About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 327.

I said why doesn't the alarm clock go off because I set the time for eight o'clock. I'm sorry alarm clock I was wrong about you, you're still very faithful, it's just that there's such an anxious guy who came early. Honestly I was looking forward to this date, but it wasn't so early that people were grabbing people out of bed!

"That... that... what's that! It's only half an hour! Besides, there's no harm in you getting up early, Qin Feng... I... I... I... I just want to get up early! Just seeing Qin Feng ah..."

Wu Mo Xie's voice softened and I opened my eyes to see Wu Mo Xie's face flushed red from shyness, trying to be strong but completely unable to do so in a way that was too cute. I sat up helplessly, looked at Wu Mo Xi, sighed, and suddenly reached out and fiercely grabbed Wu Mo Xi's neck, pulling her violently onto the bed and into my arms before Wu Mo Xi could scream.

"Ah!!! Qin... Qin Feng... what are you... what are you doing!"

Wu Moxi was shaking with fear, and closed her eyes tightly not daring to look up at me, like an ostrich burying her head tightly in my chest not daring to move. I sighed, hugged her and said: "Nothing, since you want to see me earlier, then sleep with me for half an hour. As long as you see me, won't that be enough?"

"But...but...but...I...I...that...that...my clothes will wrinkle...and...and makeup..."

"It doesn't matter, the worst that can happen is that I'll fix my makeup, and you can do whatever you want while I'm eating." I'm definitely not going to wake up before the alarm goes off. Even if I can only lie down on my bed, I definitely don't want to get up early because of Wu Moxie's personal reasons, so please let me rest again ah.


Wu Moxie's hand clasped my chest like a small claw, I closed my eyes, not knowing her expression, but she didn't object, but lay so beside me, pillowing my arm, staying quietly. Breathing in the fresh, light scent of the girl's body, I felt I was more at peace, and for a time nothing was heard in the room, only the watch ticking away. Maybe this would be a daily routine in ten years.

But not now.

I breathe in the scent of a young girl, feel the warmth of a young girl's like a cat's paw gently clawing at my clothes, does she feel at ease, does she feel warm? I don't know, I could only hear the girl's slightly labored breathing. Maybe she didn't hate it.

Half an hour later, I finally heard the alarm clock. I sat up and rubbed my head, I didn't know if I had fallen asleep before, I had no idea what state I was in inside this half hour, and I had no idea what was wrong with Wu Moxie. Did I fall asleep or not. I'm not sure about that, but it just feels like the memory of everything just now is all vague and completely unrecognizable. But the consequence of this is also very serious, that I'm now a bit dizzy from the aftermath of not getting enough rest. Wanting to lie back down again....

Looking around, Wu Moxie was curled into a ball next to me, a fully defenseless sleeping face lying on my arm. Her eyelashes trembled slightly with her owner's breathing. Those thin, cherry-colored lips were less than two inches in front of me, and Wu Mo Xi's hand was still gripping my chest, the only place it wasn't relaxing.

She's asleep, ah, her face completely relaxed, in my arms, completely at ease. There seems to be a smile on her lips if there is one, and her face is clearly made up, so maybe she's carefully prepared for this date, maybe she didn't sleep well all last night because of her excitement.

What a child.

Her small body rose and fell regularly around me, and I reached out my hand and gently stroked her furry head. Wu Moxie didn't react, just trembled a little, then pressed even closer against me. It would be nice if I could just hold her and go back to sleep, but then I wouldn't know for sure when I would be able to wake up, although I think it would be happy for the two of us to sleep together, but then it would be a waste of Wu Mo Xi's preparations that were so attentive, so it would be better to wake Wu Mo Xi up.

Our two positions are completely reversed ah.

"Mohee, Mohee, wake up, Mohee."

Wu Moxie was gently pushed awake by me, she frowned, then barely opened her eyes, looked at me and said in confusion, "Qin Feng? What happened...did something happen?"

"What's wrong, weren't you supposed to be the one to wake me up?"

I touched her head, stood up, and said.

Wu Moxie sat on the bed, rubbed her own eyes, reacted for a few seconds, and then erupted into a small cry of sadness.

"Ah!!! Ah! I....I...actually fell asleep...I.... ...I'm obviously here to call Qin Feng...I...ahhhh! How embarrassing, how humiliating!"

Wu Moxie smashed her head into the pillow, letting out a girlish sigh of grief. I shook my head helplessly, went to the window, opened the curtains, the bright sunshine outside shining in, warming the whole interior, I opened the window, let the wind outside to take away the stale air accumulated for hours, turned back, and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, we are not late, just returned the time to normal, Mo Xi you go to check yourself first! of makeup, I'll change my clothes and eat a meal before we leave."

Wu Moxie climbed up with a frustrated face and muttered, "I messed up again... It was a perfect day... I actually fell asleep... It's all Qin Feng's fault!"

"Huh? Blame me?"

I touched my hair, which didn't look like it had blown up, and walked to the door of the room, saying, "I didn't let you fall asleep oh, but you fell asleep on your own, Moxie."

"It's all... I fell asleep because Qin Feng was too reassuring!"

Wu Moxi said apologetically. I pulled open the door, turned around and said: "It doesn't matter, just make up a sleep, and we are not late, by the way, Mo Xi you are also very reassuring ah. How about, do you want to cuddle and sleep together more often in the future? I'd welcome that, though."

