Absolute on the Mound

< 19.00. The King of Heavens (1) Lee Jin-yong. >


As Park Joon-hyeong hit the home run inverted, it looked like a scene from a Hollywood disaster movie.



On the first floor of the dungeon, filled with Angels fans, the place was filled with joy and excitement, and on the other hand, the audience seat on the third floor, filled with Devils fans, was filled with anger and sighing.

Two extreme types of screams rushed into the ground and crashed violently.

As if there were a violent wave, a storm of screams began to erupt on the dungeon floor.

The wind waves that were created shook Angels, Devils, and Doug out of both teams.

The shock was overwhelming.

“Whoa, you're kidding me. ”

“The Jamsil Stadium is really scary when this happens. ”

It's like getting on a boat over a stormy ocean, and I'm sick of people screaming.

Despite the commotion, the two teams remained steadfast in their roles.

It was because they knew that if they were to stay calm, they would miss the game because of this storm.

“Bullpen! Who's in Bullpen right now? ”

“Report the bullpen situation! ”

The first thing the two teams who were barely conscious wanted to know was the Bullpen situation.

It was a natural move.

“Finish it here somehow! Make sure Angels don't make any more extra points! ”

“Protect this one-point car. Send in all the paratroopers! ”

Point number one.

The Bloody Bullpen fight has begun for this scoring car that can flip at any moment.

It was Angels who made the first move in that situation.

“I'm calling from Bullpen. Sung-hyun can throw. ”

Lee Sung-hyun.

When I heard that Angels' set-up man had scored a 29-hold 6 save last year while throwing a 150-year-old foshim fastball, Bong-sik didn't hesitate.

“At the beginning of the 7th time, Lee Sung-hyun is put in. ”

I wanted to put Lee Sung-hyun into 7 times, not 8 times.

It was raining.

“Let Lee Sung-hyun digest more than 1.1 innings and add the microbes, which are finished immediately. ”

Furthermore, Bong Joon-sik also wanted to put in the closing microbes that recorded the 32-save last year.

I was going to digest three innings by myself, the set-up man and the finisher.

Any operation that doesn't leave tomorrow, that lives only tomorrow, will be killed by the man who lives only today! It was a plan.

The decision of such a coaching staff also began to fill with tension in Angels Doug's atmosphere.

‘I don't know how the game works today. ’

Because he knew that no matter what happens in a game with a seven point car turned upside down in one inning, nothing would be weird.

‘If I ruin the game today, I won't be able to go home with my face up. ’

And he knew that if it was Payne's fault in today's game, he would never be able to go out on the field as usual.

‘We have to wait for them to get out anytime. ’

The fighters who did not go to Bulpen once again began to look at the Devil's crew scouting reports, just in case, and those who had not yet entered the battle also began to prepare for their replacement.

And now the player who wanted to go to the game but couldn't go to the game started praying with his hands together.

“God, please let me win like this. Please let me take just one ride with my butt. ”

And the ghost next to him started praying earnestly, holding his hands together.

God, no matter how much Jinjin wants to spread it to him, let's keep the common sense. Does it make sense to throw a ball and take the first place? Greg Madox threw 76 balls when he won the minimum helmet match! He won by 1, so let's not beat him like this. I'm getting sick of this.

Of course, as always, the prayer that touched God was his prayer.

[I won the salvation. Bonus points will be awarded.]

[I won my first victory in salvation. Get a Golden Wheel Pass.]

[Current cumulative point is 2,091 points.]

Jin Yong Lee decorated his first professional victory as a salvation victory.


When Penntrace starts, 10 teams compete on five national grounds unless something special happens.

Dozens of pitchers come to the mountain a day and throw thousands of balls, hundreds of batsmen face the ball, or hundreds of beasts receive the ball.

And I do my best in all of that.

To be remembered by people.

However, only one player was remembered on May 6 in Korean pro baseball.

[Angels, Miracle Reversal!]

[Joon-hyung Park, Angels' divinity becomes Angels' salvation!]

Joon-hyung Park.

I couldn't show my presence in front of the reverse homerun, which made it happen in reality that I couldn't believe just by looking at the letters.

