallery was very quiet, but oozed with happiness.