"I...I don't want it!"

Well, I can't tease Wu Moxie, Wu Moxie is going to die of shame at this point. Although it's a bit interesting, but I'm not the kind of bad guy who likes to look at other people's embarrassment, it only takes one person that boring, that person is probably enduring the sound of an electric drill, it's fun to think about.

After I finished freshening up, Wu Mohee went into the washroom and started checking her makeup. I don't think Wu Mohee needs makeup very much, in fact, none of the girls around me rely on makeup very much. But maybe makeup isn't an optional addition for girls, but rather a ritual that must be performed.

"Okay, let's go."

I put on my shoes and stood in the doorway, Wu Moxie came out from inside the kitchen in a panic, she stood in front of the mirror in the doorway and pulled her dress again as well as the small jacket she was wearing, then touched her bangs, then checked that her makeup was fine before she ran to me with satisfaction, reached out and took my hand, smiled, and said, "Well, let's go, now..."


I pulled the door open and crossed my fingers with Wu Moxie and headed outside. Today, that's our first date, right? Maybe this is the beginning of our future, I don't know how far I'll be able to go with Wu Mo Xi afterwards, but for now, we'll be able to walk through this day, just like that, hand in hand.

Wu Mo Xie's mood looked really good, and on the way, although I didn't say much, Wu Mo Xie was always looking at me, saying a lot of words, with a bright smile. Although there was still a slight redness on her face, the hand she held tightly to me was so strong, and the smile on her face was so bright. This is Wu Moxie, this is the Wu Moxie who feels happy, right? I couldn't bring anything to this young girl, rather than me changing the young girl's life, I met this young girl and saved me who had nothing to lose. I held her hand tightly, holding the hand of this young girl who never left me no matter what happened.

That was all I had.

This day, I had a great time. Inside the haunted house with Wu Moxie, Wu Moxie gripped my hand tightly, looking at her like a frightened rabbit. On the roller coaster, I listened to her screams of pain and happiness, and looked at Wu Mo Xi, who was running happily in the scenic area and taking pictures, running as fast as she could on the road that the chairman and I walked, smiling a smile that was brighter than sunshine and more gorgeous than flowers.

I looked at the red brick in front of me, here, I had walked with another person, but now here, my hand was holding another girl's hand. I can still seem to see the same bright smile of the girl who was once a girl and the girl who is now a girl, and I can also feel the similar and somewhat different pleasures of my past and present.

The downward slanting sun tinted the road in front of me with gold, the tourists excited tired happy smug expressions passed by me one by one, the day passed by in Wu Mo Xi's laughter, now burned with a layer of gold. I looked up at the place where Wu Moxie had finally dragged me to, to the huge monster.

"Qin Feng... let's go ride the Ferris wheel."

Surely, it was finally time for one?

I nodded and pulled Wu Mo Xi's hand tightly, Wu Mo Xi laughed softly and leaned even closer to my body, whispering, "Today, I'm happy oh, Qin Feng."

"Me too."

We followed the line and slowly made our way towards the Ferris Wheel. This is a place where we have heard countless mountains of vows, a place where we have witnessed countless courage and confessions, where we have not witnessed a departure, where this is the beginning of all good stories rather than the end, and within whatever story it is, this is the final ending and the beginning of a new story.

This great circle is a human-made full stop, but not a final one. This slow rise in the air is not just two people, but two slow rising hearts, colliding at the highest point, bursting into sparks, melting together, never to be separated again.

"I want to continue like this...Qin Feng...even though...I'm just a fake...and maybe today is just a dream, but, I'm greedy now...and I want it to continue..."

Wu Moxie lowered her head, looked at the toe of her shoe and said softly, "Qin Feng just needed an embrace, so I hugged Qin Feng... I understand... I understand it all... I know it's all a dream-like time, but this I was really happy for a while, even if it was just a lie...but I did the best I could...Qin Feng...what you saw was the real me ...This is Wu Moxie, the Wu Moxie you see...I'm just an ordinary girl, I have no abilities whatsoever, and I'm still jealous, always afraid, always in need of Qin Feng.... ...But, I...I want...to make this dream come true...I want.... . let the day, go on."

Yeah, and yeah.

This day, too, is going to end.

Is there going to be an end to our relationship, too?

The relationship between us, as Wu Moxie said, is a very tangled one. We were just lovers who took what we needed from each other, and we fell in love with the realization that we would definitely break up later.

Whether it's her or me.

But after today, maybe that will change, maybe this dream will start to fall apart, maybe I won't need her anymore, maybe she won't like me anymore. And now is the time for me to choose. This ordinary but dazzling life like a star, the girl beside me with the ordinary girl's temperament, personality, age, appearance, passing, life, is the future, is my future? Is what I embrace, my straw or my love?

Do I have to, like, let this life go on?

"Answer me... Qin Feng... please tell me... tell me..."

Wu Mo Xi's hand, nervously began to tremble, she looked down at the ground, I don't know, is she in tears.

What do I have a complaint about this life? What's wrong with me? Is there anything else I need to pursue? The ordinary life I was frantically pursuing in the beginning, wasn't it, right in front of me?

Do I need to hesitate?