Here comes the real Savior at last!

Angels has finally acquired the Utager Cannon!

Starting today, I'm returning to Park Jun-hyung Bridge.

b. I will return as well.

I believed Park Joon and cured cancer.

It was like the sun.

To the extent that no starlight dares to reveal its presence.

However, even in the sunlight, fireflies shine, but there are those who only shine brightly because they are invisible to the dazzling world.

[Today's milestone, Angels Lee Jin-yong wins by 1!]

“Kim Jinho, take a look at this. My interview is in! ”

Jin Yong Lee.

He was the one who showed me some crazy luck.

Although not as much as Park Joon, I was attracted to the binary purpose of being the protagonist of something that was unusual.

Of course, it was a little different from the kind of attention Park Joon-hyung received.

Lucky bastard.

Four-rock shit.

You're such a pussy.

Baseball fans ridiculed, ridiculed, and laughed at Lee Jin-yong's progress.

Yeah, congratulations. It's nice to see that there are more comments than there are illegal Toto commercials.

And Kim Jinho also made a mockery.

However, Lee Jin-yong was not at all offended by the ridicule.

There was no bad reason.

“Absolutely. How about that? If only we could win like this. ”

The reality is that the players who go through a needle hole and become professionals are not even able to win a single game in the Pro Group and retire.

In that reality, Lee Jin-yong won the first place in the Korean Professional Yard. If there's a reason to feel bad, it's a strange place to work.

“Well, I don't intend to be satisfied with this. ”

Of course, Lee Jin-yong was not willing to be satisfied with this one win.

“Well, let's play it, shall we? ”

I intended to fertilize this income for more and bigger things.

[You have used the Gold Wheel Pass.]

Lee Jin-yong activated the gold wheel obtained as the first salvation reward.

Immediately, the golden wheel welcomed them.

In front of the golden light, Lee Jin-yong smiled brightly, and Kim Jin-ho looked fat.

Lee Jin-yong tilted her head to Kim Jin-ho's expression.

“Why are you not cursing as usual this time? ”

Meanwhile, Kim Jin-ho put a curse on Lee Jin-yong's back whenever she activated the wheel.

Of course, Kim Jin-ho's curse has never been broken before.

I felt something this time.


Every time I put a curse on you, you're awesome.

Kim Jinho also knew that.

When I think about it, I think God has punished me for what I've done wrong.

That's why Kim Jinho decided to use a new method.

So I've decided to cheer you on.

Kim Jin-ho's expression was serious, and Kim Jin-ho pointed his finger at the only diamond in the golden wheel.

Skill [Control Master]

You can't guess the effect of a skill, but you said it was an incredible skill.

I will pray to God for this skill.

Lee Jin-yong said with a firm expression in Kim Jin-ho's words.

“Can't you just put a curse on her like you've done before? It feels really cheap. ”

Of course, in Lee Jin-ho's words, Kim said more earnestly with his hands together, shaking his head.

Jin-yong, you're going to get caught in this car. I'll pray to God for you desperately.

In front of his prayer, Lee Jin-yong turned the wheel.

The golden wheel begins to return vigorously.

God bless Lee Jin-yong! I hope so! Let me catch the diamond cage! I pray!

At the same time, Kim Jin-ho began praying fiercely.

In the prayer, the wheel stopped, and at that moment, Lee Jin-yong looked at Kim Jin-ho in a surprised look.

“Wow, what a praying effect! ”

[You have obtained Control Master Skill.]

For real.

Kim Jinho, his prayer was the first time he touched God.


Sunday, May 7.

Swing three! Game over!

The winner of the fierce Children's Day series of Angels and Devils was determined.

Angels is taking the Children's Day Series against the Devils to the Winning Series!

The winner is Angels.

And in that victory a new hero was born.

It was a series worth writing called Park Jun-hyung Series.

Yes, it is. Park Jun-hyung scored seven points in the third year.

Joon-hyung Park, he became the hero of the Children's Day series.

That was it.

The glory and joy Angels can take in victory before the Devils.

“Good work, everyone. ”

After finishing the Devil's War, Angels had to take a day off and head straight to Incheon for a three-week battle with Sharks.

“Then let's start the meeting just in case before the sharks. ”

Of course, Angels' coaching staff began preparing for the three-year war during the week.

“We should talk about Benjamin first. ”

It started as a checkup for the first wave players.

“How's Benjamin? ”

“I think it's personal, but I'm not disclosing it. I don't think it's a family problem. ”

“Is it about money then? ”

“I think so. ”

In addition, the inspection started with the most important players.

Benjamin Phillips, that's why he was first checked out.

“Do you think the next selection is going to be okay? ”

“But he's still in the Major League, and he's still a minor pitcher. The next game won't even collapse. Instead, Andy is the problem. Seems to care quite a bit about the collapse even though the ball was good before the Devils. This may be a problem at the next election. ”

The next target, of course, became Andy Gonzales.

“In the absence of Yoon-seop, it's over if you shake both of them, so take care of them as much as you can. ”


“What about Chow?”

The third was Chow Choi.

It was a precious selection that allowed Angels to breathe in the absence of Yang Yun Seop with a left-handed pitcher signed for a total of KRW 10 billion with Hong Woo to win this season.

And so far, it's not worth 10 billion won, but on the contrary, it was showing enough action.

In addition, when he recruited Chau Ho, Angels wished him more than just good grades.

“I don't think there's a big problem. I just don't think I fit in well with the team. You know. ”

“I was hoping the canary would spread the Reyvans' winning DNA to Angels. ”

Daegu Rayvans, part of Daegu Rayvans, has invested such a large amount in the hope that the winning DNA will be planted in Angels as the main driver of the Korean series for four consecutive years between 2011 and 2015.

However, looking at what Chow has shown so far, it seems that it was difficult to plant the winning DNA, even if the grades were good.

Of course, that's not the story that matters now.

The only thing we need to discuss right now is not winning, but fighting the next Sharks.

The bong-setter immediately moved on to the next player.

“I want to make Tasun Park No. 4, what do the coaches think? ”

Joon-hyung Park.

He was mentioned the fourth time.

That meant Joon-Hyung Park's presence and the team's value now rank fourth.

“Personally, I think he's a good player for number three, but you don't have to put him in number three to hurt his feelings. ”

“So what's the verdict? ”

“Park Joon-hyung will do my part even if I place him in number 4. ”

At the end of the meeting, the name of the player who was least present and lacking in role was discussed.

“What do you think about Jin Yong? ”

Jin Yong Lee.

When the name came up, Bullpen and Tutsu's expression crumpled.

It was when I encountered something very troubling, rather than feeling bad.

“I don't think I've shown you anything to evaluate. ”

Toothless opened his mouth first.

The semi-secret director nods faintly.

“And as you may have seen, the skills of the Second Sons have been rising again recently. To be honest, I think it's better to call up another pitcher than to take Jin Yong to battle Sharks. ”

Even so, the Bon Temps director nods.

Honestly, if you look at the situation now, Lee Jin-yong didn't have to keep him in the 1st group.

It's not that he couldn't do it, but he didn't do it very well, and it doesn't mean he had anything to expect.

Of course, I didn't give him much of a chance.

But the pro stage is unfair and unfair from start to finish.

A world where talent is everything and results are everything.

A talented person receives more opportunities, and a world that does not.

“I think it's better to leave Jin Yong in group 1 than in group 2. ”

At that time, the patron coach, Bullpen, disagreed with Tutsu.


“We still have to test her skills, but she didn't run away or compromise. From that point of view, binary is a pitcher that is calculated more than any pitcher. You can't mount an ice cube battle or an important situation, but you can rely on binary in situations where losing is necessary. ”

Trust in defeat.

It was a dismal expression for the pitcher himself, but it was a necessary part of the long pennant race.

Not everyone can have all the glory, and someone has to do something bad.

“Jinyong Lee · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

That's why Bong-sik wanted to leave Lee Jin-yong in Group 1.

“I'll see you in a week. ”

It was a moment that prolonged Lee Jin-yong's life by an additional week.

< 19.00. The King of Heavens (1) Lee Jin-yong. > End